Topic: SG6 Test Thread: Missions, Bugs, Server Issues, etc... Server is UP!!!  (Read 26104 times)

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Offline Brezgonne

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Re: SG6 Test Thread: Missions, Bugs, Server Issues, etc... Server is UP!!!
« Reply #100 on: August 04, 2006, 06:45:57 am »
They've been playtested over about 3 or 4 major campaigns now, and they work. Pen-and-paper comparisons are meaningless in the face of that.

No they aren't. Saying that displays a dislike of having them be questioned. Thats what I'm doing. I'm questioning the why. Increasing the heavy weapons fire power on all X-Ships is not nessicary when the lack of fast loading applies to everyone. It's like giving someone cash for a debt they don't have. It's also not done uniformly as it is now.

To me there is not reason for the ships to have extra heavy weapons and certainly no reason for some of them to have vastly greater firing arcs (the DX has FH and FHL/R arcs instead of the FA the normal DX has).

You are questioning why it's different from the SSD, and I answered you. The SSD is only a part of the picture. The SFB X-ship rules form the rest, and they are not implemented in SFC.

If you want to make your own shiplist where X-ships follow the SSD exactly (but not the rules), feel free. We have used this one for a while and we are happy with it.

I was questioning why someone would bother to over gun the ships when there isn't ANY need to. It'd be nice if you actually bothered to read what I said. But since apparently nobody is intrested in listening I don't see a point in arguing with your viewpoint. I strongly disagree with it. Have fun. *shrug*

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Re: SG6 Test Thread: Missions, Bugs, Server Issues, etc... Server is UP!!!
« Reply #101 on: August 04, 2006, 12:05:42 pm »
Our options are to fix it or pull it. What do u think dave?

Hah!  Got the little bastard!  The assorted updated missions are:

Met_NW8ShipAssault.scr (fixed spd 8 issue)
Met_DizzyHvyAssault.scr (fixed planet destroyed message for bases)
Met_DizzyStargate.scr (fixed gate placement issue)
Met_NW16PlanetDefense.scr (upped the difficulty a smidge)
Met_DizzyAssault.scr (fixed planet destroyed message for defsats)

Bonk, they're available at (313k)


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Re: SG6 Test Thread: Missions, Bugs, Server Issues, etc... Server is UP!!!
« Reply #102 on: August 04, 2006, 12:19:39 pm »
Genius! + 1.

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Re: SG6 Test Thread: Missions, Bugs, Server Issues, etc... Server is UP!!!
« Reply #103 on: August 04, 2006, 01:54:47 pm »
Shipyards weren't working either.

In game or on the OCI?

Sounds like the usual cable issues causing ghosts at prime TV time... it would be nice if comcast could secure thier lines... they are slowly killing us. Its a fricking shame.  :(

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Re: SG6 Test Thread: Missions, Bugs, Server Issues, etc... Server is UP!!!
« Reply #104 on: August 04, 2006, 01:59:27 pm »
Shipyards weren't working either.

In game or on the OCI?

Sounds like the usual cable issues causing ghosts at prime TV time... it would be nice if comcast could secure thier lines... they are slowly killing us. Its a fricking shame.  :(

In game- signed on, I (unlike some otehrs) was able to move around, and the right-click (to inspect the ship) worked, but you couldn't purchase one (left click did nothing at all)
Tried to use the webyards, but since it thought I was still logged in I couldn't.
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Re: SG6 Test Thread: Missions, Bugs, Server Issues, etc... Server is UP!!!
« Reply #105 on: August 04, 2006, 02:05:09 pm »
Merlin was reporting crashes during a base assault mission when the base died.  He suspected a break model problem, but I didn't get a chance to talk to him before he signed off so couldn't confirm if it was the stargate mission.

Has anyone else run the battlestation or stargate assaults on the server yet?


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Re: SG6 Test Thread: Missions, Bugs, Server Issues, etc... Server is UP!!!
« Reply #106 on: August 04, 2006, 02:14:46 pm »
In game- signed on, I (unlike some otehrs) was able to move around, and the right-click (to inspect the ship) worked, but you couldn't purchase one (left click did nothing at all)
Tried to use the webyards, but since it thought I was still logged in I couldn't.

Right, you must be logged off the game server to use the OCI player controls.

I wonder if the shipyards locked up due to Dizzy flying a non playable race? It would probably be better if he just assigned ships from that non playable race to a playable race for himself I suspect.


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Re: SG6 Test Thread: Missions, Bugs, Server Issues, etc... Server is UP!!!
« Reply #107 on: August 04, 2006, 02:18:50 pm »
Merlin was reporting crashes during a base assault mission when the base died.  He suspected a break model problem, but I didn't get a chance to talk to him before he signed off so couldn't confirm if it was the stargate mission.

Has anyone else run the battlestation or stargate assaults on the server yet?


I was running those with Merlin and Stoney. The timing of the crash looked exaclty like a break model issue.

