
What type of disengagement rule would you like to see (if any)?

No Disengagement  rule at all
3 (7.9%)
Standard Rules
5 (13.2%)
Same as SGO6  (radius as well as hex PvP occured in)
10 (26.3%)
If Run, Disengage rule (Radius as well), If stay and lose, 1VP point but no Disengage rule *
20 (52.6%)

Total Members Voted: 36

Topic: Storm Season III Disengagement Rule Poll  (Read 44351 times)

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Storm Season III Disengagement Rule Poll
« on: August 28, 2006, 11:37:12 am »
I was thinking of going with #4.  

If you decide to stay and fight, and you lose, the winner gets a PvP point, BUT you can get a new ship and return immediately.  If you run, you are forbidden in that hex and a radius for 30 minutes (time period not set in stone).

Comments, ideas welcome.

ps.  Results of this poll are for information only, and the winner may not be the rule implemented on the campaign  ;)
Capt Jeff

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Re: Storm Season III Disengagement Rule Poll
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2006, 11:39:46 am »
Please note that a lot of the map will be restricted to CL class of ships.
Capt Jeff

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Re: Storm Season III Disengagement Rule Poll
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2006, 12:06:29 pm »
I liked option #4 as well.   It gives an advantage to anyone who is willing to stay in the battle to fight it out.   I nice compromise.

Would the 1 point VC be for all kills?  If it was, this might discourage pilots from just kamikazing their ships at opponents so that they can stay in hex.  Also, my thought here is that if a hex is being fiercely fought over, all pilots should grab a better PvP ship before they enter the area.   You get caught trying to run missions under your opponent with a droner or small-drafting frigate you should pay the consequences.   Same 1 point VC for everyone, none of that hull size comparison crap! Or any other complicated PvP VC system.

Fan of the KISS rules system.

Will all missions be able to draft 3 pilots for each side?   Some missions in SGO6 would only draft 2.   They should be yanked out and tossed , or fixed.  I guess you could go with just missions that draft 2 per side only, but mixing the two really sucks.   If you have a chance of getting either when you draft, you can get really screwed.   The tactical planners would like this to be clear up front.

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Re: Storm Season III Disengagement Rule Poll
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2006, 12:18:30 pm »
Yes, all missions would be 3vs3.

And yes, it may cut down a bit on the FF drafting larger, cause if they can get to you, and kill you first, before they get killed, they get a point too, and can still come back to the hex  ;)
Capt Jeff

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Re: Storm Season III Disengagement Rule Poll
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2006, 12:24:27 pm »
I'm not crazy about awarding VP's for non-metal and non-specialty ships. It's kind of n00b unfriendly.

Keep the same disengagement rule as SG6 but make line cruisers worth nothing. You will see more people sticking it out for PvP.

Specialty ships (fast cruisers, true carriers, droners) should always be worth a point.

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Storm Season III Disengagement Rule Poll
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2006, 12:28:54 pm »
I'm not crazy about awarding VP's for non-metal and non-specialty ships. It's kind of n00b unfriendly.

Keep the same disengagement rule as SG6 but make line cruisers worth nothing. You will see more people sticking it out for PvP.

Specialty ships (fast cruisers, true carriers, droners) should always be worth a point.

I agree with t00l.   Some incentive needs to be established for flying more vanilla ships. 
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Offline Grim

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Re: Storm Season III Disengagement Rule Poll
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2006, 12:47:16 pm »
I think i would vote for option 4, without the "Radius" concept. Either that or the old "standard" disengagement rules we used to have.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2006, 01:25:09 pm by Grim »

Offline Hexx

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Re: Storm Season III Disengagement Rule Poll
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2006, 01:00:08 pm »
What about the idea someone had of only counting PVP kills if they're made by a line (including command) ships?
ie CF kills a CA, no points, CA kills a CF, worth a point.
There wouldn't be any real reason for any of the PVP "aces" to get a specialty ship.
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Re: Storm Season III Disengagement Rule Poll
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2006, 01:41:07 pm »
Do not like Option# 4 cuz it would make all FF kamikaze runs inevitable in the event the VPs are restricted to speciality and BCH-class+ ships .  Option# 4 as-is with 1 VP awarded for killls of any class ship would be too new player unfriendly to contemplate.

