Father Ted keep the Bombshelter doors open I might have to enter quickly after this next post

Ducks (Continued)
Duck sitting in Ready room behind his desk looking dejected.KRolling: Okay, champ. What's wrong?
Duck lifts his head and shoots her a disgusted look.KRolling: All right, stupid question. But don't you think you're taking this Kzinti RM thing a bit too hard?
Duck: Too hard?! I don't have enough indignities in my life now I gotta deal with Chuut, Lyrkiller, and Soreyes throwing T-bombs at me!
KRolling: At least they aren't nuclear space mines.
Duck: I hate this frickin' race.
KRolling: Then quit. You should be going to Starfleet Academy anyway...
Duck: Please, Kim. Last thing I need is a lecture at this point.
KRolling: All I'm saying is that if you're unhappy you should leave.
Duck: I'm not even supposed to be here today!
KRolling: I know. I stopped by your quarters on the starbase and Mini-Me said you left at like six or something.
Duck: Chuut got Gorn fever and couldn't RM.
KRolling: Don't you have a batlef tourney at two?
Duck: Yes! And I'm going to fight like Sh@#$ because I didn't get a good night's sleep!
KRolling: Why did you agree to come in then?
Duck: I'm only here until twelve, then I'm gone. The t00l is coming in.
KRolling: Why don't you open the liquor cabinet and pour yourself a drink?
Duck: The last captain of this ship sprayed the locks shut.
KRolling: You're kidding.
DucK: Bunch of Felines in this ship.
KRolling: You look bushed. What time did you get to bed?
Duck: I don't know-like two-thirty, three.
KRolling: What were you doing up so late?
Duck: (skirting) Hunhh? Nothing.
KRolling: (persistent)What were you doing?
Duck: Nothing! Kahless! I gotta fight with you now?
KRolling: Who's fighting? Why are you so defensive?
Duck: Who's defensive? Just...Would you just hug me?! All right? The Kzinti RM is having a bad day and he needs to be hugged.
Kim stares at Duck.Duck: What? What is that?
KRolling: She called you, didn't she?
Duck: Oh, be real! Would you...Would you please hug me? I'm going through a very traumatic experience, all the spraying and caterwaulling and such, and I haven't been having the best day so far. Now come on.
Kim continues to stare.Duck: What? What's with that look?! I wasn't talking to anyone, especially her! Look at you, being all sort of...I don't know...stand-offish.
Kim looks away.Duck: Fine. You don't trust me, don't hug me. I see how it is. All right Pissy-pants, you just go on being suspicious and quiet. I don't even want to hug you at this point.
Kim looks back at Duck.Duck: (pleadingly) Give you a dollar?
Time passesA note on the desk next to a small pile of assignment forms and 'nip reads:PLEASE LEAVE 'Nip ON THE COUNTER. TAKE ONLY FOR LEGITIMATE PURPOSES. BE HONEST.Duck and Kim are slumped on the floor, behind the desk. Kim holds Duck close purring in his ear, his head on her
chest. The sounds of orders and 'Nip being taken from the counter is heard.Duck: Thanks.
The door is heard opening and closing-a junior officer leaving.KRolling: How much 'nip did you leave up there?
Duck: Like three ounces in mixed capsules and a couple of doobies. Crew only get their typical daily assignments this time of morning.
KRolling: You're trusting.
Duck: Why do you say that?
KRolling: How do you know they're taking the right amount of 'nip? Or even taking their rightful assignments?
Duck: Theoretically, Kzin see money on the counter and nobody around, they think they're being watched.
KRolling: Honesty through paranoia. Why do you smell like Kzin spray?
Duck: I had a go at the liquor cabinet before you arrived. The smell won't come off.
KRolling: Do you think anyone can see us down here?
Duck: Why? You wanna have sex or something?
KRolling: (sarcastic) Ooh! Can we?!
Duck: Really?
KRolling: I was kidding.
Duck: Yeah, right. You can't get enough of me.
KRolling; Typically male point of view.
Duck: How do you figure?
