Topic: Which SFC game is your favorite?  (Read 34186 times)

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Re: Which SFC game is your favorite?
« Reply #260 on: March 08, 2003, 12:25:19 pm »

"However, it is HIGHLY unlikely that without D+D there would have ever been a Diablo, wouldnt you agree?"

Noo.. Diablo was inspired by nethack.
.. nethack, however, was inspired by MANY things, including D&D.

-- Luc


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Re: Which SFC game is your favorite?
« Reply #261 on: March 08, 2003, 12:40:24 pm »

The main issue I have against warping is..

.. because of it, you can't have seeking weapons.

-- Luc  

Actually,tactical warping is something that has been missing all along. It would be great to pull a "Picard manuever" or hear the engines straining to out-run heavy plasma. Definately should have been part of a Trek game. As far as seeking weapons , missles are ok but only as a "poor man's" weapon on freighters,pirates,escort shipts,etc.As for plasma, never made any sense as a seeking weapon ; HOW??? no guidance system (and people talk about "magic photons"). The speed of plasma should be increased so you'd have to warp to escape it,makes much more sense. The only true seeking weapon outside of missles should be a special Fed homing torpedo. I don't have a machine that can run SFC3 so i would like these  kinds of things in OP (I know thats never gonna happen though).  


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Re: Which SFC game is your favorite?
« Reply #262 on: March 08, 2003, 12:47:31 pm »

Actually,tactical warping is something that has been missing all along. It would be great to pull a "Picard manuever" or hear the engines straining to out-run heavy plasma. Definately should have been part of a Trek game. As far as seeking weapons , missles are ok but only as a "poor man's" weapon on freighters,pirates,escort shipts,etc.As for plasma, never made any sense as a seeking weapon ; HOW??? no guidance system (and people talk about "magic photons"). The speed of plasma should be increased so you'd have to warp to escape it,makes much more sense. The only true seeking weapon outside of missles should be a special Fed homing torpedo. I don't have a machine that can run SFC3 so i would like these  kinds of things in OP (I know thats never gonna happen though).  

*hisss*.... not SFB! .. *hisssss!*

.. seriously, yes all good ideas but these things have no room in SFC:OP or other SFB-based game. It would break everything else that's already in there, all balanced and ready to go form of SFB.
.. SFC3, however,  could have had all of those ideas no problem.

.. warping would be a definite nono in a SFB-based game, don't you think?

-- Luc


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Re: Which SFC game is your favorite?
« Reply #263 on: March 08, 2003, 01:40:05 pm »
"inspired bythe board game Star Fleet Battles"...."uses a great deal of the SFB material,but has also made some changes and enhancements" - Orion Pirates manual Introduction. (for those who may have lost their manual) Inspired by but NOT  SFB. The enhancements I think are necessary to help capture the flavor of Trek,something a board game could never do. So for me , bring on the enhancements to make a great game even better.For a strictly SFB-based game, break out the card table.  
I'm not looking to start a big argument ,just present a different point of view. It seems Trekkers and SFBers both really enjoy this game and i hope it will stay that way  (How about a configuration menu to turn on/off features like warp,etc.)
Or at least that big SFB________ST slider!    



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Re: Which SFC game is your favorite?
« Reply #264 on: March 08, 2003, 02:01:32 pm »

"inspired bythe board game Star Fleet Battles"...."uses a great deal of the SFB material,but has also made some changes and enhancements" - Orion Pirates manual Introduction. (for those who may have lost their manual) Inspired by but NOT  SFB. The enhancements I think are necessary to help capture the flavor of Trek,something a board game could never do. So for me , bring on the enhancements to make a great game even better.For a strictly SFB-based game, break out the card table.  

Yeah well, my arguments are simple:
1- there are plenty of canon ST games out there. This is my SFB one. Don't bug me and my game. This is how I like it.
2- without SFB there would be no SFC..
3- Have you tried my OP+ shiplist lately? That's all from SFB you know.

See.. SFC:OP is my favorite SFC. It's the closest to SFB of the bunch. ..  


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Re: Which SFC game is your favorite?
« Reply #265 on: March 08, 2003, 02:21:06 pm »

Inspired by but NOT  SFB. The enhancements I think are necessary to help capture the flavor of Trek,something a board game could never do.


But that's why MOST of us SFB advocates WOULD HAVE WHOLEHEARTED SUPPORTED SFC:TNG (3) as SFC4. AFTER the SFB arc is COMPLETED in the form of GAW.

I know there ARE people who prefer the "trek" elements over the "wargame" type offered by SFB. Which is why I am glad SFC3 is made. But I am sorry to see it displaces the last hope of GaW. (Nanner, I am not saying it IS the cause, I am just saying it deferred GaW, possibly into oblivion.)

