Is one player fielding six ships dependent upon one ship carrying another ship inside it, like the F5Q group or whatever it is and custom mission scripts?? Or is there the possibililty that whatever holds the ships that the player owns in the DB can be altered directly as you seem to suggest especially in an SQL-based server to exceed the limits of that the dynaverse interface imposes?
No, this is not using a carrying solution.We tested it onm the "stock" OP+4 shiplist in use on The Forge. I modified the OCI to allow purchase of 6 ships last night. (see the config paramters in the OCI thread

). Dizzy tested it and ran with six ships in mission. I have since set it back to 3 ships max. Theoretically I could set it higher than 6, though I'm not sure how much higher.
FleetAdmiral Dizzy (1445)
Empire: Gorn Confederation
Prestige: 27079 / 26292
(G-BB) HMCS Webmap
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HomeWorld: 15,9
Battles Played: 8
Last Logged On: Saturday, July 29, 2006
Location: 28,14
This works becasue the new shipyards in the OCI modify the shipcachevector directly instead of passing ships through the bid process as the old version did.
If you check the OCI wishlist, you will see I have a supply/repair dock on the list, which is completely feasible, just a matter of time.
Though I'm not sure this whole thing would be used much as we rarely see fleets allowed on the Dynaverse anyway. Though I would love to see it more. (and lets not get into that whole flamage on that issue again , thanks.)