Topic: SG6 Test Thread: Missions, Bugs, Server Issues, etc... Server is UP!!!  (Read 26100 times)

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Offline Dizzy

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Re: SG6 Test Thread: Missions, Bugs, Server Issues, etc... Server is UP!!!
« Reply #120 on: August 04, 2006, 06:59:28 pm »
Where are the F torps on the G-CC and CC+?

lololol n00b

o_O how exactly is that a question that requires a insult particuarly when the question is RIGHT?

Ok, so where's the one with the F refit? What is it called?

Offline Bonk

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Re: SG6 Test Thread: Missions, Bugs, Server Issues, etc... Server is UP!!!
« Reply #121 on: August 04, 2006, 07:06:47 pm »
G-CCF in OP+4. Which would appear to be labelled the G-CCH in the SGO6 shiplist. EDIT: nope the CCH appears to be the CCF with a sheild refit.

So.. about those parentheses...  ;)

Offline Bonk

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Re: SG6 Test Thread: Missions, Bugs, Server Issues, etc... Server is UP!!!
« Reply #122 on: August 04, 2006, 07:17:10 pm »
Neither the OP+4 nor stock shiplists have any ships with parentheses in the class name. I strongly reccomend we eliminate them from the shiplist asap. This could taint the results of tonights test, but it looks like none of them are available until year 17 so should not affect tonights test and would also explain why the shipyards did not lockup until 2280 hit yesterday.... definitely ditch the parentheses. Generally, if something is not done in the stock list or in OP+ then do not do it.

WAIT...Those are mine and t00l's.... :-\ 78...?! That's sounds like a lot of ships, tho.
I knew it was too good to be true....*sigh*
It's all Dizzy's fault... :P

Aren't ya glad I asked YOU to assign me my ship today?  ;)
You might never have noticed all this... ;D

Yes, it is lucky that you brought this to my attention today it could have caused real problems later. Its also a good thing that Dizzy asked to test from 2279 as well as the test from 2265. As something definitely went wrong with the shipyards when these ships came out in 2280.

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Re: SG6 Test Thread: Missions, Bugs, Server Issues, etc... Server is UP!!!
« Reply #123 on: August 04, 2006, 07:23:45 pm »
Recheck that. D7C(leg) are out in the early era. MB its something else?

Offline Hexx

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Re: SG6 Test Thread: Missions, Bugs, Server Issues, etc... Server is UP!!!
« Reply #124 on: August 04, 2006, 07:41:52 pm »
Recheck that. D7C(leg) are out in the early era. MB its something else?

Uhmm not to be the one who has to state the blindingly obvious, but why take chances?
CAll them D7LE, or H-LBLE or whatever. They can only be assigned , so it's not like anyone
will have to worry about buying them. And since there isn't a base class + command class legendary ship you don't need the full description.

It's like I have a vision...
Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"

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Re: SG6 Test Thread: Missions, Bugs, Server Issues, etc... Server is UP!!!
« Reply #125 on: August 04, 2006, 08:40:01 pm »
u dont understand hexx. If bonk says the issue didnt happen till the late era... and the same ships are early, then its something else. But regardless im changing them.

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Re: SG6 Test Thread: Missions, Bugs, Server Issues, etc... Server is UP!!!
« Reply #126 on: August 04, 2006, 09:06:07 pm »
Recheck that. D7C(leg) are out in the early era. MB its something else?

Nope none in early. The earliest one of these is out in YFA 15 (2263+15=2278)

