From what I've been told, the licencing and rules for transporting such things is also dependant on whether the weapon has been sharpened to an edge or not; There's a speciality shop in one of the local malls around this town that sells things like that, four-foot warswords and whatnot, and a Supply Sergeant that sells those nasty looking knives. I asked about the swords in the fantasy shop and was told that because there was no edge, there are no particular rules for transporting the thing within the city, or even the country, though you might get an odd look from airport security (or, perhaps, this being post 9-11, shoved to the ground by a troop of submachine gun toting guards and shown to guantanimo bay.

From what i've seen on the site however, and from several painful comments on the consequences of 'concealing' the weapon by 'sticking the thing down (one's) pants' it would be safe to assume that they are sharpened and fall under the guidlines for restricted weapons. I suppose if I pestered the guy in the Supply Sergeant he could tell me all about the rules for that... but I tend to get nervous in shops full of cammo gear, assorted firearms and sharp knives.
