Topic: Chat in game  (Read 1773 times)

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Chat in game
« on: August 11, 2006, 11:33:38 am »
I remmeber when I played my first dyna -- we had the option of joining chat in the following mannor

/join alliance
/join coalition

As you can see those types of chat would really help -- and are much better then individual races.
Was there a reason this feature hasn't been able to run on the last 6-10 servers?



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Re: Chat in game
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2006, 11:46:51 am »
I know you can privatly chat with a single player like:

/tell KHH_ShadowLord What hex you at?

and then only KHH_ShadowLord will get the message, but I am not sure about a mode to team chat on D2 camps(then again this is my first one :P )
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Re: Chat in game
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2006, 11:57:04 am »
I remmeber when I played my first dyna -- we had the option of joining chat in the following mannor

/join alliance
/join coalition

As you can see those types of chat would really help -- and are much better then individual races.
Was there a reason this feature hasn't been able to run on the last 6-10 servers?


That would have been on a combined shiplist server. Or perhaps someone manually created those channels on a server.

I have tried to use custom chat channels a number of times on Dynaverse servers before but could never get it to work.

Perhaps S'Cipio can enlighten us if he was the one who did it?

I can give it another go and see if I can get it to work...

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Re: Chat in game
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2006, 03:39:24 pm »
it used to be that i could hack into all the race channels with an irc client. the channels were hosted by gamespy iirc. my big complaint with tells is that people often have dreadfully hard names to type correctly and if you screw it uop everyone on channel gets to read your "private" message.

i would love to have just the very easy
/join alliance
/join coalition

that would be very beneficial but not as much as the teamspeak servers
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Re: Chat in game
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2006, 05:01:57 pm »
I tried combined channels today, they worked but one could join the opposing team's chat channel in game.  :huh: It also slowed the creation of the other chat channels considerably, while the duplicates for each race failed. Might be able to find a way to make it work with permissions intact with a little more screwing around on a test server...

Yes, I agree, the simpler the character name the better for tells. Handles like CMH-TyOchull-12th_RM and whatnot are a real pain...
(and of course no apostrpohes, spaces or other weird characters and do not start it with a number or tells will not work at all)


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Re: Chat in game
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2006, 06:23:48 pm »
It might be worth going with anyway Bonk. Honor system would have to be observed but I don't think that's a problem for most peeps. We've outlawed spying for a long time now.

Even if somebody got classified info what would they do with it? I know if I found out anyone was spying in Coalition chat I would come down on them like a ton of bricks, and I'm certain Krueg would do the same.

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Re: Chat in game
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2006, 06:34:35 pm »
Even with t00ls irrational fear of spies (who would do such a thing  ::) )
I don't think it'd be an issue. What are they going to read?
"Player X , since you're out of hexes xx, yy, go work the planet at x1,y1"
Which you'd be able to tell by the news anyway.

Plus the ability to jump channels might be a bit easier to do for some RM's than switching TS channels. OR switiching between TS and VT
if you need to talk to another RM.
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Re: Chat in game
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2006, 07:06:28 pm »
Okeydokey then, I'll put the combined chat channels back in with tomorrow's edits. Just don't login in immediately after the server starts up, give it a few minutes, otherwise the general channel will not be up for you to join when you login. (that's a relatively minor issue though). We can fart with the settings some more on a test server later to see if we can get it working with the proper permissions as well...

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Re: Chat in game
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2006, 09:56:08 am »

I have tried to use custom chat channels a number of times on Dynaverse servers before but could never get it to work.

Perhaps S'Cipio can enlighten us if he was the one who did it?

It wasn't me.  I don't actually remember being on a server where that was possible.  Maybe it was BBJones.  If you've gotten it to work now, that's cool!

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Re: Chat in game
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2006, 10:04:23 am »
Yup, its working, but the permissions aren't right, players can join the opposing team's channel and since there are 4 entries in \Assets\CommonSettings\ for each team channel, it tries to create each team channel four times, but the six extra channel creation attempts fail, delaying the creation of the remaining chennels considerably (by a good few minutes). I'll play with it some more another time to see if I can work out the kinks.