Topic: More RDSL!  (Read 6957 times)

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Offline KBFKaz

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More RDSL!
« on: August 21, 2006, 10:06:05 am »
Revenge of Dr. Strangelove, i gotta admit was some of the most fun I've had on a server to date. The shiplist, the skins, the secrets, the missions, all of it was great!! ;D  Had good numbers on there too. I'm sure that with some minor tweaks (ie: the shadows), this could be the comeback server of the year!

The feedback I have heard on it was the puzzles were most appealling. The race for technology, can it get any better!

If it cant be a mainstream server, is it possible to have it as a "in between" server like the Forge? :multi:

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Re: More RDSL!
« Reply #1 on: August 21, 2006, 10:22:39 am »
I think Bartok was considering doing a re-run of RDSL... it would be fun!

You never know, we might even be able to talk SkullnBones into doing another installment in that wonderful series of his.  :notworthy:

EDIT: Plus I can imagine what kind of neat stuff Skull would come up with with Dave's new and improved editor...  8)

Offline Skaren

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Re: More RDSL!
« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2006, 08:12:33 pm »
I have played a lot with the RDSL shiplist and it is really cool to see the B5 ships flying around.

I was curious in RDSL were the White Stars, Vorchans, etc actually flown by you all top gun pilots or where they stuff you encountered in missions and had to fight with regular ships.

Where Sharlin cruisers in RDSL actually in the space dock for purchase ??

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Offline KBFKaz

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Re: More RDSL!
« Reply #3 on: August 21, 2006, 11:27:11 pm »
I have played a lot with the RDSL shiplist and it is really cool to see the B5 ships flying around.

I was curious in RDSL were the White Stars, Vorchans, etc actually flown by you all top gun pilots or where they stuff you encountered in missions and had to fight with regular ships.

Where Sharlin cruisers in RDSL actually in the space dock for purchase ??

Yes they were in the yards and anybody could fly them provided there was points available under the heavy iron rule. I don't remember fighting any but I think you might have gotten a white star as ally AI.

Offline KBFKaz

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Re: More RDSL!
« Reply #4 on: August 21, 2006, 11:32:11 pm »
I think Bartok was considering doing a re-run of RDSL... it would be fun!

You never know, we might even be able to talk SkullnBones into doing another installment in that wonderful series of his. :notworthy:

EDIT: Plus I can imagine what kind of neat stuff Skull would come up with with Dave's new and improved editor... 8)

Can anybody put the bug in his ear to see what he thinks? I don't know how to get a hold of him. :-\

Offline Bartok

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Re: More RDSL!
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2006, 12:01:07 am »
I had been playing with the RDSL shiplist - then KCW happened.  Then i got hungry for more models from B5 and hunted down some high quality ones and actually got them into .mod format and have played with them....

I've paired down the shiplist quite a bit and haven't fiddled with it in a while - lot of possibilities, but it's a definite cheezefest.   

I'm bummed I wasn't around for the RDSL servers, intrigued by the stories I've heard but just not the same as being there ... mine if it goes up would be a "fun" / in between server....

Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Re: More RDSL!
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2006, 06:40:21 am »
I have played a lot with the RDSL shiplist and it is really cool to see the B5 ships flying around.

I was curious in RDSL were the White Stars, Vorchans, etc actually flown by you all top gun pilots or where they stuff you encountered in missions and had to fight with regular ships.

Where Sharlin cruisers in RDSL actually in the space dock for purchase ??

Yes they were in the yards and anybody could fly them provided there was points available under the heavy iron rule. I don't remember fighting any but I think you might have gotten a white star as ally AI.

Actually, they had to be assigned by Skull, Kaz. I had to tell him who was getting one and he would assign it while that player was logged off. They never showed up in missions as Ally or enemy.
If they would have shown as AI in missions, can you imagine how the other side would have bitched?  ::)
Look how they complained when we swooped in and captured their Lost Tek Station, denying them further ships... ;D
Can you imagine if they would have had to fight them regularly as AI in mission...?
Even when he opened up the shipyards due to popular whining, freeing all to fly BBs, DNs and the like, they still were not in the shipyards for all to buy.

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Offline Kzinbane

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Re: More RDSL!
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2006, 04:14:03 pm »
Hell, I might even dust off my captains chair for RDSL.  Probably the most fun I've had was being a "monster" in that server.  Yeah, killer ship but damn I had my work cut out for me with so many good and great captains gunning for my A$$.

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Re: More RDSL!
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2006, 04:42:44 pm »
I have played a lot with the RDSL shiplist and it is really cool to see the B5 ships flying around.

I was curious in RDSL were the White Stars, Vorchans, etc actually flown by you all top gun pilots or where they stuff you encountered in missions and had to fight with regular ships.

Where Sharlin cruisers in RDSL actually in the space dock for purchase ??

Yes they were in the yards and anybody could fly them provided there was points available under the heavy iron rule. I don't remember fighting any but I think you might have gotten a white star as ally AI.

Actually, they had to be assigned by Skull, Kaz. I had to tell him who was getting one and he would assign it while that player was logged off. They never showed up in missions as Ally or enemy.
If they would have shown as AI in missions, can you imagine how the other side would have bitched?  ::)
Look how they complained when we swooped in and captured their Lost Tek Station, denying them further ships... ;D
Can you imagine if they would have had to fight them regularly as AI in mission...?
Even when he opened up the shipyards due to popular whining, freeing all to fly BBs, DNs and the like, they still were not in the shipyards for all to buy.

