Topic: Leagues  (Read 1662 times)

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Offline darkknight

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« on: August 03, 2006, 12:36:00 pm »
Are there any like the old Starlance  going these days?

Offline Skaren

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Re: Leagues
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2006, 03:16:08 pm »
One of the folks on this forum said the games I run are similar to the old Starlancer campaigns.  I was not part of those back then so I cannot really tell you if that is true or not.

My group usually runs 1 or 2 campaigns a year, been doing so for ungodly number of years.  Currently we are (in two days) kicking of a training campaign for a bunch of new players that joined our group.  Trying to get em up to speed for the winter gaming season.  You should be able to get a feel for our game by looking over the web site.

Generally (not in the training one, teams in that one Fed/Klingon Border only) everyone runs a nation, you handle economics, building, repairs, politics, fleet movement and battle resolution.  Larger full scale campaigns usually run in the winter when we are suffering from bouts of cabin fever   >:(

Typically in our game, turns consist of one week of negotiation time, followed by about 2 weeks for players to hook up and do battles SFC: OP (I host em and track damage results).  So typically we do about 2 turns a month.   Depends on battles some months we can get several turns in.  Our longest running campaign, ran a year and half.  The Training one is expected to run a few months.

Most of us are older and have families so we can only devote so much time to gaming.  Sucks getting older, but beats the alternative   :)

Feel free to ask any ?'s

StarFleet Command: Orion Pirates Campaign System

Offline Komodo

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Re: Leagues
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2006, 09:08:06 pm »
This is something that has been in the works for some time now:

Consortium Ultimate Gaming Services

I'm not sure how far they've come to date... it seems some admins get antsy about advertising specific yet relative sites such as this. Dunno why...
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Offline Bonk

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Re: Leagues
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2006, 11:32:04 am »
it seems some admins get antsy about advertising specific yet relative sites such as this. Dunno why...

Josh has had a habit of spamming CUGS ads and has been spoken to about it a number of times. You'll notice that Chris Jones did not get any flak over posting the updated link to his new website once. The difference is that CUGS is a commercial venture, that is the distinguishing feature. Don't get me wrong, I like Josh and what he does for SFC, but we have to be strict about our advertising rules (the other admins are far more anal about it than me) I'm just trying to be helpful to Josh to make sure he does not get into trouble here again.

The Dynaverse.Net website may contain bulletin boards, chat rooms, access to mailing lists or other message or communication facilities. The user agrees, when taking advantage of such facilities, not to do any of the following:


(g) advertise or offer to sell any goods or services, or conduct or forward surveys, contests, or chain letters; or


As I stated in Skaren's thread:

Don't know where you got that idea, can you link the post for me? I need to put that dangerous little myth down ASAP.

The only non-advertising rule we have here pertains to spamming posts to advertise another site or products, particularly those unrelated to SFC. If you wish to make an outright advertisement for something not related to SFC, then PM what you wish to advertise to Frey for approval.

We are here for the discussion of SFC campaigns run by anyone, that is our purpose.

So please get it straight, we are here to foster networking and gatherings of like minded SFC gaming people, we just ask that no advertisements for commercial services or products are posted without admin approval.

Skaren's campaigns are free, so he is free to post about them as much as he likes. (withing reasonable spamming limitations of course) Anyone is welcome to post links to free SFC related sites and may even submit their site for listing on our links pages:

Even non-SFC related links are welcome, so long as you are not the owner of a commercial site spamming our boards with links to your site for advertising purposes. (i.e. it is OK for you to link an e-bay auction or amazon sale or whatever that you have found for other users, but you may not post links to sites for the purpose of your own financial gain). The one exception was Dave Ferrell posting about an e-bay auction of his, but that was special circumstances and was understandably allowed.

So please, if you have said this anywhere else, please direct the people that have been misled to this post so that they can get the straight poop, thanks.