Keeping with the theme. As an arranged handicap match, Evil Kraven in his shiny new F-CFS+ and Duck in his new H-CHC challenged me to a no point match, with me in a K-FDW.
Kraven drafts, we all get in, and I have control of an F5C as my only wing. Within the first 2 minutes my wing tractors Kraven, stops, shoots and drops a scat. I overfly my wing and shoot and drop a scat. Kraven drops my front shield only and tried to T-Bomb the first scat but puts it too close to himself. BOOM he goes.
Meanwhile back at the ranch, Duck is waddling his way over, and laughing. A few passes later I have minor damage, my wing is working well, and Duck crawls off the map at speed 15 torn apart. Death to the Duck I yelled, but he felt it safer to not stick around.
Turns out my F5C was more help to me than Duck was to Kraven or Kraven was to Duck

Next time I will help their handicap by adding a 3rd wing.