The server is back up.
- Max DV 10 hexes edited to a max DV of 15 by manual db edit with a hex editor.
- Team leaders assigned a PP bonus of 15K by manual db edit with a hex editor.
- Database cleaned with Darkelf's cleaner - shipyards will fill up within the next 4 turns. (db was still at 1426KB, 864KB after cleaning, I expect it to stabilise at ~1400KB again once the yards fill up.)
- Dave's editor choked on the db... (before I attempted cleaning with DarkElf's) while getting objects it maxed the cpu to 100% then sat there for ten minutes or more - I tried it twice. We will find an alternat arrangement for assigned ships. Likely a key script and ship assignment version of the serverside shiplist to be used next maintnenance cycle if I can coordinate with the assignees.
If the server is destabilised by these edits I will simply revert to the db before these edits were made, though I expect it to be fine.
- Scheduled automatic backup setup for 4 AM and 4 PM daily as an extra backup.