Topic: What ship is your SFB/SFC persona commanding or on?  (Read 8241 times)

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Offline Brezgonne

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Re: What ship is your SFB/SFC persona commanding or on?
« Reply #20 on: August 09, 2006, 08:36:13 pm »
In your Dreams, Karnak. That ship has 40 power :P

This is Dizzy seeing Karnak's beautiful I-BCV =>  

Did not mean to scare ya. ;D

Here you go Karrak. Enjoy. YIS Y183 or so give or take a year. Oh and a big plus, it's LEGAL. Phasers and plasma, batteries and APR are X-Tech. The rest is standard tech.

Offline Soreyes

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Re: What ship is your SFB/SFC persona commanding or on?
« Reply #21 on: August 10, 2006, 02:04:56 am »
The DF or DWD  KHS Close To The Edge

[img width=600 height=150]

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Re: What ship is your SFB/SFC persona commanding or on?
« Reply #22 on: August 10, 2006, 05:33:25 am »
Commanding officer USS Crasher, Federation heavy command cruiser (CB), NCC-1733

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Re: What ship is your SFB/SFC persona commanding or on?
« Reply #23 on: August 10, 2006, 06:28:19 am »
Nice, not one I'm familiar with as my 'captains edition is about 20 years old.

But I did one based on an Orion heavy cruiser I'll try to post (if customs are allowed), but out of stock preference I usually take the KF5R, or KR cruiser.

I'de say stock, obvious but currently SSDsless ships, and the like. Mine's a conjectural ship. It's not quite a DNL but to big for exactly a BCH (Same is true of all the D-class Tholian ships). I've got the SSDs if anyone is curious about what their favriote ship looks like in the original. Your orion for example is alot more useful than it's SFC version since the bugger has real option mounts.

Yup, the option mounts are exactly why I chose the ship (and orions typically use what the capture) so I had a very non traditional weapons package, all within a reasonal BPV value for that hull but still a bit outclassed against fed heavys for that era (early tech). The cloaking device displaced (both in BPV and power consuption) some weapons but I felt it fitting for a pirate ship.
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Re: What ship is your SFB/SFC persona commanding or on?
« Reply #24 on: August 10, 2006, 07:25:29 am »
NCC-1712 USS Majestik Moose; Fed CC+

For fun and games: F-BCV; R-SPJ; or H-SAR.

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Offline Dizzy

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Re: What ship is your SFB/SFC persona commanding or on?
« Reply #25 on: August 10, 2006, 08:04:27 am »
I spent a good part of my early career as a starfleet captain in this thing. In fact, I killed you Brez quite a few times in it on Articfires, hehe. The general excellence of this ship made up for my lack of skill and helped bring down many a foe. I don't think I ever lost one of these in any of the campaigns I flew.

I give you the U.S.S. Star Union, NCC-2112 F-DNH Class Dreadnought, being released this weekend for download:

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: What ship is your SFB/SFC persona commanding or on?
« Reply #26 on: August 10, 2006, 10:05:50 am »
In your Dreams, Karnak. That ship has 40 power :P

This is Dizzy seeing Karnak's beautiful I-BCV =>  

Did not mean to scare ya. ;D

Here you go Karrak. Enjoy. YIS Y183 or so give or take a year. Oh and a big plus, it's LEGAL. Phasers and plasma, batteries and APR are X-Tech. The rest is standard tech.

Are the XP rules Official yet?  Partial-x Upgrades might make for an interesting test/cheese server.
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Offline Brezgonne

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Re: What ship is your SFB/SFC persona commanding or on?
« Reply #27 on: August 10, 2006, 10:17:27 am »
They were published in a captains log and are written by SVC so they are probably as offical as your going to get till X1R formally comes out. As far as cheese, it's not so bad since overall it makes ships more expensive.

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Re: What ship is your SFB/SFC persona commanding or on?
« Reply #28 on: August 10, 2006, 11:07:40 am »
  The one I like is in my sig F-CB 1741 real penent number I do like F-CX or the Taldren version of F-CCX.I don't like the 6x3 photon laucnchers that is on server for the most pat.I just like 4x2 that is in the stock OP+4.0 mod.I don't like seeing the F-CB get hurt either.

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: What ship is your SFB/SFC persona commanding or on?
« Reply #29 on: August 10, 2006, 11:51:24 am »
They were published in a captains log and are written by SVC so they are probably as offical as your going to get till X1R formally comes out. As far as cheese, it's not so bad since overall it makes ships more expensive.

In your opinion, what "works" in SFC for the XP refits?  I'm thinking the XPR and conversion of PH2 to PH1 is the only thing that "works" and isn't ridiculous. 
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Offline Brezgonne

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Re: What ship is your SFB/SFC persona commanding or on?
« Reply #30 on: August 10, 2006, 12:06:09 pm »
They were published in a captains log and are written by SVC so they are probably as offical as your going to get till X1R formally comes out. As far as cheese, it's not so bad since overall it makes ships more expensive.

In your opinion, what "works" in SFC for the XP refits?  I'm thinking the XPR and conversion of PH2 to PH1 is the only thing that "works" and isn't ridiculous. 

phaser conversion, drone rack conversion, plasma conversion (albit with different letters here), XPR, XBTTY, hydran fighter conversion all work. Bear in mind that 2 BPV per APR doesn't sound like much in and of itself but it adds up FAST. The Completely XP'd ISC CC comes up to being just 5-6 points short of the 315 point CCX for example. As with all things, some ships benifit more than others. Note than since SFC lacks the M-Torp, and we are using R's for them, we'd need to bump up the XP cost for S to M somewhat to reflect that.

