Film!!!! Film!!!!
yes you should view the will detail the precise way of tracking down a homo fed despite having m-cva as a wing with it's 16 fighters.errrrrrrr ummmmm until rogue asteroid desides to intervene lol it was an awsome game though neither duck or dizzy new what to do.Kurok and i just kept following them with mauler and plasma just waitting for them to het,all the while ,we danced around those little drones as if they were not even biggest error was falling behind dizzy with with EM on and had forgotten they were on,when Kurok and i had closed the distance with dizzy,after having separated Duck from his girlly-man like partner(i am sure i heard dizzy begging for duck to do something in the void of space) meanwhile i closed and got within range 5.99(tried to fire) dizzy tried to go around a asteroid..nothing over and over before i realized(OH F- - -) EM ON!!! by the time i turned it off i was very close to Dizzy and he tried to tractor me and slam me into the asteroid (lol) but i was so close that the only way he could do it was to slam himself as well.He emerg stopped but to late as my momentum(and a top down view which was what really killed me,as i just didn't see the asteroid until it was to late)slammed me into the asteroid,and as dizzy was hurt,my explosion,follow by Kurok as well not seeing the asteroid slamming into it,and his subsiquent explosion,took dizzy out with us

dam fine game(least for us,upto this point) great game guys