The extra copies of the kit were started after I grabbed that database so that is not the reason the editor had issues, the server did crash for the first time since it started just before this copy of the db however, which may be realted. I'll PM you a link to the troublesome db momentarily Dave.
Database from 9:10 PM Central restored, server rebooted.
Only about an hour is lost in the difference. I'll be sure to check for Dizzy on TS before I edit and reboot the server in future, apologies for any inconvenience.
The question is why did the terminal server allow multiple sessions on the same login?... oh wait I think I know why, I'll have to check with Frey to see if we can prevent that from happening should we get our wires crossed again. Tough one though, tricky call as to wther to allow dupliacte sessions or not. hmmm....