Topic: near death experience  (Read 2202 times)

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Offline Mackie

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near death experience
« on: July 25, 2006, 01:12:13 pm »
I dont exactly know how to go on about this since im still having trouble with wrapping my head around this but anyways...

Early last night i was trying to get rid of a beehive close to childrens playground and I got stung a few times in the head... nothing happened for a few minutes but then i started feeling itchy all over and my face started swelling at which point i told me mom and m8 that this aint no damn psychological reaction, also obvious because i was beginning to look increasingly like toxic the avenger and I was rushed to the hospital ;p

I arrived to the ER and they gave me a good load of adrenaline and since they werent listening to my objections (for some unbeknownst reason my body produces nearly twice the adrenaline than usual, propably my double chromosomes have to do with it), they managed to stop my heart for a moment (could have been seconds, could have been minutes). It felt like a little stab at my chest, I heard that watchamacallit going beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep, the thing before blacking out I remember was that I was smiling, part of me hissing 'tell the devil im coming' and the other whispering, 'my lord, im coming to thee'. Creepy, yes.

I woke up again, all I remember was that I was raging and literally seeing red but not being able to do anything about it and then I blacked out again. The second time I woke up I was vomiting all over and ripped out the oxygen mask, I managed to cough out to them to give me several mgs of ativan which they suprisingly DID do and then I blacked out once more. After that I blacked out and woke up several times. I suppose I did that for like 6 hours? I dont know, I kind of lost the track of time there for obvious reasons. The last time I woke up I was feeling fairly clear headed and got up to sit on the bed, the doctor came to see me and asked how I was feeling. I was trembling but otherwise pretty ok, no worse than a hangover.

the checked me out, all the signs and that sh*t, took a while but I was finally cleared to go and I walked back home.

Interesting experience but something I would rather have had not wanted to experience, nonetheless.

Still bit woozy from all those drugs they gave so pardon me.
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Offline Dracho

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Re: near death experience
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2006, 01:16:51 pm »
Someone who interprests dreams might tell you that the duality of your experience warns you that you are at a crossroads in your life, and the decision you make will damn you or save you.
The worst enemy of a good plan is the dream of a perfect plan.  - Karl von Clausewitz

Offline J. Carney

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Re: near death experience
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2006, 04:08:33 pm »
Time to stop, look at life, Mackie, and ask "What do I REALLY need to do with myself, God?"

And it's also time to start carrying an EpiPen with you if you're gonna be around bees. ;)
Everything I did in my life that was worthwhile I caught hell for. - Earl Warron

The advantages of living in the Heart of Dixie- low cost of living, peace and quiet and a conservative majority. For some reason I think that the first two items have a lot to do with the presence of the last one.

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Offline Jack Morris

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Re: near death experience
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2006, 04:10:41 pm »
Rage and stuff after a N.D.E. is not that uncommon. I was in a coma for 5 days and I had a severe case of the arse upon coming back. It really made no sense as I did not really know where I was for the first few days anyways.  ;D

Some pros (If you can call them that) that study NDEs say that the rage is due to us being forced to come back to this sh*thole called Earth and live a human existence after being freed from the bonds for a while. Yup, I guess anybody would have a case of the arse.  ;)

Offline Mackie

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Re: near death experience
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2006, 05:11:38 pm »
Carney, Dracho, For long I was faithful to my god, race and nation. lately... I have been letting it all go, not caring because no one else seems to care either. Thats propably why I felt the duality.
There is a saying, Death is no reason to let a mission become undone.
"Integrity is doing what is right even when the outcome is already known."

Offline Mackie

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Re: near death experience
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2006, 05:42:30 pm »
Rage and stuff after a N.D.E. is not that uncommon. I was in a coma for 5 days and I had a severe case of the arse upon coming back. It really made no sense as I did not really know where I was for the first few days anyways.  ;D

Some pros (If you can call them that) that study NDEs say that the rage is due to us being forced to come back to this sh*thole called Earth and live a human existence after being freed from the bonds for a while. Yup, I guess anybody would have a case of the arse.  ;)
I didnt go anywhere, I just blacked out for all I remember. But still, I felt uncontrollable rage when I woke up.
Right now im just depressed, finally understanding what happened ;/
"Integrity is doing what is right even when the outcome is already known."

Offline E_Look

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Re: near death experience
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2006, 10:46:35 pm »
Since you think you might have died and come back to us here in life, let me not waste your time and mince words, so if I sound offensive, I apologize and hope you will not take offense.

Mackie, properly, it's God before anything, even self, nation, race, family, or friends.