OrionTigerHeart   FF   F-PF(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   18   999
OrionTigerHeart   FF   F-PFD(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   18   999
OrionTigerHeart   FF   F-PFP(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   18   999
OrionTigerHeart   CA   F-CBf(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   187   R   999   999
OrionTigerHeart   FF   I-PF(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   20   999
OrionTigerHeart   CA   I-CAZf(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   216   R   999   999
OrionTigerHeart   FF   K-G1(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   17   999
OrionTigerHeart   FF   K-G1B(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   17   999
OrionTigerHeart   FF   K-G1D(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   17   999
OrionTigerHeart   FF   K-G1P(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   17   999
OrionTigerHeart   CA   K-D7Wf(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   177   R   999   999
OrionTigerHeart   FF   Z-PF(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   18   999
OrionTigerHeart   FF   Z-PFD(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   18   999
OrionTigerHeart   FF   Z-PFE(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   18   999
OrionTigerHeart   CA   Z-CCHf(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   153   R   999   999
Federation   FF   F-PF(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   18   999
Federation   FF   F-PFD(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   18   999
Federation   FF   F-PFP(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   18   999
Federation   CA   F-CC(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   137   R   999   999
Federation   CA   F-CC+(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   149   R   999   999
Federation   CA   F-CB(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   165   R   999   999
Federation   CA   F-CX(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   221   R   999   999
Federation   CA   F-CBf(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   187   R   999   999
Gorn   FF   G-PF(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   19   999
Gorn   FF   G-PFd(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   19   999
Gorn   CA   G-CC(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   124   R   999   999
Gorn   CA   G-CC+(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   150   R   999   999
Gorn   CA   G-CCH(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   173   R   999   999
Gorn   CA   G-CCHf(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   195   R   999   999
Gorn   CA   G-CCX(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   250   R   999   999
Hydran   CA   H-LC(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   138   R   999   999
Hydran   CA   H-LM(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   150   R   999   999
Hydran   CA   H-LB(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   156   R   999   999
Hydran   CA   H-CHA(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   162   R   999   999
Hydran   CA   H-CHC(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   168   R   999   999
Hydran   CA   H-LBX(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   244   R   999   999
Hydran   CA   H-CHAh(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   162   R   999   999
Hydran   CA   H-CHCh(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   184   R   999   999
ISC   FF   I-PF(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   20   999
ISC   CA   I-CA(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   146   R   999   999
ISC   CA   I-CAW(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   152   R   999   999
ISC   CA   I-CAP(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   156   R   999   999
ISC   CA   I-CAY(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   165   R   999   999
ISC   CA   I-CAZ(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   194   R   999   999
ISC   CA   I-CAX(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   288   R   999   999
ISC   CA   I-CAZf(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   216   R   999   999
Klingon   FF   K-G1(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   17   999
Klingon   FF   K-G1B(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   17   999
Klingon   FF   K-G1D(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   17   999
Klingon   FF   K-G1P(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   17   999
Klingon   CA   K-D7C(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   136   R   999   999
Klingon   CA   K-D7L(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   138   R   999   999
Klingon   CA   K-D7W(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   155   R   999   999
Klingon   CA   K-DX(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   220   R   999   999
Klingon   CA   K-D7Wf(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   177   R   999   999
Lyran   FF   L-PF(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   15   999
Lyran   FF   L-PFp(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   15   999
Lyran   CA   L-CC(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   150   R   999   999
Lyran   CA   L-CC+(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   155   R   999   999
Lyran   CA   L-CCF(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   177   R   999   999
Lyran   CA   L-CCH(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   170   R   999   999
Lyran   CA   L-CCHF(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   194   R   999   999
Lyran   CA   L-CCXF(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   231   R   999   999
Mirak   FF   Z-PF(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   18   999
Mirak   FF   Z-PFD(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   18   999
Mirak   FF   Z-PFE(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   18   999
Mirak   CA   Z-CC(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   135   R   999   999
Mirak   CA   Z-CCR(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   135   R   999   999
Mirak   CA   Z-CCH(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   153   R   999   999
Mirak   CA   Z-CCHf(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   153   R   999   999
Mirak   CA   Z-CCX(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   237   R   999   999
Mirak   CA   Z-CCXm(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   257   R   999   999
Romulan   FF   R-CEN(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   19   999
Romulan   FF   R-STH(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   21   999
Romulan   CA   R-KRC(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   171   R   999   999
Romulan   CA   R-KRCS(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   181   R   999   999
Romulan   CA   R-KRCSf(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   205   R   999   999
Romulan   CA   R-K7X(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   300   R   999   999

