
Should ships be restricted to certain areas

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Topic: Hexx's New Super Cool Poll and Open Bar  (Read 2660 times)

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Offline Hexx

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Hexx's New Super Cool Poll and Open Bar
« on: August 21, 2006, 11:46:29 pm »
I lied
There is no open bar .

Anyway , something I've been thinking about for a bit-
I'm somewhat convinced that half of our balance issues are caused by the ability to use any ship anywhere.

Would people play on a server where the ships were regulated to "adjacent" Empires.
For example (using the standard F&E map) The Gorn would be able to deploy agains the ISC,Feds, Or Rom
The Kzin could hit the Feds,Lyran ,or Klinks
Hydran hit the Klinks and Lyran etc

There could (of course) be "expeditionary" fleets sent out, but these would largely consist of line ships- so no DN's,Fast cruisers, Carriers etc

Thoughts? Suggestions?
Averting of eyes from the shining light that is my genius?
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Re: Hexx's New Super Cool Poll and Open Bar
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2006, 12:11:25 am »
You mean actually have tradition enemies fight traditional enemies?



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Re: Hexx's New Super Cool Poll and Open Bar
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2006, 01:07:05 am »
I would eventually like to do the F&E server J'inn had planned after the GW series.

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: Hexx's New Super Cool Poll and Open Bar
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2006, 06:07:44 am »
I lied
There is no open bar .

Anyway , something I've been thinking about for a bit-
I'm somewhat convinced that half of our balance issues are caused by the ability to use any ship anywhere.

Would people play on a server where the ships were regulated to "adjacent" Empires.
For example (using the standard F&E map) The Gorn would be able to deploy agains the ISC,Feds, Or Rom
The Kzin could hit the Feds,Lyran ,or Klinks
Hydran hit the Klinks and Lyran etc

There could (of course) be "expeditionary" fleets sent out, but these would largely consist of line ships- so no DN's,Fast cruisers, Carriers etc

Thoughts? Suggestions?
Averting of eyes from the shining light that is my genius?

I think the only way to do this with all races, is with big maps and low DVs, no resupply outside ones empire, and very expensive and destructable bases. 

The major probblem with this is player distribution among the races.  Certain heavily populated races would likely be adjacent to several sparsely populated races.

I think its an interesting idea, but one that likely wouldn't really work so well as it sounds. 

Personally, I don't think I'd be too keen on limiting my activity to one front, too much like trench warfare for me. Make it more challenging to operate away from one's empire is ok, that is fun and challenging, make it restricted and that aspect disappears.  Also if you limit the deployments then you end up with the same matchups mission after mission, after mission.  I think that would get old quick.

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Hexx's New Super Cool Poll and Open Bar
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2006, 06:59:38 am »

The major probblem with this is player distribution among the races.  Certain heavily populated races would likely be adjacent to several sparsely populated races.

This is not an issue at all, just have multiple accounts.   
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Offline Hexx

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Re: Hexx's New Super Cool Poll and Open Bar
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2006, 09:29:42 am »

The major probblem with this is player distribution among the races.  Certain heavily populated races would likely be adjacent to several sparsely populated races.

This is not an issue at all, just have multiple accounts.   

Yes, if I gave the impression you couldn't my bad
You could use one account to run your silly little DF
and another to go elsewhere. Or you could just sign off in disgust and we could let that
Graz guy jump on.

Seems much cooler than you anyway... I was thinking of inviting him to fly Lyran.. but we'll see,
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Offline KBF MalaK

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Re: Hexx's New Super Cool Poll and Open Bar
« Reply #6 on: August 22, 2006, 10:08:34 am »
If there was a way to limit travel time for some ships that would be great. For example, frigates move (and warp) faster than BB's (and also require less logistical support) so It goes without saying a frigate can travel farther/faster than a BB.

But as you can't control travel times on a server for certain ships, I'm all for limiting certain ships to certain op areas.

Now where's the bar !
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Offline Hexx

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Re: Hexx's New Super Cool Poll and Open Bar
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2006, 10:16:44 am »
If there was a way to limit travel time for some ships that would be great. For example, frigates move (and warp) faster than BB's (and also require less logistical support) so It goes without saying a frigate can travel farther/faster than a BB.

But as you can't control travel times on a server for certain ships, I'm all for limiting certain ships to certain op areas.

Now where's the bar !

Actually according to SFB background, the bigger the ship the faster it goes.
BB's can outrun anything except Fast Cruiser & DN's.
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Offline KBF MalaK

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Re: Hexx's New Super Cool Poll and Open Bar
« Reply #8 on: August 22, 2006, 10:51:34 am »
If there was a way to limit travel time for some ships that would be great. For example, frigates move (and warp) faster than BB's (and also require less logistical support) so It goes without saying a frigate can travel farther/faster than a BB.

But as you can't control travel times on a server for certain ships, I'm all for limiting certain ships to certain op areas.

Now where's the bar !

Actually according to SFB background, the bigger the ship the faster it goes.
BB's can outrun anything except Fast Cruiser & DN's.

Somehow, I don't buy it. Try a test in OP, a BB won't go over 30.5 because the movement cost is so high(at least the klinks anyway) unless you start dumping normal operating power into the engines like life support,sensors, etc, under red alert.

Tho' they don't travel under red alert, a destroyer will outrun a BB, tho' won't out accellerate it. And a BB is bigger than a DN or a cruiser. I know it's a weak argument and I DON'T want to dispute the SFB rules, but in R/L a cigar boat will outrun ANY BB or carrier you could possibly name.
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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Hexx's New Super Cool Poll and Open Bar
« Reply #9 on: August 22, 2006, 12:21:07 pm »
He's talking Strategic movement.   The X-Ships, fast cruisers, and DNs can go Warp 10 (old school scale) whereas Cruisers were Warp 8 and CWs (D5, NCL) topped out at about Warp 7.
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .