Topic: SGO VI Official Role Play and Smack Talk Thread  (Read 22693 times)

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Offline KBF-Kurok

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Re: SGO VI Official Role Play and Smack Talk Thread
« Reply #60 on: August 17, 2006, 10:43:53 am »
Damn fun game even if i hit a rock.


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Re: SGO VI Official Role Play and Smack Talk Thread
« Reply #61 on: August 17, 2006, 02:07:15 pm »
"News flash just in.  Aparantly Dizzy does scream like a girl, while he Diehard and Karnak run for the border with Dizzie's famed Federation DVL burning brightly accross the night sky.  What a pretty sight 8), but a horrible sound ;) "

Oh please. DH's exaggerating. After that near game deciding hit, I kept wanting to go in for another pass, which we did. He was screaming, pleading, begging for a retreat. We even had a moment of mutiny when he ordered Karnak to just warp out thinking foolishly I'd do the same. DH's condition appeared to degenerate rapidly and sensing a heart attack or stroke, I chose to disengage... as a favor to his health. Afa screaming like a little girl... maybe because you lived to fight another day... And that is all. Untill we meet again...

Nobody scratched my paint in this game, even though DH kept telling me to run over T-bombs!!  :o

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Re: SGO VI Official Role Play and Smack Talk Thread
« Reply #62 on: August 17, 2006, 02:29:23 pm »
Ahhh so that 'take the hit' order so I could blow that LDN out of the water didnt get to ya... bastich!

Offline TraumaTech

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Re: SGO VI Official Role Play and Smack Talk Thread
« Reply #63 on: August 17, 2006, 03:37:06 pm »
I can back up the screaming and laughter from Dizzy and Duck...  and could only imagine the noises made by Trauma and Kurok.

Heck, I couldn't tell who was who from all the commotion...  not until Dizzy and Duck viewed their films did we know the answer.

 :gg:  was a HOOT to listen too!!!!!!!!!

   ROFLMAO    no  screaming on our side at all....just kewl confidense  :)   errrrrrrrr  ummmm wellllllll   i think that changed once the asteroid magically appeared   hehehehe   then i t was magically delicious   :popcorn:    god ........  pass me another   :drinkinsong:   i wanna make sure this is  prejectile like  :puke:  when  it comes out   :banghead:   

Offline TraumaTech

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Re: SGO VI Official Role Play and Smack Talk Thread
« Reply #64 on: August 17, 2006, 03:41:42 pm »
+1 to TT for mentioning the fact I was actually part of this battle...

I think I have to go see a shrink about  girl like screams coming over dizzy intercom now.

   had to duck  * coughs  looks both ways.......*.i think Diz is trying to take credit for the victory  :)   did ya notice how you weren't in any of those pics*coughs*  runs away  :)

Offline Dfly

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Re: SGO VI Official Role Play and Smack Talk Thread
« Reply #65 on: August 17, 2006, 06:05:24 pm »


And finally to TT and or Kurok(maybe Dfly or LK can pass this along)  please don't forget to post your kill on Dizzy and his Fed CLC. You two actually killed it with direct fire, however you would have got to post the kill even if you had pushed him into a rock.

I did mention it to him last night but I see it has not been posted.  I will ask him again. thx.

Correction, it has been posted, I just missed it.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2006, 06:16:41 pm by Dfly-L-RM »


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Re: SGO VI Official Role Play and Smack Talk Thread
« Reply #66 on: August 17, 2006, 11:03:44 pm »
Coaltion squadron of Zaphod, Khan and JediFrog (karnak) engaged MRogue and ShadowLord.

Long story short, we won and the alliance pee-youssa were ejected from the sector.. ;D

ISC uber alles. ;D

Offline ShadowLord

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Re: SGO VI Official Role Play and Smack Talk Thread
« Reply #67 on: August 17, 2006, 11:23:59 pm »
As in keeping with tradition --

I blame my wingman for our loss...