Whether or not they are what bugged out the shipyard yesterday (it may have been you using an unplayable race or something else)
I do not want parentheses on shipclass names. I will remove them from the shiplist myself if I have to and ensure that no ship class name is greather than 8 alphanumeric (and dash) characters. Though if I have to do it myself that will delay things in the morning. It will be pushing it as it is to get two hours of uploads done and the server set up between when I get up and when we launch. (It would be nice to test on the shiplist and map we will be using for the server too though)

Offline Bonk

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Re: SG6 Test Thread: Missions, Bugs, Server Issues, etc... Server is UP!!!
« Reply #127 on: August 04, 2006, 09:09:26 pm »
u dont understand hexx. If bonk says the issue didnt happen till the late era... and the same ships are early, then its something else. But regardless im changing them.

The ships are not out in early. You may have assigned a 999/999 ship in early, but that is different - the native shipyards will never see those. The native game shipyard does not see theany of these ships until year 15 (and thats only two Lyran frigates, they don't really start coming out until year 17 which is 2280 which is when the shipyard choked.)

Regardless, it has never been done. It is not known to work. Parentheses must go. It is not an issue as far as I'm concerned parentheses are completely unncessary and easy to remove.

If you insist on using them then we must study and research their effect for at least a week before using them on a live server. <foot goes down>

Here is that list sorted by YFA:

Lyran   FF   L-PF(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   15   999
Lyran   FF   L-PFp(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   15   999
OrionTigerHeart   FF   K-G1(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   17   999
OrionTigerHeart   FF   K-G1B(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   17   999
OrionTigerHeart   FF   K-G1D(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   17   999
OrionTigerHeart   FF   K-G1P(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   17   999
Klingon   FF   K-G1(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   17   999
Klingon   FF   K-G1B(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   17   999
Klingon   FF   K-G1D(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   17   999
Klingon   FF   K-G1P(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   17   999
OrionTigerHeart   FF   F-PF(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   18   999
OrionTigerHeart   FF   F-PFD(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   18   999
OrionTigerHeart   FF   F-PFP(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   18   999
OrionTigerHeart   FF   Z-PF(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   18   999
OrionTigerHeart   FF   Z-PFD(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   18   999
OrionTigerHeart   FF   Z-PFE(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   18   999
Federation   FF   F-PF(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   18   999
Federation   FF   F-PFD(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   18   999
Federation   FF   F-PFP(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   18   999
Mirak   FF   Z-PF(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   18   999
Mirak   FF   Z-PFD(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   18   999
Mirak   FF   Z-PFE(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   18   999
Gorn   FF   G-PF(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   19   999
Gorn   FF   G-PFd(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   19   999
Romulan   FF   R-CEN(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   19   999
OrionTigerHeart   FF   I-PF(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   20   999
ISC   FF   I-PF(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   20   999
Romulan   FF   R-STH(Flt)   FRIGATE   160   NT   21   999
OrionTigerHeart   CA   F-CBf(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   187   R   999   999
OrionTigerHeart   CA   I-CAZf(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   216   R   999   999
OrionTigerHeart   CA   K-D7Wf(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   177   R   999   999
OrionTigerHeart   CA   Z-CCHf(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   153   R   999   999
Federation   CA   F-CC(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   137   R   999   999
Federation   CA   F-CC+(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   149   R   999   999
Federation   CA   F-CB(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   165   R   999   999
Federation   CA   F-CX(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   221   R   999   999
Federation   CA   F-CBf(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   187   R   999   999
Gorn   CA   G-CC(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   124   R   999   999
Gorn   CA   G-CC+(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   150   R   999   999
Gorn   CA   G-CCH(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   173   R   999   999
Gorn   CA   G-CCHf(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   195   R   999   999
Gorn   CA   G-CCX(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   250   R   999   999
Hydran   CA   H-LC(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   138   R   999   999
Hydran   CA   H-LM(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   150   R   999   999
Hydran   CA   H-LB(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   156   R   999   999
Hydran   CA   H-CHA(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   162   R   999   999
Hydran   CA   H-CHC(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   168   R   999   999
Hydran   CA   H-LBX(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   244   R   999   999
Hydran   CA   H-CHAh(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   162   R   999   999
Hydran   CA   H-CHCh(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   184   R   999   999
ISC   CA   I-CA(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   146   R   999   999
ISC   CA   I-CAW(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   152   R   999   999
ISC   CA   I-CAP(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   156   R   999   999
ISC   CA   I-CAY(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   165   R   999   999
ISC   CA   I-CAZ(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   194   R   999   999
ISC   CA   I-CAX(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   288   R   999   999
ISC   CA   I-CAZf(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   216   R   999   999
Klingon   CA   K-D7C(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   136   R   999   999
Klingon   CA   K-D7L(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   138   R   999   999
Klingon   CA   K-D7W(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   155   R   999   999
Klingon   CA   K-DX(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   220   R   999   999
Klingon   CA   K-D7Wf(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   177   R   999   999
Lyran   CA   L-CC(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   150   R   999   999
Lyran   CA   L-CC+(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   155   R   999   999
Lyran   CA   L-CCF(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   177   R   999   999
Lyran   CA   L-CCH(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   170   R   999   999
Lyran   CA   L-CCHF(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   194   R   999   999
Lyran   CA   L-CCXF(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   231   R   999   999
Mirak   CA   Z-CC(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   135   R   999   999
Mirak   CA   Z-CCR(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   135   R   999   999
Mirak   CA   Z-CCH(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   153   R   999   999
Mirak   CA   Z-CCHf(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   153   R   999   999
Mirak   CA   Z-CCX(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   237   R   999   999
Mirak   CA   Z-CCXm(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   257   R   999   999
Romulan   CA   R-KRC(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   171   R   999   999
Romulan   CA   R-KRCS(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   181   R   999   999
Romulan   CA   R-KRCSf(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   205   R   999   999
Romulan   CA   R-K7X(leg)   HEAVY_CRUISER   300   R   999   999

