This was precisely as I feared, and now SQL is withdrawn for almost no reason whatsoever. Was this a mere gambit to get an SQL stress test? If so, time for some honest brokers to come forth and pony up the truth?
I have no understanding of what is transpiring here. All the OCI hype and one problem to the public's mind and SQL is out the window? What am I missing here?
No, the debug MySQL tests are run in a totally different (stock) configuration running a debug build from within the VC++ IDE. I have collected no debug data from the SGO6 test runs. It would be pointless, it is not running on stock files. A modded server cannot be used as a baseline.
I do not try and fool people and object to the insinuation. (like I would be that dumb to debug a heavily modded server...

Nobody will show up for MySQL debug tests because they are on stock files (and absolutely must be) but we press on.
The OCI was developed for The Forge which chugs along just fine. It is also to give people an idea of what is possible with running the kit on MySQL and hopefully provide some motivation to show up for stock debug test runs.
People are going to forfeit missions on a "serious" server no matter what. Forfetis max out the cpu to 100% for seconds at a time leaving no cpu left for MySQL to do its work, this snowballs and the server crashes.
SQL is not out the window, as mentioned above The Forge will continue to run on MySQL and tests of the kit on stock files in debug mode will continue to be run. We are committed to getting it to work well. Once it is done I would like to disable the ability to forfeit, or just replace the code with a function that does nothing, then move on the PvP DV shifts (which will work on the flatfile as well).