Lets see I had a Mirak BF Mrogue had a F-CLC

They had an ISC CCY Klingon DWD and Rom KRCS

Mrogue Screwed up totally -- see he got hurt early so they wanted to kill him -- which meant that the KRCS got seperated and left alone to face me while the other two tried to hunt down my wing...

Again my wing screwed up here -- he barely bought me enough time to kill a CA before he came back to me for support -- jeeze what a crap pilot -- after that we once again wound up separated and he was behind the enemy while they chased me ..all of a sudden a rock jumped up in front of the dwd and he had to stop during which time my useless wing launched drones at the dwd while it was dead in the water and well -- pushed it into the rock-- he then had to do an E/Stop to avoid the rock himself. I moved in to cover him from the ISC CCY and paid the price by getting nailed... Once again my useless wing was there to step up and cover my ass while I repaired my engines from 17 up to 22 and we both flew off the map.

Hats off you guys nailed us -- we flew off and you lost two ships ..

With luck we can do better next time.


PS Mrogue -- next time fly a little better will ya

Offline KHH_Mrogue

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Re: SGO VI Official Role Play and Smack Talk Thread
« Reply #68 on: August 17, 2006, 11:31:31 pm »
:notworthy:  I'm sorry I let you down once again...

*Shrugs shoulders*

I'll do better next time...

*feeling bad*




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Re: SGO VI Official Role Play and Smack Talk Thread
« Reply #69 on: August 17, 2006, 11:40:54 pm »
Frakking good job guys.  ;D

Offline Dizzy

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Re: SGO VI Official Role Play and Smack Talk Thread
« Reply #70 on: August 17, 2006, 11:52:01 pm »


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Re: SGO VI Official Role Play and Smack Talk Thread
« Reply #71 on: August 18, 2006, 08:51:10 am »
As in keeping with tradition --

I blame my wingman for our loss...

Lets see I had a Mirak BF Mrogue had a F-CLC

They had an ISC CCY Klingon DWD and Rom KRCS

Mrogue Screwed up totally -- see he got hurt early so they wanted to kill him -- which meant that the KRCS got seperated and left alone to face me while the other two tried to hunt down my wing...

Again my wing screwed up here -- he barely bought me enough time to kill a CA before he came back to me for support -- jeeze what a crap pilot -- after that we once again wound up separated and he was behind the enemy while they chased me ..all of a sudden a rock jumped up in front of the dwd and he had to stop during which time my useless wing launched drones at the dwd while it was dead in the water and well -- pushed it into the rock-- he then had to do an E/Stop to avoid the rock himself. I moved in to cover him from the ISC CCY and paid the price by getting nailed... Once again my useless wing was there to step up and cover my ass while I repaired my engines from 17 up to 22 and we both flew off the map.

Hats off you guys nailed us -- we flew off and you lost two ships ..

With luck we can do better next time.


PS Mrogue -- next time fly a little better will ya

Itsa too bad that you needed a rock to save your little kitty tutus. ;D

Bad rock!!

Youssa had to leave bombad quick before messa itty, bitty ship BBQ you real good.  What you so scared of? Youssa had 2 ships and messa only have silly little Frog CCY thingie. Youssa don't even scratch the paint, and youssa leaving!? Whensa youssa thinka youssa gonna fight?  Youssa want me to lower dey shieldsa first?  You needsa messa to turn off the Plasma S torps for youssa first?

 And, don't youssa come back to messa Coalition space udderwise wessa gonna smack around you boyos real good, okey-day?. ;D


:P :P

Offline ShadowLord

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Re: SGO VI Official Role Play and Smack Talk Thread
« Reply #72 on: August 18, 2006, 09:29:44 am »
Once again I blame my wing El Karnak....

He failed to bring extra diapers for my bridge crew and once you knocked my engines out -- the  smell demanded a return for Kazinti space for resupply.


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Re: SGO VI Official Role Play and Smack Talk Thread
« Reply #73 on: August 18, 2006, 10:06:27 am »
Once again I blame my wing El Karnak....

He failed to bring extra diapers for my bridge crew and once you knocked my engines out -- the  smell demanded a return for Kazinti space for resupply.


