Topic: Slave Girls 6 is UP and has a New DL. We are using a Flatfile DB Now.  (Read 11458 times)

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Offline Dizzy

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EDIT: As of the morning of the 8th at 2:46pm we are suing a flatfile DB and everything is running well. Rest of this post below is old.

Bonk knocked it outta the park with his OCI, huh? The two of us had some slick stuff working there... and player feedback was nothing but positive. But alas, we are a ways off from being able to really use it yet. As we all know SQL is almost there, and some more good news is that with such a heavy initial player load, a problem was revealed that will now be fixed. Bad news is that there are two other problems that we cannot fix without a code adjustment from magnuman and then several more tests.

Good news is that we will continue this server, but on flatfile. We are anticipating a stable server with upwards of 30 people. We will try to have it ready by tomorrow evening or whenever Bonk gets it to work. Here is what we are planning:

1) Server will resume at stardate 2267, it was 2266.
2) Everyone will start off in cruisers with 10k in the bank.
3) Some special ships not able to be purchased will be assigned to those that need them.
4) The map will retain current (as of an hour ago or so) hex ownership and base information. We will TRY to maintain hex DV as well.
5) Embassy bases in other friendly empires will now have a Colony World (unarmed planet) there.
6) Base Station missions will be included in the new installer and BS pricing will be around 20k, Bats 30k, SB 40k and all bases will now be destructible.
7) Planet Heavy Assault missions will have their 3 Bats reduced to 2 and FF will be removed.
8 ) 3x FF missions will be removed. Convoy Raid will be removed.
9) You will need to D/L a new installer.
10) We will still have a Webmap current to the last turn with full features.
11) We can still assign ships so we will still use the 'Keep what you capture' feature, although it may be a day before such ships will be assigned.

Without OCI and SQL, everyone will need to make each one account for every friendly race they want to fly. You no longer have to match your forums email to the GSA email.

Web warping using the OCI to change your characters hex position on the map is gone so you'll just have to fly hex by hex to get where you are going.
Ship buying will have to be done thru the shipyards now and will not be instant. It will take 4 minutes or less to get new ships from the shipyards.
Transferring races, covered that above, you'll need 4 accounts one for each race or more if u want...

Well, I'm gonna miss the OCI, but I'm looking forward to a stable server packed with people. Hats off to Bonk for showing us what's in store for this game in the not too distant future.

See you all tomorrow night!

« Last Edit: August 08, 2006, 02:43:47 am by dizzy »

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Re: Slave Girls 6 is on HOLD untill tomorrow...
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2006, 12:17:04 am »
Thanks guys for the ol college try :)

Hats off for everything you guys do, rain or shine!
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Slave Girls 6 is on HOLD untill tomorrow...
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2006, 12:21:57 am »
We really thought we had it... or were at least close enough to get it to run decently... SG6 experienced more and faster player loads in 2 days than it ever did on the forge, so the results were quite unexpected. We had hoped for a more Forge smooth like operation... Oh well. Good will still come from it.

Im so depressed. Mb if I go buy a laptop, something I've been wanting a really long time, it will help make me feel a little brighter. Then I can play my son in 1v1 SFCOP games. My other desktop I scrapped for spare metal... So what's a good graphics card to get on laptops now days? Go with the duo core or amd processor? I keep hearing 17" true widescreens are best, but are they just widened 15" or 14"?

Offline Bartok

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Re: Slave Girls 6 is on HOLD untill tomorrow...
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2006, 12:29:54 am »
Don't be depressed man,

It's all a learning experience and as you say - good will come from it!!  Though - since we're moving to flatfile how bout upping the number of disruptors on klingon bases to compensate for the 8 photons on Fed base stations ::)

he hehe - as far as a laptop purchase goes, i don'e have any particular knowledge of what grahpics cards are better than others for them, but.... least you can get goood laptops now for under 3K (as opposed to 4 years ago)