God has said that anyone who considers any of these things (or any others) before Him is not worthy of being with Him after death.  The Devil has nothing to do with any of this really (maybe except make your life Hell or something like that) and it's God who does the judging, has the power to fling you into Hell, and it's He who defines right and wrong.  And he has said that anyone who loves nation, race, family, friends, or self more than Him has no place with Him.

I hope you consider this as you consider your latest spiritual experience... and it truly WAS a spiritual experience, whether you really died or not.

But it's nice to have you back with us, man.

Offline Mackie

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Re: near death experience
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2006, 12:24:17 pm »
Since you think you might have died and come back to us here in life, let me not waste your time and mince words, so if I sound offensive, I apologize and hope you will not take offense.

Mackie, properly, it's God before anything, even self, nation, race, family, or friends.

God has said that anyone who considers any of these things (or any others) before Him is not worthy of being with Him after death.  The Devil has nothing to do with any of this really (maybe except make your life Hell or something like that) and it's God who does the judging, has the power to fling you into Hell, and it's He who defines right and wrong.  And he has said that anyone who loves nation, race, family, friends, or self more than Him has no place with Him.

I hope you consider this as you consider your latest spiritual experience... and it truly WAS a spiritual experience, whether you really died or not.

But it's nice to have you back with us, man.

Well I do consider my heart stopping and me blacking out as something that was too-near-to-death-for-comfort ;p
And I do put god first eventhough he is not the thing i rage about first and foremost for my faith is mine and mine alone.
God comes first, race comes second, nation comes third. Family comes fourth, friends come as fifth. And I come as the number six on the list.
"These are things that every man of every faith should be able to embrace".
That is the order I try to keep things in.
"Integrity is doing what is right even when the outcome is already known."

Offline Dracho

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Re: near death experience
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2006, 05:07:14 pm »
"Near Death" or "near Enough"... doesn't sound fun either way.
The worst enemy of a good plan is the dream of a perfect plan.  - Karl von Clausewitz

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Re: near death experience
« Reply #9 on: July 30, 2006, 12:09:46 am »
God comes first, race comes second, nation comes third. Family comes fourth, friends come as fifth. And I come as the number six on the list.
"These are things that every man of every faith should be able to embrace".
That is the order I try to keep things in.

Mackie, if you really do put God first, it's got to be His way and by His standard...  And that means by His Bible.  Now, I would never suggest that I know all that there is to know about the Bible, but I've been through it cover-to-cover a few times and I can tell you that without exception there is no reference to 'race' in it at all.  ANYWHERE.  And if you want to talk about Nations, God recognizes only two:  Israel, and everyone else ("Gentiles"...) and you and I are both on the outside of that one...

I suppose you can prioritize if you want, but God-->Others-->Yourself is the Biblical model.  Even your enemies, those who would "Despitefully use you" whatever "Race" they are from, come ahead of our own selves in God's economy.

It's a standard we cannot live up to without His Holy Spirit that dwells within His People...

...And that's His Free Gift that's available to all just for asking.

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Offline Mackie

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Re: near death experience
« Reply #10 on: July 31, 2006, 03:43:50 pm »
my faith and my beliefs about other matters are separate entities but if you have something else to say, please do so by the means of private messaging, otherwise this is should be in hot 'n spicy, if its still called that these days ;p
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Re: near death experience
« Reply #11 on: July 31, 2006, 06:56:20 pm »
People who need to be brought to the edge of death in order to gain perspective on life have serious problems.

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Offline Mackie

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Re: near death experience
« Reply #12 on: August 04, 2006, 01:20:11 pm »
I dont know if this related to the thing but I have noticed one odd thing; I havent had a single panic attack since the incident, I usually get several in 7 days :>
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Offline E_Look

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Re: near death experience
« Reply #13 on: August 04, 2006, 01:57:51 pm »
May you retain this strength.

Offline Dracho

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Re: near death experience
« Reply #14 on: August 04, 2006, 09:10:52 pm »
I dont know if this related to the thing but I have noticed one odd thing; I havent had a single panic attack since the incident, I usually get several in 7 days :>

You probably now realize that short of nearly dying again, there really isn't much to panic about.  When things get really stressful at work I think, "Eh.. at least nobody is shooting at me".
The worst enemy of a good plan is the dream of a perfect plan.  - Karl von Clausewitz

Offline Mackie

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Re: near death experience
« Reply #15 on: August 05, 2006, 05:04:53 am »
its not that im constantly panicing, the attacks tend to strike usually when im sitting by my self, when i least expect and they dont really seem to have no reason at all :/
but dracho makes a point and im glad there hasnt been one since :>
"Integrity is doing what is right even when the outcome is already known."