Initial thoughts for a mission list (trying to keep this to what I'm sure can be done with the scripting API with a minimal level of bugginess and still support PvP)
Monster missionNo direct combat is permitted between the empires, but they can try to use the monster to stir up trouble
- defending empire ships try to analyze/neutralize the monster (a la SFB style monster missions)
- attacking empire ships try to drive/control the monster to attack the defender ships/planets/bases
Delivery missionsAgain, no direct combat, but the attacker is trying to make the defender's life miserable
- defending empire ship tries to pick up and deliver key supplies/personnel to a disabled planet/base/ship within a time limit (the longer it takes, the lower your victory rating)
- if an attacker is drafted their goal is to impede the process as much as possible without firing on the enemy directly (tractors, picking up the supplies first, etc)
(possibly the supplies are scattered across a variety of asteroids, so the sides are racing between the rocks or some such)
Search and rescueAgain, no direct combat, but both sides are trying to be the ones to "rescue" the third party
- tow a disabled ship out of range of a black hole/ion storm/sun/meteor shower
Smuggler/patrolAn empire-vs-cartel mission
- the cartel ship is trying to find and pick up goods from a planet/base/asteroid/wreckage and get away with them (may involve scanning a number of locations to find the goods)
- the empire ship is trying to make sure the cartel ship's mission fails, by any means necessary
Pirate dutyBasic pirate-vs-empire ship-to-ship combat
Base bustingAnother pirate-vs-empire combat mission, but in this one the empire ship needs to find the pirate base (scanning through an asteroid field, they detect the base when they're within range X with scanners on?) while the pirate ship is trying to prevent the empire ship from surviving if they do find the base.
Convoy escort/raidMuch like the existing convoy missions, except it's cartel-vs-empire, and the cartel player is seeking to capture and escape with one or more freighters
- the attacking player is attempting to place a spy/saboteur/instigator onto a planet, give them X turns to carry out their mission, then recover them and get away
- the defending player is attempting to capture the spy/saboteur/instigator red-handed, in which case they are permitted to open fir on the attacker's ship (scanning the planet for the spy for a certain duration within a certain range allows detection of the spy)
Plant the flagEmpire-vs-empire: no ship-to-ship combat is permitted, but firing upon planets/moons is ok:
- a race to capture and hold a number of planets/moons within a small system, victory goes to whoever controls the most ground at the end of the mission
The trouble with tribblesI've always wanted to come up with a mission version of this episode... will post ideas later
