I just had an experience similar though not as dangerous, maybe. I was out north in the bush some 85 km away from the nearest town with my truck. Upon return, some 20 or so km from closest town my brakes went out. I thought, "oh well, at least I can get myself to town if I take it slow and cautious as there is no traffic out here.".. Turned the next corner and blew the front right tire. That slowed the trip down quite some bit.
Turns out the right rear brake line ruptured and all my fluid was gushing out while I was replacing the tire. Someone happened along and offered to go into town to buy some brake fluid for me(really nice). He left, turns out that town was closed for Sunday(about 300 peops) so he had to go down the highway to the next town. He bought me 2 bottles of fluid and returned. This would at least get me home(about 100 km away) with roughly 10% brakes working. Nicest part: HE REFUSED FOR ME TO PAY FOR IT. He drove away to make sure I could not give him money.
I have often helped others on the road when they have problems and perhaps he was one of the ones I or someone else helped at one time or another so he repaid it to me.
Cost me a bundle when I got back as I bought 4 new tires and fixed the brakes, but that is my business.