Cheers Man

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Re: Slave Girls 6 is on HOLD untill tomorrow...
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2006, 12:34:46 am »
A bit OT Dizzy, but I'd probably go with AMD dual core if I could find one. Not sure what to advise on the video question however.
Man...if I knew I wouldn't get bombed for being green in OP online (no pun intended), I'd join you guys in a minute! Alas...I have not practiced enough to do as good as the rest of y'all.  :(
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Offline Father Ted

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Re: Slave Girls 6 is on HOLD untill tomorrow...
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2006, 12:40:13 am »
As far as laptops, if you absolutely have to have one now, go with a Centrino duo core or AMD AthlonX2. Or you could wait a month or two for the new processors Intel is supposed to be coming out with. As for screen size, that depends on how much bulk you want to lug around. If it's not a big deal, go with the 17" screen, otherwise, buy a 15.4". The video card shouldn't really matter for OP or EAW, but if you're into high-end 3D gaming, stick with a desktop. Notebooks aren't designed for top-of-the-line games.

Whichever way you go, make sure it's Vista capable.

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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Slave Girls 6 is on HOLD untill tomorrow...
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2006, 12:42:17 am »
Though - since we're moving to flatfile how bout upping the number of disruptors on klingon bases to compensate for the 8 photons on Fed base stations ::)
F-BS   2   Phot   ALL   2   ADD12   2   4   DroB   3   2   Ph4   FX   2   Ph4   ALL   2   Ph4   RX   1   Ph3   FX   1   Ph3   ALL   1   Ph3   RX
F-BS+   2   Phot   ALL   2   ADD12   2   4   DroB   3   2   Ph4   FX   2   Ph4   ALL   2   Ph4   RX   1   Ph3   FX   1   Ph3   ALL   1   Ph3   RX
F-BSF+   2   Phot   ALL   2   ADD12   2   4   DroB   3   2   Ph4   FX   2   Ph4   ALL   2   Ph4   RX   2   Ph3   FX   2   Ph3   ALL   2   Ph3   RX
F-BSFR   2   Phot   ALL   2   ADD12   2   4   DroB   3   2   Ph4   FX   2   Ph4   ALL   2   Ph4   RX   2   Ph3   FX   2   Ph3   ALL   2   Ph3   RX
Now if I add up all 4 of those I get 8.  :P What are you talking about?

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Slave Girls 6 is on HOLD untill tomorrow...
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2006, 12:50:54 am »
As far as laptops, if you absolutely have to have one now, go with a Centrino duo core or AMD AthlonX2. Or you could wait a month or two for the new processors Intel is supposed to be coming out with. As for screen size, that depends on how much bulk you want to lug around. If it's not a big deal, go with the 17" screen, otherwise, buy a 15.4". The video card shouldn't really matter for OP or EAW, but if you're into high-end 3D gaming, stick with a desktop. Notebooks aren't designed for top-of-the-line games.

Whichever way you go, make sure it's Vista capable.

Is the centrino the performance processor? And yeah, big is better. Thieves can run as fast with larger heavier laptops. Allows me more time to shoot them b4 they get away. Also, wider laptops have 10keys. At least some Ive seen have them. Do larger laptops with bigger screens have bigger batts?

Offline Father Ted

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Re: Slave Girls 6 is on HOLD untill tomorrow...
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2006, 12:58:01 am »
Not really. If you want better battery life, go with the AMD Turion. That's the feedback I get from customers, anyway. And it will handle OP, no sweat.

PS: as for ten key number pad, HP has a couple of laptops that offer it on their 17" models. Not sure about Sony or Gateway.

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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Slave Girls 6 is on HOLD untill tomorrow...
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2006, 01:03:41 am »
Ya, but is turion a performance chip? Ill sacrifice batts for speed and performance anyday.

Offline Father Ted

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Re: Slave Girls 6 is on HOLD untill tomorrow...
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2006, 01:14:06 am »
No, Turion is more of a number cruncher chip. Centrino and Athlon duo cores are your performance chips. Either way, Turion CAN handle OP, but if you want the best and baddest, go with the other ones. And an update, I think Toshiba makes a 17" with 10 key number pad as well.

