I have played a lot with the RDSL shiplist and it is really cool to see the B5 ships flying around.
I was curious in RDSL were the White Stars, Vorchans, etc actually flown by you all top gun pilots or where they stuff you encountered in missions and had to fight with regular ships.
Where Sharlin cruisers in RDSL actually in the space dock for purchase ??
Yes they were in the yards and anybody could fly them provided there was points available under the heavy iron rule. I don't remember fighting any but I think you might have gotten a white star as ally AI.
Actually, they had to be assigned by Skull, Kaz. I had to tell him who was getting one and he would assign it while that player was logged off. They never showed up in missions as Ally or enemy.
If they would have shown as AI in missions, can you imagine how the other side would have bitched?

Look how they complained when we swooped in and captured their Lost Tek Station, denying them further ships...

Can you imagine if they would have had to fight them regularly as AI in mission...?
Even when he opened up the shipyards due to popular whining, freeing all to fly BBs, DNs and the like, they still were not in the shipyards for all to buy.