Not really out till 2280. (2263+17)
« Last Edit: August 04, 2006, 09:39:39 pm by Bonk »

Offline Bonk

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Re: SG6 Test Thread: Missions, Bugs, Server Issues, etc... Server is UP!!!
« Reply #128 on: August 04, 2006, 09:14:40 pm »
I'm going to bed. I will be looking for a shiplist and map in the morning.

EDIT: everybody check the SGO teams forums for important voice info!  :)
« Last Edit: August 04, 2006, 09:37:52 pm by Bonk »

Offline Dizzy

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Re: SG6 Test Thread: Missions, Bugs, Server Issues, etc... Server is UP!!!
« Reply #129 on: August 04, 2006, 09:42:50 pm »
Ill ditch the () and reduce them to 8 characters.

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Re: SG6 Test Thread: Missions, Bugs, Server Issues, etc... Server is UP!!!
« Reply #130 on: August 04, 2006, 09:47:04 pm »
Ill ditch the () and reduce them to 8 characters.

Thank you sir. I'll sleep better that way. Somehow I think I'll need it. ;)

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Re: SG6 Test Thread: Missions, Bugs, Server Issues, etc... Server is UP!!!
« Reply #131 on: August 05, 2006, 03:56:05 am »
Bonk: I took a look at the NSIS file you posted.  Using it as a template, I'm sure I could replicate the installer or create an installer for another mod.

It looks pretty simple, almost as simple as html. :)
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Re: SG6 Test Thread: Missions, Bugs, Server Issues, etc... Server is UP!!!
« Reply #132 on: August 05, 2006, 07:36:46 am »
Yes its a somewhat elegant scripting language, a little quirky in places but mostly intuitive and self explanatory. Awesome, we should do a little testing with an installer you generate sometime soon so you can take up some installer creation duties!  :)

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Re: SG6 Test Thread: Missions, Bugs, Server Issues, etc... Server is UP!!!
« Reply #133 on: August 05, 2006, 03:07:21 pm »
hehe sure :P
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"A god who let us prove his existence would be an idol" - Dietrich Bonhoeffer