PS: If you can wait, this should be on the shelves in a month or two:

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Re: Slave Girls 6 is on HOLD untill tomorrow...
« Reply #11 on: August 07, 2006, 03:38:01 am »
I think i'm done for the campaign then, unfortunately.

After using the OCI I can't go back to flatfile.

I might pop in a little if theres a lot of PVP going on...

Bonk, feel free to keep on using the webspace I gave you.
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Slave Girls 6 is on HOLD untill tomorrow...
« Reply #12 on: August 07, 2006, 06:04:20 am »
Thanks for the webspace sky. I'll PM you when things get medieval on the server... Yeah, we lost a few features, but the core is there, bro. Draft your enemy and kill his ass! We still are able to assign ships so you can keep what you capture. Hopefully see ya back and while we flew, we had fun, huh? How bout that base assault?

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Re: Slave Girls 6 is on HOLD untill tomorrow...
« Reply #13 on: August 07, 2006, 07:14:15 am »
Definately Intel for laptops, the Dualcores ar ehte ways to go.   I have a Geforece 6600 GO graphics card and games like Star Wars BF2 looks great.   Mines a year old so anything newer will kick more ass.

15.4  screen is ideal, I think the 17's are a bit too big for a portable PC
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Offline Dfly

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Re: Slave Girls 6 is on HOLD untill tomorrow...
« Reply #14 on: August 07, 2006, 07:52:36 am »
Though - since we're moving to flatfile how bout upping the number of disruptors on klingon bases to compensate for the 8 photons on Fed base stations ::)
F-BS   2   Phot   ALL   2   ADD12   2   4   DroB   3   2   Ph4   FX   2   Ph4   ALL   2   Ph4   RX   1   Ph3   FX   1   Ph3   ALL   1   Ph3   RX
F-BS+   2   Phot   ALL   2   ADD12   2   4   DroB   3   2   Ph4   FX   2   Ph4   ALL   2   Ph4   RX   1   Ph3   FX   1   Ph3   ALL   1   Ph3   RX
F-BSF+   2   Phot   ALL   2   ADD12   2   4   DroB   3   2   Ph4   FX   2   Ph4   ALL   2   Ph4   RX   2   Ph3   FX   2   Ph3   ALL   2   Ph3   RX
F-BSFR   2   Phot   ALL   2   ADD12   2   4   DroB   3   2   Ph4   FX   2   Ph4   ALL   2   Ph4   RX   2   Ph3   FX   2   Ph3   ALL   2   Ph3   RX
Now if I add up all 4 of those I get 8.  :P What are you talking about?

He is talking about the post from last Friday or Saturday which showed the weapons list of the starbases.  It showed 8 photons on that base.  You should remember it you commented on it a couple times.  If I can find it I will copy it here or link it here, provided no one has removed it.

Offline Dfly

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Re: Slave Girls 6 is on HOLD untill tonight...
« Reply #15 on: August 07, 2006, 07:56:33 am »
here is the post:

Fed Bats: 8 photons, 2 drone racks, 4 ph1, 8 ph3, 6 ph4

8 photons is bloody absurd when most of the other bases listed here only have half the number at most.

Kzinti: 4x Disruptor 3, 2x Missle Rack B, 4x Phaser 1, 8x Phaser 3, 6x Phaser 4, 1x ADD 12

Why does the Klingon BATS have more drone racks than the kzinti and more .....actually why is the Kzinti BATS the weakest one here?

Klingon: 4x Disruptor 3, 4x Missle Rack B, 6x Phaser 3, 6x Phaser 4, 2x ADD 12

Rombulan: 2x Plasma G, 2x Plasma R, 8x Phaser 3, 6x Phaser 4

ISC: 2x Plasma F, 1x Plasma G, 1x Plasma S, 4x Phaser 1, 8x Phaser 3, 6x Phaser 4

Umm... isn't this supposed to have PPDs?