[RP Off]
Just wanted to say that we had a new player on our team and we all had lotsa fun. Most fun in a long, long time. ;D
Matter more to me than any dyna rules points or whatever. I'm not sure I know the PvP point rules anyways. :P

 Flying in the Roids was lotsa fun too. I think I almost ran into a couple roid's myself. ;D


Wessa gonna smack you if youssa come back!! :P

Offline KHH_Mrogue

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Re: SGO VI Official Role Play and Smack Talk Thread
« Reply #74 on: August 18, 2006, 01:56:32 pm »
And THOSE kitties sure can't use a litter box either.  I offered to transport 2 pallot loads of Tidy Cat over with a barrel od baking soda...

OH THE SMELL  :puke:

But NNNOOOOOOOOO, Ducks says he's too busy to lower a shield and all I heard was "Wipe please..."

Best game by far, thanks el-Karnak, Khan and Zaphod, something to remember

 :dance:   :singing:

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Re: SGO VI Official Role Play and Smack Talk Thread
« Reply #75 on: August 18, 2006, 05:49:22 pm »
Last night Kittylitter (Dizzy) L-DWV fell to my H-MKE.

He made a huge mistake. trackering me when I have 6 gats.

In the end, I lauched 2 SSs in his direction and hit him where the sun dont shine. ;D

Captain of the MSC Maus
SILENCE.....I keel you!!!

Offline Dizzy

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Re: SGO VI Official Role Play and Smack Talk Thread
« Reply #76 on: August 18, 2006, 06:00:39 pm »
Last night Kittylitter (Dizzy) L-DWV fell to my H-MKE.

He made a huge mistake. trackering me when I have 6 gats.

In the end, I lauched 2 SSs in his direction and hit him where the sun dont shine. ;D

Hey, Gatlings dont scare me at range 2.5k and I was doing good till I figured out the weapons on that ship only fire forward.  :o What you did to me in the end was just plain mean...

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Re: SGO VI Official Role Play and Smack Talk Thread
« Reply #77 on: August 18, 2006, 10:12:14 pm »
Since this is a smack thread.... ;)

t00l and I took on Kroma and WarSears in a call-out from Kroma and Sears.

Kroma, in an FDW, decided on the tried and true tactic of the Klingons and chose to castle (!?!). 

Sears in a (gee, guess what) D5DR elected to improve the odds of their castling strategy and rushed us and was killed once seperated and <cough> tractored.  Kroma then let out a shrill girly scream and ran. 

Couldn't have had more fun if I was killing 4 BoB in a gank. :D

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Re: SGO VI Official Role Play and Smack Talk Thread
« Reply #78 on: August 20, 2006, 10:42:09 am »
Keeping with the theme.  As an arranged handicap match, Evil Kraven in his shiny new F-CFS+ and Duck in his new H-CHC challenged me to a no point match, with me in a K-FDW.

Kraven drafts, we all get in, and I have control of an F5C as my only wing.  Within the first 2 minutes my wing tractors Kraven, stops, shoots and drops a scat.  I overfly my wing and shoot and drop a scat.  Kraven drops my front shield only and tried to T-Bomb the first scat but puts it too close to himself.   BOOM he goes. 

Meanwhile back at the ranch, Duck is waddling his way over, and laughing.  A few passes later I have  minor damage, my wing is working well, and Duck crawls off the map at speed 15 torn apart.  Death to the Duck I yelled, but he felt it safer to not stick around.

Turns out my F5C was more help to me than Duck was to Kraven or Kraven was to Duck  ;D

Next time I will help their handicap by adding a 3rd wing.  ;)

Offline ShadowLord

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Re: SGO VI Official Role Play and Smack Talk Thread
« Reply #79 on: August 20, 2006, 10:44:12 am »
Oh come on -- we all know the truth of the matter

I hung Kraven out to dry just because he was flying a fed!! Doh maybe thats why Kraven didnt get close to me either =-- I was flying Hydran -- naturally the smell would affect his bridge crew.