Too many replies. And honestly you're turning what (in my mind anyway) was a very simple system into something hugely complicated.
~ First and foremost.
The idea that new or lesser skiiled pilots feel they hurt their team if they lose PVP is stupid.
I don't care if it's someone telling them that (which would be worse) or simply some personal feeling they have of costing their team points. Everyone costs their team points. And no one's going to really improve unless you throw yourself into PVP time and time again. If you really don't want to fly PVP because you don't like it-no problem. If you stay away from PVP fights beacause you're worried about costing your team-you're an idiot, fly the game, get blown up. It's what got me to where I am today

~ Second
The original idea of this was to move the elite pilots out from the specialty ships and into the CC's.
This would serve to break up the killer fleet combos (ie 2CF and a droner in early/DNH + plasma PF tender later)
by giving the elite PVP pilots reason to fly the CC's.
This has 2 effects- as mentioned it breaks up the killer fleets. While a fleet with 3 ace pilots is still going to be tough opposition
It's not the same if a fleet has 2xCCh and a DNH as one that has DNH, plasma PF tender and a droner.
It also allows new players 2 options, they can try and score PVP points by jumping into a CC, or they can fly a specialty ship
and try and push people out of hexes. Whichever they find more fun.
Some people seem hung on the idea that this deosn't really diminish the PVP pilot skill in 1v1's- (no it doesn't)
and want to work out some system where the new pilots are givne some bonus- let me put this out again-
the new pilots have to be willing to lose a ship, to watch how an enemy pilot kills them in order to improve.
I suppose if we wanted to we could have Dave script in a mission button that new players could press that instantly won them the mission and told them how great they were- but I'm not sure if that would teach them anything.
Some people like the concept of having their DNH plioted by their best pilot, escorted in the two best specialty ships they
can put their other top pilots into, and create a near unstoppable small fleet.
They won't like the idea either.
People have pointed out that "well everyone will jump in CCH's...duh"
Yes they will- after 2275. Before that they will (hopefully) be in the CC's/CWL's that
aren't as good as
the races CF.
People are going on about teh heavy metal-
None of this is to be taken to apply to the heavy metal.
Killing a DN is still killing a DN, and the metal would still (I assume) be controlled by point cost.
4th- "but I fly CF's (droners/whatver) this will mean I don't count"
No-it would mean you don't score PVP points, you can still flip hexes and push the enemy off the map if you win a pvp
It is not a perfect system- what it is is an easy to use system that rewards the better PVP pilots for staying out of the super ships of death they practically have to fly these days.