KRolling: You show some bedroom proficiency,and you think you're gods. What about what we do for you?
Duck: Women? Women, as lovers, are all basically the same: they just have to be there.
KRolling: "Be there?"
Duck: Making a male climax is not all that challenging: insert somewhere close and preferably moist; thrust; repeat.
KRolling: How flattering.
Duck: Now, making a woman climax...therein lies a challenge.
KRolling: Oh, you think so?
Kim looks at her pens.
Duck: A girl makes a guy orgasm, it's standard. A guy makes a girl orgasm, it's talent.
KRolling: And I actually am allied to you?
Duck: Something wrong?
KRolling: I'm insulted. Believe me, Don Juan, it takes more than that to get a guy off. Just "being there"-as you put it-is not enough.
Duck: I touched a nerve.
<Somewhere on the starbase Chuut and Father Ted begin moving towards the bomb shelter>KRolling: I'm astonished to hear you trivialize women's role sexual matters.
Duck: (backtracking) It wasn't directed at you personally. I was making a broad generalization.
KRolling: You were making a generalization about "broads!"
Duck: These are my opinions based on my experiences with the few women who were good enough to sleep with me.
KRolling: How many?
Duck: How many what?
KRolling: How many girls have you slept with?
Duck: How many different girls? Didn't we already have this discussion once?
KRolling: We might have; I don't remember How many?
Duck:(pause to count) Twelve.
KRolling: You've slept with twelve different girls?
Duck: yes.
<Sound of Bombshelter door closing is heard>Kim pulls out a Rolling Pin seemingly from midair and whomps Duck with it.DucK: What the hell was that for?
KRolling: You're a pig.
Duck: Why'd you hit me?
KRolling: Do you know how many different RMs I've purred for?
Duck: Do I get to hit you after you tell me?
KRolling: Three
Duck: Three?
KRolling: Three including you.
Duck: You've only purred for three different people?
KRolling: I'm not the pig you are.
Duck: Who?
KRolling: You!
Duck: No; who were the three, besides me?
KRolling: Chuut, and Hooch.
Duck: Wow. That's great. That's something to be proud of.
KRolling: I am. And that's why you should feel like a pig. You men make me sick. You'll sleep with anything that says yes.
Duck: Animal, vegetable, or mineral.
KRolling: Vegetable meaning paraplegic.
Duck: They put up the least amount of struggle.
KRolling: After dropping a bombshell like that, you owe me. Big.
Duck: All right. Name it.
KRolling: I want you to come with me on Monday.
Duck: Where?
KRolling: To Starfleet Acaademy. There's a seminar about getting back into a scholastic program after a lapse in enrollment.
Duck: Can't we ever have a discussion without that coming up?
KRolling: It's important to me, Duck. You have so much potential as a Federation captain that just goes to waste in Kligon ships, you'd go back to school.
Duck: Kahless, would you stop? You make my ridges hurt when you talk about this.
Kim stands, letting Duck'S head hit the floor.Duck: Sh@#$! Why are we getting up?
KRolling: Unlike you, I have a class in forty-five minutes.
Soreyes is standing at the counter. Kim reacts to him.KRolling: (surprised) Soreyes!
Soreyes: Kimmy! How are you? You assigned here now?
KRolling: (locks arms with Duck) No, I'm just visiting the Kzinti RM. (to Duck) Ducky, this is Soreyes. (to Soreyes) This is Shadowlord, the Kzinti RM.
Duck: How are you? Just the assignment?
Soreyes: And a capsule of 'nip, medical you know...(soreyes points to his goggles). (to Kim) Are you still going to Rock mining school?
KRolling: No, I transferred into Officer training this year. I was tired of missing the action.
Soreyes: Do you still talk to Hooch?
KRolling: Occassionally.
Soreyes: (leaving) That's cool. Well-you two take it easy, all right?
KRolling: I will. Take it easy.
Soreyes exits.KRolling: Bye (to Duck) that was Furball.
Duck: Why do you call him that?
KRolling: Hooch made it up. It's an oral thing.
Duck: What do you mean?
