Why is that nice?
Part of the strategy of the game is in asset allocation. If you homogenize all ships with uneven AI draws you remove or reduce a stategy element in the game.
What's even worse is an even matchup which is made uneven by a frakked up draw, and a player who should be fighting it out has to disengage because he got the short straw. 
Yes PART of the strategy, it shouldn't be the overwhelming part in my view. That why I'm for a mix of stripping and not stripping. Say 50/50. Then you get roughly 50% no ai, 16 2/3s% where ai is equal for both sides (in a 1 v 1) 16 2/3% ai favors attacker and 16 2/3% ai favors defender. So in an equal match you get roughly a 67 2/3% chance of a basically equal fight in a 1 v 1. The 33 1/3% chance of an totally unbalanced fight is more than offset IMHO by the chance at a better fight if gangbanged by a foe or jumped by an unequal ship class. Not everyone likes to fly big ships and not everyone likes to fly in groups. Chances are the bigger ships and groups will still prevail but it makes for better combats and greater fun, despite the bitching about ai. Also there can be a certain amount of skill in using your ai to its best advantage, not always so but I've found it to be frequently the case.
I would like to see the ai marine count bolstered a bit however, as captures shouldn't be so easy when ai is used in PvP. I'd also like to see the ai always start behind the player so that it wouldn't run out and get killed before the player has a chance to arm his ship and defend it. If the ai started far enough behind a player can tractor it and make it wait before charging ahead into certain early death,
For example: Your match with Warsears and Duck was much more challenging due to ai involvement, you still won but it made for a much better fight.