So, I have to go with Option 3.

Offline GDA-Agave

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Re: Storm Season III Disengagement Rule Poll
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2006, 02:21:55 pm »
Option# 4 as-is with 1 VP awarded for kills of any class ship would be too new player unfriendly to contemplate.

I don't think that at all.   I think the new players can handle it.  It's usually not the loss of the ship that discourages them, but the harsh criticism that is aimed at them afterward.   Most new players become so gun-shy only after being bitched out about losing this or that ship.   We need to let them know that we support them getting into the mix of things and actively wing with them when asked.  Any good PvP pilot in our community has been mentored by someone.   So, when a new player loses a ship, even needlessly, we should encourage them to try again and learn from their past mistakes.   Everyone else should just get the f*ck over themselves and let them have as much chance to enjoy the game as we once had.

As for PvP kill pts only being awarded for line ships killing speciality ships, that bullsh*t too.   Who are we to tell someone that one type ship should be preferred over another?   Screw that!  That my friends is why we have seen our community shrink.  It's because we have put so many restrictions on things that we have squeezed the fun out of the game for many.

If you all want to put so much emphasis on everyone flying line ships only, make a server with just those type ships.   You'll find out quickly how much the community either likes it or not by how many show up.

Rant over.

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Re: Storm Season III Disengagement Rule Poll
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2006, 02:27:21 pm »
What about the idea someone had of only counting PVP kills if they're made by a line (including command) ships?
ie CF kills a CA, no points, CA kills a CF, worth a point.
There wouldn't be any real reason for any of the PVP "aces" to get a specialty ship.

It's good idea but there are exceptions that should be considered.  Would the "Ubber-line" ships qualify like the R-NHK?  

Maybe go with a BPV cut off point that regardless of class, it's not longer considered a "line" ship.
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Offline Grim

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Re: Storm Season III Disengagement Rule Poll
« Reply #11 on: August 28, 2006, 02:30:47 pm »
It's because we have put so many restrictions on things that we have squeezed the fun out of the game for many.


Offline Hexx

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Re: Storm Season III Disengagement Rule Poll
« Reply #12 on: August 28, 2006, 02:53:39 pm »
Option# 4 as-is with 1 VP awarded for kills of any class ship would be too new player unfriendly to contemplate.

As for PvP kill pts only being awarded for line ships killing speciality ships, that bullsh*t too.   Who are we to tell someone that one type ship should be preferred over another?   Screw that!  That my friends is why we have seen our community shrink.  It's because we have put so many restrictions on things that we have squeezed the fun out of the game for many.

Rant over.

And such an amusing rant it was to..

Seriously though- how does my proposal ruin the game for someone?
If they want to fly a 3 Battleship Fleet with X technology and a button that instantly wins them the mission they're more than welcome to.
Doesn't restrict them from killing someone, or from hex flipping.They simply don't get any points for killing someone.
To me it seems a perfectly reasonable idea.

And the argument that "so many players have left because of restrictions" is .. erroneous as well.
Yes we've lost players because of restrictions, we've lost just as many because of older servers turning into 3XBB fests
We've lost as many as both put together because of the arguing over it. And we've lost more than all 3 because of the age of the game.

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Offline Alphageek

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Re: Storm Season III Disengagement Rule Poll
« Reply #13 on: August 28, 2006, 03:21:49 pm »
Option# 4 as-is with 1 VP awarded for kills of any class ship would be too new player unfriendly to contemplate.

