That makes the 70th time you've mentioned me and my 70 textures. That little critique has run it's course, I'd say.
MP and others have kitbashed my ships before and those have ended up on other sites (SFC3files, BCFiles, Battleclinic, etc.) and I didn't have a problem with it, nor should I. I never said anything about my ships being SFC only, I just said I didn't want certain ships posted elsewhere. Kitbashes using only some parts of ships are an exception as long as people make the formality of asking ahead of time. I'm certainly not the only modder to make that little request.
Kitbashers can use whatever or who ever's parts they want and as FW pointed out, there are sometimes particular reasons for their choices. Texture size, detail, mapping, unforeseen errors that require an alternative to be found, personal preference, conformity between parts, program limitations, the original modeler being an egotistical self centered tyrant who's trust has been blunted by others, the list goes on.
All of that is besides the point, however. It's the kitbasher/modder's choice to use whatever they want and as long as they're satisfied with the results, that's all that matters.