They came in two varieties.  There were the super-cheese ships, and then there were the super-X-cheese.

The super-cheese did show up as AI enemies, and they were tough.  I lost more than one ship to an AI shadow cruiser that had speed 31 PF's with ESG-lances.

The super-x-cheese that you had to solve the puzzles for did not show up as AI.

It was a great server with only two flaws I can think of.  It would be great if someone ran another, with toned down super-ships.

What would be even better would be to run a RDSL server with a DSL map.   ;D  That was a great map.  Tons of nebula the rules wouldn't allow you to enter, with a maze of clear space to channel the fighting.


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Re: More RDSL!
« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2006, 02:28:50 pm »
While playing on that server was alot of fun, the DB editing and ship assignments....not so much   ;)

Of course if your telling me there are new and improved DB editing tools to play with...

good to hear some people have fond memories of that one
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Re: More RDSL!
« Reply #10 on: October 26, 2006, 10:44:40 pm »
IDSL was my first real server... always remember that one  :thumbsup:
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Offline Skaren

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Re: More RDSL!
« Reply #11 on: October 27, 2006, 08:56:41 am »
I feel the same way, and my crew is already infesting our current campaign web sight message boards with chatter about the upcoming B5 game.

I would like to thank all those who worked on RDSL, it was a great base upon which I have added numerous other B5 ships from Battle Clinic. 

In our game we are using the League of Non Aligned Worlds to represent the SFC races, the Hybrid universe will be pretty cool.

And what a fantastic background for a ref to insert some fun storyline type of things.  B4, B6, shadows, vorlons, god the list goes on.


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Re: More RDSL!
« Reply #12 on: October 27, 2006, 10:33:26 am »
While playing on that server was alot of fun, the DB editing and ship assignments....not so much   ;)

Of course if your telling me there are new and improved DB editing tools to play with...

good to hear some people have fond memories of that one

I upgraded my editor quite a bit, there's a tutorial in the admin's forum,163369768.0.html

Scippy also put together a new editor, so you might check with him as well.

holler if there are other features you'd like added!


Offline KBFTrajan

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Re: More RDSL!
« Reply #13 on: November 01, 2006, 02:32:12 pm »
the memories of what a blast that server was, i would  come back to play in another one.


Offline [KBF]MuadDib

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Re: More RDSL!
« Reply #14 on: November 04, 2006, 06:41:32 pm »
While playing on that server was alot of fun, the DB editing and ship assignments....not so much   ;)

Of course if your telling me there are new and improved DB editing tools to play with...

good to hear some people have fond memories of that one

what an awesome server that was...the only way to outdo it would be to do another...  :rwoot:

and i would love another fond memory of helping to take out a big bad vorlon....   :flame:
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Offline Mazeppa

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Re: More RDSL!
« Reply #15 on: November 05, 2006, 10:14:30 pm »
I had one hillarious ship.  It looked like a massive onion, and had a rop speed of 27, but had 24 Phaser 3's, and 12 medium speed MIRV racks.  It was very, very efficient at defeating bases and the really tough Shadow ships. 

From May, 2004:  I was in the Bloomin' Onion, and was fighting Green's Whitestar.  Beaqrcat and others were involved, but I don't remember who. 

By the way, we  lost by one point, but me and War Sears only need about another 5 minutes, and we would have won.  We had an entire sector about to fall from a deep strike, when S&B took the server down.  Rats!

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Re: More RDSL!
« Reply #16 on: November 05, 2006, 11:17:56 pm »
I could get into another version of RDSl with IDSL map. IDSL was the same for me, 1st D2 I ever really played on.

Could make a Vorlon vs Shadows campaign....... oo00oooo0000ooo
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Offline Skaren

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Re: More RDSL!
« Reply #17 on: November 06, 2006, 11:06:27 am »
That was the Shadow planet killer with 12 MIRV !!

We have been playtesting it and decided that it was best left out of players hands  :)

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Re: More RDSL!
« Reply #18 on: November 08, 2006, 05:37:39 pm »
I had one hillarious ship.  It looked like a massive onion, and had a rop speed of 27, but had 24 Phaser 3's, and 12 medium speed MIRV racks.  It was very, very efficient at defeating bases and the really tough Shadow ships. 

From May, 2004:  I was in the Bloomin' Onion, and was fighting Green's Whitestar.  Beaqrcat and others were involved, but I don't remember who. 

By the way, we  lost by one point, but me and War Sears only need about another 5 minutes, and we would have won.  We had an entire sector about to fall from a deep strike, when S&B took the server down.  Rats!

I remember that fight.  Bearslayer was with me (I remember we had a considerable speed difference between his ship and mine).

Roids and T-bombs were the best (only?) defense against the Onion.

Only thing I didn't like about the server was the "Clue" game aspect of it ... hated that part ... threw the whole thing off.  Best aspect ... believe it was the first use of the "slot" ... loved that part.  Oh, and the most fantastic models I have ever seen ... perfect.

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Re: More RDSL!
« Reply #19 on: November 08, 2006, 10:05:42 pm »
And I was an ARM for that server. ;D

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