WOW! I ran that planet thru against a FBB and for the 1st time the planet was able to fire Ph3's against incoming drones!!!!!!!! This is huge.
Ok, here's how I can make it all worth while. I can change the shiplist planets geometry to match the planets I add to my installer for SGO VI dynaverse server. Therefore whenever someone takes a mission, the planet will have the proper arcs and be able to defend itself vs drones. By using a different directory and copying all the planets to new folders I avoid having to mess with stock folders where some may have already altered their planets to suit their own needs.
We axe 2 planets in the list because their rings are incorporated into the collision edge of the mesh... increases the size of the planet too much and destroys objects mission scripts put next to them upon mission start, I'll have to see which ones, but that leaves 24 more. Do you want to get them all done before Friday? Or do you want to shelve this and wait till the next server comes around?
I'd love to nip this in the butt now and implement this sweeping new change. But if changing the hardpoints was difficult, then I know Im asking too much.
BTW... looked as if there was one phaser hardpoint that was a little higher than equator level... i dont know which one tho.
Also, and this is on my end only, my diagram Hvy Weapon Hardpoints are too narrow I think. I'll setup shipedit arcs with heavy weapons that match the arcs of the phasers widening their fire for better coverage.
TY MP for doing this. If you arnt able to get them done, at least we know they can be fixed.