The mission was a "Dizzy Assault".

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Re: SG6 Test Thread: Missions, Bugs, Server Issues, etc... Server is UP!!!
« Reply #108 on: August 04, 2006, 02:20:02 pm »
To Dizzy and his supporting SFC geniuses,

I just wanted to mention about the neutral hex mandatory missions.   From what you told me last night, neutral hexes should be giving mandatory missions EVERY HEX.   Well, I was only seeing them every 3rd or 4th hex.

Please clarify and let us know.


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Re: SG6 Test Thread: Missions, Bugs, Server Issues, etc... Server is UP!!!
« Reply #109 on: August 04, 2006, 02:25:41 pm »
I just wanted to mention about the neutral hex mandatory missions.   From what you told me last night, neutral hexes should be giving mandatory missions EVERY HEX.   Well, I was only seeing them every 3rd or 4th hex.

I'll look into it, though I hate messing with the stock mission matching settings, it seems to just do more harm than good.

I'll try adjusting the political tensions against the orions. But we'll need a reset for that.

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Re: SG6 Test Thread: Missions, Bugs, Server Issues, etc... Server is UP!!!
« Reply #110 on: August 04, 2006, 02:28:17 pm »
Where are the F torps on the G-CC and CC+?

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Re: SG6 Test Thread: Missions, Bugs, Server Issues, etc... Server is UP!!!
« Reply #111 on: August 04, 2006, 02:47:07 pm »
Second left past engineering. ;)  :D


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Re: SG6 Test Thread: Missions, Bugs, Server Issues, etc... Server is UP!!!
« Reply #112 on: August 04, 2006, 03:04:04 pm »
Where are the F torps on the G-CC and CC+?

lololol n00b

Offline GDA-Agave

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Re: SG6 Test Thread: Missions, Bugs, Server Issues, etc... Server is UP!!!
« Reply #113 on: August 04, 2006, 04:26:34 pm »
Where are the F torps on the G-CC and CC+?

lololol n00b

I second that!!   ;D
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Offline Brezgonne

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Re: SG6 Test Thread: Missions, Bugs, Server Issues, etc... Server is UP!!!
« Reply #114 on: August 04, 2006, 04:36:14 pm »
Where are the F torps on the G-CC and CC+?

lololol n00b

o_O how exactly is that a question that requires a insult particuarly when the question is RIGHT?



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Re: SG6 Test Thread: Missions, Bugs, Server Issues, etc... Server is UP!!!
« Reply #115 on: August 04, 2006, 04:46:30 pm »
Read the bottom of the SSD Brez.

And insulting Dizzy is a community tradition.

Offline Bonk

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Re: SG6 Test Thread: Missions, Bugs, Server Issues, etc... Server is UP!!!
« Reply #116 on: August 04, 2006, 06:01:17 pm »
I just discovered today that there are 78 ships in this shiplist with parentheses "()" in the class name. Has that ever been done before? Do we know if it works? (I'm thinking another potential cause for yesterday's shipyard lockup).

Offline Bonk

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Re: SG6 Test Thread: Missions, Bugs, Server Issues, etc... Server is UP!!!
« Reply #117 on: August 04, 2006, 06:33:30 pm »
Neither the OP+4 nor stock shiplists have any ships with parentheses in the class name. I strongly reccomend we eliminate them from the shiplist asap. This could taint the results of tonights test, but it looks like none of them are available until year 17 so should not affect tonights test and would also explain why the shipyards did not lockup until 2280 hit yesterday.... definitely ditch the parentheses. Generally, if something is not done in the stock list or in OP+ then do not do it.

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Re: SG6 Test Thread: Missions, Bugs, Server Issues, etc... Server is UP!!!
« Reply #118 on: August 04, 2006, 06:41:01 pm »
Also, the maximim class name length in the OP+4 shiplist is 8, the maximum class name length in the SGO6 list is 12. Lets use what we know works and reduce all class names to 8 characters or less and only use alphanumeric characters and the dash. (ensuring donor class names match recipient class names and all other donor and receipient entries columns match exactly but race of course)

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Re: SG6 Test Thread: Missions, Bugs, Server Issues, etc... Server is UP!!!
« Reply #119 on: August 04, 2006, 06:44:11 pm »
Neither the OP+4 nor stock shiplists have any ships with parentheses in the class name. I strongly reccomend we eliminate them from the shiplist asap. This could taint the results of tonights test, but it looks like none of them are available until year 17 so should not affect tonights test and would also explain why the shipyards did not lockup until 2280 hit yesterday.... definitely ditch the parentheses. Generally, if something is not done in the stock list or in OP+ then do not do it.

WAIT...Those are mine and t00l's.... :-\ 78...?! That's sounds like a lot of ships, tho.
I knew it was too good to be true....*sigh*
It's all Dizzy's fault... :P

Aren't ya glad I asked YOU to assign me my ship today?  ;)
You might never have noticed all this... ;D
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