Don't know of it... (damn slackers over at
Transgaming... (j/k)

(FireSoul's crew)) edit: actually, it looks like they've been busy over there, this new version of
Cedega looks promising...
Hmmm OP is in their games db: but does not appear to be listed for cedega 5.1, it is rated for 4.2 however so I see no reason why it would not run under 5.1... I guess you could try the new demo of 5.1 to find out.
edit - more on the subject: (dated post)
I've been playing with
VMWare a lot lately, got a nice slackware install going on my windows box.,163364319.0.html Using the VMWare workstation for Linux (30 day demo - longer if you register for the challenge) you could create a VM for Win9x or XP on your linux box and I can almost guarantee the OP will run on it (I'd try windowed mode for OP). I'd reccomend NAT for the VM and set up the approrpriate port forwading on the virtual network in the Workstation Virtual Networking options for multiplayer. You could then use this VM in the free VM player. This should also be possible with the new Free VMWare server but I have not finished downloading it myself yet so I can't say for sure.
If you do get it working, complete with multiplayer you'll need to remove the portforwarding settings on the virtual network when done playing if you run linux apps that use the same ports (as VMware will keep them tied up).
Technically you'd still be running it on windows so it should work. The more power the machine has, the better the chance it will work well. >1GHz with at least 512MB ram would probably do it. I'd reccomend at least 256MB ram for the VM maybe even 384 if the host can spare it, and make sure the virtual disk is plenty big enough and pre-allocated.
edit: ...and definitely install the VMware tools in the guest OS as reccomended.