Gorn: 2x Plasma G, 2x Plasma R, 4x Phaser 1, 8x Phaser 3, 8x Phaser 4

Why does this have more Ph4s than anyone else?

Lyran: 4x Disruptor 3, 8x ESG, 12x Phaser 3, 6x Phaser 4

8 ESGs iand the swarm of ph3s is insane compared to the other bases here.

Hydran: 6x Fusion, 4x Hellbore, 2x Phaser 1, 1x Phaser G, 6x Phaser 4

it's missing ph-g's and a number of other things compared to the others.

Found it on page 2.  the thread is:,163369131.0.html

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Slave Girls 6 is on HOLD untill tonight...
« Reply #16 on: August 07, 2006, 08:08:01 am »
Those are battlestations not base stations. Dont waste my time. You know as well as I that that is an old outdated post.

F-BATS   BATTLE_STATION   4   Phot   ALL   3   ADD12   2   2   DroB   3   2   Ph4   FX   2   Ph4   ALL   2   Ph4   RX   4   Ph1   ALL   4   Ph3   ALL   4   Ph3   ALL
F-BTSF+   BATTLE_STATION   4   Phot   ALL   3   ADD12   2   2   DroB   3   2   Ph4   FX   2   Ph4   ALL   2   Ph4   RX   4   Ph1   ALL   4   Ph3   ALL   4   Ph3   ALL
F-BTSFR   BATTLE_STATION   4   Phot   ALL   3   ADD12   2   2   DroB   3   2   Ph4   FX   2   Ph4   ALL   2   Ph4   RX   4   Ph1   ALL   4   Ph3   ALL   4   Ph3   ALL
K-BATS   BATTLE_STATION   4   Dis4   ALL   3   ADD12   2   2   DroB   3   2   Ph4   FX   2   Ph4   ALL   2   Ph4   RX   4   Ph1   ALL   4   Ph3   ALL   4   Ph3   ALL
K-BATS+   BATTLE_STATION   4   Dis4   ALL   3   ADD12   2   2   DroB   3   2   Ph4   FX   2   Ph4   ALL   2   Ph4   RX   4   Ph1   ALL   4   Ph3   ALL   4   Ph1   ALL
K-BATSR   BATTLE_STATION   4   Dis4   ALL   3   ADD12   2   2   DroB   3   2   Ph4   FX   2   Ph4   ALL   2   Ph4   RX   4   Ph1   ALL   4   Ph3   ALL   4   Ph3   ALL
K-BATSR+   BATTLE_STATION   4   Dis4   ALL   3   ADD12   2   2   DroB   3   2   Ph4   FX   2   Ph4   ALL   2   Ph4   RX   4   Ph1   ALL   4   Ph3   ALL   4   Ph3   ALL

There are few differences between the Bats. The time it took you to find that link, Dfly u could have instead posted the above of which you have easy access. Its in your specs folder. Is there a point you are trying to make here? Edit: well looky there, the Klinks have too many Ph1's on their Bats+ from 2268-2271.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2006, 08:23:23 am by dizzy »

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Re: Slave Girls 6 is on HOLD untill tonight...
« Reply #17 on: August 07, 2006, 09:44:03 am »
OK OK OK -----

It wasn't my intention to flare tempers.... i thought i could/would sneak in a little joke.  Base stations / battle stations my bad, didn't mean it to garner any response beyond perhaps a snicker or an eye roll.....  I'll be more careful in the future....

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Re: Slave Girls 6 is on HOLD untill tonight...
« Reply #18 on: August 07, 2006, 10:34:13 am »
OK OK OK -----

It wasn't my intention to flare tempers.... i thought i could/would sneak in a little joke.  Base stations / battle stations my bad, didn't mean it to garner any response beyond perhaps a snicker or an eye roll.....  I'll be more careful in the future....

If you open that can of worms, it's important to remember that Kzintis were shortchanged the most...
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Re: Slave Girls 6 is on HOLD untill tonight...
« Reply #19 on: August 07, 2006, 10:41:03 am »
Bartok, to repent you must write down 300 times: