Norin Class Light Tactical Cruiser
Owner : Cardassian Union
Class : Heavy Combat Vessel
Availability : Unlimited Deployment
In Service : 2357
Out of Service : n/a
Source : Dominion Wars
After several years of conflict with the Federation it became obvious to the Central Command that a new warship was needed to supplement the Galor Cruiser.
The Galors fought well against the typically larger and heavier cruisers of the Federation Starfleet, but they were often unable to gain a numerical advantage in ships against the Federation.
In some cases the smaller Federation frigates also got the better of the slow Galor Cruisers, picking them apart and picking apart weakened cruisers.
The Cardassian fleets took heavy damage when Starfleet's Escort-class ships were introduced.
As a reaction, the Cardassians created the Norin-class ships, which are more agile than previous ships and have fortified shields.
The Norin Light Cruiser is designed to be a smaller compliment to the Galor Cruiser.
Both faster and more maneuverable than the Galor, the Norin can go toe-to-toe with enemy destroyers while providing fire support for larger cruisers.
The Norin class is ideal for combating the escorts of the Federation.
On its own the Norin is not the equal of enemy ships, but when grouped in pairs escorting cruiser squadrons they were found to be quite effective.
Norin-class cruisers typically attack in pairs, and often attempt to contain and cripple enemies until a larger cruiser arrives to finish the job.
The Cardassian supposed answer to the Defiant, it still can't stand up to one in a fight.
It may last long enough until help arrives.
The Norin doesn't have any torpedoes, the designers have favoured giving it a powerful energy weapon capacity instead.
The room saved from not having torpedoes and its support systems mean the Norin has more room for engines, armour and other systems.
Many Hideki captains have moved to command the Norin and this has led to the ships normally travelling and attacking in groups as this was the favoured tactic by Hideki crews.
These ships performed well in the Klingon Invasion, they were able to defeat B'rel and K'T'Inga classes with ease, though they were not able to deal with the larger Klingon ships on their own the fact they travelled in packs meant they often could handle a single Vor'cha.
Despite there performance they could not stop the Klingons, who had better technology and the numbers.
Fast and powerful these ships are more comparable with the Sabre class.
This is the Norin class originally shown in the Star Trek game "The Dominion Wars"
The mesh and texture has been completely scrath built by me from reference shots and I'm aware it's not exact, I never like them to be

I've designated this a very heavy destroyer, sort of a notch down from the brinok in game.
Author : Wrath of Achilles
Mesh : Wrath of Achilles
Textures : Wrath of Achilles
SFC Conversions : ModelsPlease
HP/DP's : ModelsPlease
Illumuniation Maps : ModelsPlease
Scaling : ModelsPlease
Thanks to Major A Payne for reminding me to make this model.
Thanks to STGamer2002 who is helping me out with some mod stuff

Thanks to who ever sent in some reference shots, I dont remember the name, sorry.
Length: 282m
Beam: 214.86m
Draft: 48.74m
Decks: 9
Crew: 210 plus flight crew and troops
Armament :
2 x Long Spiral Wave Disruptors
4 x Spiral Wave Disruptors
4 x Disruptor Wave Cannons
Please let Achilles know what ya think of her