k, so the majority of the work is done, how about some background on this ship? It looks like a smaller and faster counterpart to the Intrepid, some kind of explorer type ship. It would help me decide on the stats, although the weapons wont have the power of the midwinter class which is a pathfinder based warship.
The Aggressor Class was built in the TNG era, Ten years after the Nemesis event timeline.
Well although it is smaller than Intrepid..
It was meant to be a humble little attacker ship like the Defiant.
Which is why it has so many torps around it and is named the Aggressor Class..
Its nacelles fold downward instead of upward like its sister ship the (Interpid).
The USS Audacious design was built mostly for the CGI cartoon series we are currently working on now.
Here is the opening credits flick:
http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=1246057154In the series we created a new Race of bad guys called the " LEWGEN ".
Species: Lewgen
Home World: Bluvannava
Government: Bluvonian
Very little is known about the Lewgen.
The Lewgen are rumored to be as close to Klingons as any race encountered by the Federation.
Very Hostile and Extremly territorial, The Lewgen resemble Remens and Jem Hadar.
The Lewgen have no vocal cords and breath H2O.
The Lewgen Ranking System:
ADMIRAL = Hundrr




ENSIGN = Hyterr
Ok, so the majority of the work is done, how about some background on this ship? It looks like a smaller and faster counterpart to the Intrepid, some kind of explorer type ship. It would help me decide on the stats, although the weapons wont have the power of the midwinter class which is a pathfinder based warship.