As for PvP kill pts only being awarded for line ships killing speciality ships, that bullsh*t too.   Who are we to tell someone that one type ship should be preferred over another?   Screw that!  That my friends is why we have seen our community shrink.  It's because we have put so many restrictions on things that we have squeezed the fun out of the game for many.

Rant over.

And such an amusing rant it was to..

Seriously though- how does my proposal ruin the game for someone?
If they want to fly a 3 Battleship Fleet with X technology and a button that instantly wins them the mission they're more than welcome to.
Doesn't restrict them from killing someone, or from hex flipping.They simply don't get any points for killing someone.
To me it seems a perfectly reasonable idea.

And the argument that "so many players have left because of restrictions" is .. erroneous as well.
Yes we've lost players because of restrictions, we've lost just as many because of older servers turning into 3XBB fests
We've lost as many as both put together because of the arguing over it. And we've lost more than all 3 because of the age of the game.

Frankly, the age of the game is one of the things that recommends it to me. 

Offline Hexx

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Re: Storm Season III Disengagement Rule Poll
« Reply #14 on: August 28, 2006, 03:40:57 pm »
What about the idea someone had of only counting PVP kills if they're made by a line (including command) ships?
ie CF kills a CA, no points, CA kills a CF, worth a point.
There wouldn't be any real reason for any of the PVP "aces" to get a specialty ship.

It's good idea but there are exceptions that should be considered.  Would the "Ubber-line" ships qualify like the R-NHK?  

Maybe go with a BPV cut off point that regardless of class, it's not longer considered a "line" ship.

While (of course) it would depend on the ship, I don't see it being a huge issue
** OF course noting that I do not fly plasma** I don't see the NHK as being hugely overpowered, one of the best yes, but certainly not unkillable. All joking about my PVP skills (or lack thereof) aside- I've killed player flown NHKs using Fed CLCs, so I'd guess that it is doable by an "average" PVP pilot.
Personally I'd probably cut it off at anything more than 8 fighters (so basic strike cv's would be OK) or more than 4 drone racks , but obviously it is something that the admin would have to decide on
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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Storm Season III Disengagement Rule Poll
« Reply #15 on: August 28, 2006, 03:49:38 pm »
Looking forward to hunting you down in an NHK on SSIII Hexx, Rememeber the alliances?    ;D

Those who's fun is getting trampled by by not being allowed to fly a BBV with 2 escorts should speak up and let us Know.
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Offline Hexx

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Re: Storm Season III Disengagement Rule Poll
« Reply #16 on: August 28, 2006, 03:55:20 pm »
Looking forward to hunting you down in an NHK on SSIII Hexx, Rememeber the alliances?    ;D

Actually I don't -what are they?

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Re: Storm Season III Disengagement Rule Poll
« Reply #17 on: August 28, 2006, 04:01:39 pm »
Looking forward to hunting you down in an NHK on SSIII Hexx, Rememeber the alliances?    ;D

Actually I don't -what are they?

Jeff will have to confirm  SSII was:

Alliance:  Fed, ISC <Snicker>, Romulan, Hydran
Coalition:  Klingon, Mirak, Gorn, Lyran.
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Offline Hexx

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Re: Storm Season III Disengagement Rule Poll
« Reply #18 on: August 28, 2006, 04:05:45 pm »
Looking forward to hunting you down in an NHK on SSIII Hexx, Rememeber the alliances?    ;D

Actually I don't -what are they?

Jeff will have to confirm  SSII was:

Alliance:  Fed, ISC <Snicker>, Romulan, Hydran
Coalition:  Klingon, Mirak, Gorn, Lyran.

Such a shame I'll be flying Fed and won't be able to school you on how to fly their ships..  :P
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Re: Storm Season III Disengagement Rule Poll
« Reply #19 on: August 28, 2006, 04:23:09 pm »
Probably so Bear and I dont kill you 49 times again  :rofl:

You died almost as much as Fluf. <snicker>