Frankly, I wonder that you would champion a rule that would make your style of flying much less effective and therefore less useful.
I champion it only to a certain degree. I have reasons for not liking any form of disengagement rule, but to make my preferred style of flying easier is not one of them. If you are going to use a disengagement rule at all I think a sensable use is the best and not one that neuters it, nor one that makes it overly dominant. I also prefer one that makes good roleplaying sense.
I like hex flipping, but I enjoy the risk involved as much as the game effect. If the penalty for getting caught is so insignificant that I can totally ignore it, it poses no great risk or challenge to me. I like the danger factor, same with deepstriking. Long before there was a no disengage for deepstriking rule I always followed it as it didn't seem right not to from both an honor and a roleplay standpoint. I also never logged off behind the enemy lines to make continued deepstriking easier, I fought my way in and out each time, and will always do so barring some emergency or server downage that would prevent me staying on the server until my raid was finished. I see hex flipping on the front the same way. It is a challange with great risks and great rewards with a one hex radius around the planet/base. Many would be easily caught, but with good planning, quick reactions, and at times unorthodox actions one can pull it off and have a blast. If you take away the dnager and challenge it isn't nearly as enjoyable for me. I don't want it neutered in the "hot" area if it is to be used.
As for the "non-hot" areas that aren't around the VCs, I don't see the need for a ban of larger than one hex. Roleplay wise it is just open space, and gameplay wise, it is more new player friendly and more conductive to PvP.
My biggest gripes with the disengagement rule has always been the following:
#1 it encourages gangbanging and discourages 1 v 1 fights
#2 it makes it much easier for an attacking force to knock a defending force off a planet or base especially when very few defenders are on and it is hard for them to wing up and effective counter. And it is almost always the attackers who will have the numbers advantage.
#3 it prevents the "Epic" fights of old such as Pinky Gen on Strom Seasons I and II, Matsukasi's stand at the Citadel on Storm Season I, Deadman's stand at "Thermoplye" during IDSL, Fluf and My stand at Hex 42, 19 on AOTK I, The Battle for Sitay again Storm Season I, and Mertok from AOTK I where Fluf lost the greatest number of Capital ships in the shortest period I think I'll ever see. Present day battles for one area pale in comparison to the bloodiness of those battles. Some can be attributed to player numbers i'm sure, but this is not the only reason as I'd face the same pilots over and over again battling for one hex. On Hex 42, 19 I think i only saw a total of 7 different foes in 18 hours of constant PvP and on our side it was only Fluf and I for most of it with Matsukasi an Maverick helping out fo9r a few hours. Never had anything other than a 1 v 1 the whole time and my Z-CVS was never defeated. Under the disengagemnt rule my foes would have simply gathered a hunter killer group togehter and driven me off immediately.