And for those people looking at their favriote war cruiser to apply the big refits to, :P can't.

Using the Kzinti DDL as a example; applying the XP refit(s) to it gets it 2 more power, and changes the 2 B racks to two GX racks. can install XBattery but there is rarely a point to in SFC. Base cost: 114. Final after XP cost: somewhere in the area of 138 depending on what you do to it.

Using a popular Fed ship, CLC:

Base price: 143
XP Price: around 192
+4 Power, +8 Btty, Ph3->Ph1, G racks to Gx racks.

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: What ship is your SFB/SFC persona commanding or on?
« Reply #31 on: August 10, 2006, 12:19:30 pm »
The drone upgrade is ridiculous for XP is ridiculius in OP.   The accepted GX-Rack convesion on OP+ is an B-rack and an AMD12, that is too silly to put on a DN.

Can you imagine t00l wrethcing at a C10K with 8 AMD12?   ;D
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Offline Brezgonne

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Re: What ship is your SFB/SFC persona commanding or on?
« Reply #32 on: August 10, 2006, 12:28:49 pm »
The drone upgrade is ridiculous for XP is ridiculius in OP.   The accepted GX-Rack convesion on OP+ is an B-rack and an AMD12, that is too silly to put on a DN.

Can you imagine t00l wrethcing at a C10K with 8 AMD12?   ;D

8 points per rack is ridiculius? o_O

considering that your C10K just cost as much as a frigate to upgrade the racks and considering the drone control for it and the Fed in SFC are both wrong, meh.

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Re: What ship is your SFB/SFC persona commanding or on?
« Reply #33 on: August 10, 2006, 12:33:36 pm »
Using a popular Fed ship, CLC:

Base price: 143
XP Price: around 192
+4 Power, +8 Btty, Ph3->Ph1, G racks to Gx racks.
What does this and XP mean X Phasers or what?What are M torps as well as GX Racks mean?

Offline Brezgonne

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Re: What ship is your SFB/SFC persona commanding or on?
« Reply #34 on: August 10, 2006, 12:38:42 pm »
Using a popular Fed ship, CLC:

Base price: 143
XP Price: around 192
+4 Power, +8 Btty, Ph3->Ph1, G racks to Gx racks.
What does this and XP mean X Phasers or what?What are M torps as well as GX Racks mean?

X Phasers, for the purposes of SFC, are identical to Ph1s.

A Plasma-M is the torpedeo between a S and a R that the X Cruisers are supposed to have. SFC doesn't have this weapon due to taldrens idiocy so whever did the X-Ships used R's instead.

In SFB a GX rack is basicly just a G Rack that held 2 more spaces of drones.

Offline Brezgonne

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Re: What ship is your SFB/SFC persona commanding or on?
« Reply #35 on: August 10, 2006, 12:43:36 pm »
The drone upgrade is ridiculous for XP is ridiculius in OP.   The accepted GX-Rack convesion on OP+ is an B-rack and an AMD12, that is too silly to put on a DN.

Can you imagine t00l wrethcing at a C10K with 8 AMD12?   ;D

By my cound DH, said C10K costs 360 BPV. Now, silly question.... but can't Tool afford a B10 with that?  ;D

And I will say it again; the C10K and the Fed DNH are both supposed to have single drone control. You can hate me all you want and ignore that but that is what they are SUPPOSED to have and arguing with that point won't change that fact, nor will thinking it's stupid.

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Re: What ship is your SFB/SFC persona commanding or on?
« Reply #36 on: August 10, 2006, 12:51:04 pm »
I think (part of) the point is, hte way the D2 runs BPV doesn't *really* matter
Whereas yes, in SFB if upgrading your ship with a plethora of new x-tech (let me guess.. nothing cool for the Lyran?)
costs as much as a frigate, or even a cruiser, in D2 it just means you have a realy big ship.
AI draw will get a little tougher, but in PVP there's no issue.
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Offline SideSwipe9th

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Re: What ship is your SFB/SFC persona commanding or on?
« Reply #37 on: August 10, 2006, 07:26:22 pm »
As you can see in my sig I like commanding my Intrepid class light scout 8)

I've always been fond of the smaller ships myself, I prefer to out manuaver my opponents rather than outgun them :D

Offline Brezgonne

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Re: What ship is your SFB/SFC persona commanding or on?
« Reply #38 on: August 11, 2006, 12:53:37 am »
I think (part of) the point is, hte way the D2 runs BPV doesn't *really* matter
Whereas yes, in SFB if upgrading your ship with a plethora of new x-tech (let me guess.. nothing cool for the Lyran?)
costs as much as a frigate, or even a cruiser, in D2 it just means you have a realy big ship.
AI draw will get a little tougher, but in PVP there's no issue.

Lyrans have access, in a SFC sense, to the phaser, power, battery refits.

Lyran BCH-XP: Ph3s to Ph1s (+2 net), +4 power (50 total power), 14 battery. Aside from that, nothing translates over to SFC.

Lyran DNH-XP: 16 ph1s, 4 ESGs, 6 disr, 69 power, 19 battery, 280ish BPV

And as far as drawing harder AI, using the above C10K-XP, you'd be drawing battleships or the equivlent while only actually having a DN.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2006, 01:03:45 am by Brezgonne »

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: What ship is your SFB/SFC persona commanding or on?
« Reply #39 on: August 11, 2006, 10:17:11 am »

And as far as drawing harder AI, using the above C10K-XP, you'd be drawing battleships or the equivlent while only actually having a DN.

AI draw is not the issue Brez if the classes get too ridiculous in PvP.  The Power and Phaser refits are the only ones that really work and don't screw with racial balance.   We've made other tweaks for the same reason.
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