We are asking for GAW for the exact same reason SFC3 should get Dominion Wars expansion. It ISN'T complete.


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Re: Which SFC game is your favorite?
« Reply #266 on: March 08, 2003, 02:53:37 pm »
          I have no doubt that he wished to move away from D+D and base is on Tolkien, etc. Tolkien, Moorcock, Saberhagen, they all predated D+D, and no doubt INSPIRED D+D.

Also, if not FOR D+D, the appeal for Diablo would not have been there, as the genere would not exist.

And yes, hit points, spells, armor, D looks ALOT like D+D, which looks alot like the CURRENT Film version of LOTR, but not so much like what the books describe. (Original books, not movie adaptations.)

I dont NEED a "card table" to play a pure SFB game, I can fire up OP. Its the closest thing we have ever had to date. Indeed, the ONLY thing we have had... Unfortunately it has been changed, distorted and streamlined prior to being completed. To say nothing of the prior 3 SFC titles actually being FINISHED, LOL!

Have a nice day!  

Mentat Jon

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Re: Which SFC game is your favorite?
« Reply #267 on: March 09, 2003, 09:26:42 am »
easy sfc2 more ships more enemies of the Federation to kill  


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Re: Which SFC game is your favorite?
« Reply #268 on: March 10, 2003, 09:24:56 am »
Personally (this is totally subjective), I feel that SFC actually boosted SFB more than the other way around. I don't know if the Interplay/ADB contract stated the SFB material had to be included, but I bet it got ADB more than a few new customers or reintroduced old ones to the game. I have bought all the mainstream (alpha sector) SFB modules of the current ruleset from ADB's site. I don't even PLAY SFB anymore, and didn't have a ton of opportunities to do so in the '80s when I WAS playing. Those SFB products are a wealth of information for SFC mods -- I know that much, at least.

The discussions about D&D don't really sway me much either way; it was (and is?) arguably the most popular RPG ever, and would have eventually had a lot of successful computer games based on its basic ideas. I also don't buy the simplified ruleset comparison, since SFC was already using a certain level of depth. It's one thing to take a simpler game and make it more complex as the medium and players become better suited for it. It is quite another to simplify a solid game, requiring less of its players. Now, I don't feel that SFC3 was solely a simplification (some things like more gradual range/damage tables just make better sense when you're not tied to dice rolls), but it was certainly perceived as "dumbed down" by a percentage of its potential audience.

About the shows and such, I'd have to agree a well-written wartime Trek show would be a much bigger draw for me than Voyager or Enterprise have been. DS9, in my opinion, was absolutely the best Trek for about 2 years during the meat of the Dominion War story arc. Sure, there were diversions and filler stories, but what really made the show worthwhile was the almost Shakespearean politics and character tension that served to fuel the battle scenes that so many sci-fi fans enjoy. A similar treatment could be done with an SFB-based war story, though it would have to be far more limited in scope just to allow for proper character development. A Fed/Gorn/Kzinti vs. Klingon/Lyran/Romulan (sorry ISC and Hydrans) storyline would offer a great deal of potential. Not only would the two factions be going at each other, but there would also be a wealth of internal politics and intra-alliance squabbles to keep things interesting. I suppose this could be done in a post-Enterprise, pre-TOS time period with perhaps some modifications to or replacements for the Lyrans/Kzinti.

Of course, there will be many who point out "Gene" would never have accepted a war-torn universe for his ideal world. I don't think he was as divine as many people make him out to be. Specifically, I think it is hypocrisy to include mass destruction of life (how high were the death tolls of Trek episodes in ships and crew?) at the push of a button without also allowing for, and indeed examining closely, wars and their effects on the lives of the people caught in the middle of them. However, I have probably angered enough people already, so I won't take this discussion further.

Getting back to what I feel has been really valuable in this thread, I really do think OP is the best game of the series, if only that D2 were fixed. I know I've said it many times, but I think it bears repeating.


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Re: Which SFC game is your favorite?
« Reply #269 on: March 10, 2003, 11:53:59 am »

Personally (this is totally subjective), I feel that SFC actually boosted SFB more than the other way around. I don't know if the Interplay/ADB contract stated the SFB material had to be included, but I bet it got ADB more than a few new customers or reintroduced old ones to the game. I have bought all the mainstream (alpha sector) SFB modules of the current ruleset from ADB's site. I don't even PLAY SFB anymore, and didn't have a ton of opportunities to do so in the '80s when I WAS playing. Those SFB products are a wealth of information for SFC mods -- I know that much, at least.


hehehe, sounds exactely like my story.....ADB should be thanking Taldren for my $750 in rule books and miniatures since SFC got me interested again.