KRolling: After he gets a his ears licked, he likes to have the fur spit back into his mouth. It's called furballing.
Duck:(beginning to chuckle) He requested this?
KRolling: He gets off on it.
Duck: I heard that Hooch can be talked into anything.
KRolling: Why do you say that?
Duck: Like you said-he furballed him.
KRolling: Hooch? No; I furballed him.
Duck: Yeah, right.
KRolling: I'm serious...
A moment of silence as Duck'S chuckles fade to comprehension.
Duck: You licked that Kzin's ears?
KRolling: Yeah. How do you think I know he liked...
Duck:(panicky) But...but you said you only had purred forthree guys! You never mentioned him!
KRolling: That's because I never purred for him!
Duck: You licked his ears!
KRolling: We went out on missions a few times. I didn't purr, but we goofed around a bit.
Duck:(massive panic attack) Oh my God! Why did you tell me you only purred for three guys?
KRolling: Because I did only purr for three guys! That doesn't mean I didn't hang out with people.
Duck: Oh my God-I feel so nauseous...
KRolling: I'm sorry, Ducky. I thought you understood.
Duck: I did understand! I understand that you slept purred for three different guys, and that's all you said.
KRolling: Please calm down.
Duck: How many?
KRolling: Ducky...
Duck: How many ears have you licked?!
KRolling: Let it go...
KRolling: All right! Shut up a second and I'll tell you! Jesus! I didn't freak like this when you told me how many girls you slept with.
Duck: This is different. This is important. How many?!
Kim counts silently, using fingers as marks. Ducks hands Lyrkiller, who just walked in, some orders in the interim. Kim stops counting.Duck: Well...?
KRolling: (half-mumbled) Something like thirty-six.
KRolling: Lower your voice!
Duck: What the hell is that anyway,"something like thirty-six?" Does that include me?
KRolling: I've never licked your ears, Klingon ears are gross.
KRolling: (walking away) I'm going to class.
Duck: I'm not even good enough to be number THIRTY-SEVEN! (to Lyrkiller) My Alliance liason licked thirty-six ears!
Lyrkiller: In a row?
Duck chases Kim down in the corridor outside the ready room and grabs her by the door.
Duck: Hey! Where are you going?!
KRolling: Hey listen, jerk! Until today you never even knew how many guys I'd purred for, because you never even asked. And then you act all nonchalant about sleeping with twelve different girls. Well, I never had sex with twelve different guys!
Duck: No, but you licked enough ears!
KRolling: Yeah, I went down on a few ears...its a pretty common custom among the Kzin to lick the ears of those you care about.
Duck: A few?
KRolling: ...And so what if one of those guys wasn't you! The last one, I might add, was before you joined the Alliance, and if you're too stupid to comprehend- this means that I've been faithful to you since you joined! All the other guys I hung out with before I met you, so, if you want to have a complex about it, go ahead! But don't look at me like I'm the town stamp licker, because you were plenty busy yourself!
Duck: (a bit more rational) Well...why did you have to lick their ears? Why didn't you just sleep with them, like any decent person?!
KRolling: Because going down it's a big deal! I used to like a Kzin, we'd hang out, run some missions together, and sooner or later I'd lick his ears. But I only purred for the guys I really liked.
Duck: I feel sick.
KRolling: (hugs him) I like you. Don't feel sick.
Duck: If I tried to kiss you now I'm going to taste thirty-six Kzin ears.
Kim violently lets go of him.
KRolling: I'm going to the Academy. Maybe later you'll be a bit more rational.
Duck:(pause) Thirty-six. I just can't...
KRolling: Goodbye, Ducky.
Kim exits in a huff. Duck stands there in silence for a moment. Then he swings his door open and yells out.Duck: Try not to lick any more ears on your way through the parking lot!
Two Ferrengi who were walking in the opposite direction outside in the coridor double back and head in the direction Kim went.Duck:
HEY! HEY, YOU! GET BACK HERE!-------------------------------------------------------------

Chuut Jumps into Bombshelter slams the door shut and bolts it.