No, not at all. Lots of people like Hardcore. A server running it might go over really well. Most of all the good stuff is still there, just the fat of OP+4 (mainly the scads of freighters) and the rare/unique ships are removed. It could work out really well.
Have no fear, with each passing day the urge to run another SFB-OP server grows stronger in me... (full SFB cheese compliment, fleets allowed, no disengagment rule... a casual fun server to enjoy real furball fleet battles with lots of hectic action).
Some of you hardcore types really should check out the UAW server as well, if you haven't already, the work that went into that mod is astounding. No, its not a tradtitional SFC server nor is it meant to be, just appreciate it for what it is. Every time I fly on it I am amazed and have fun with alll the neat toys.