Topic: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback  (Read 23140 times)

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #40 on: July 29, 2006, 10:10:50 pm »
I like the hour old idea Bonk. Keeps it useful as a PvP archive without giving out current info.

Maybe 3 hours old would be even better.

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #41 on: July 29, 2006, 10:34:27 pm »

$PPtransfersTax      = 10;            // Transfer service charge in percent, charged to donor

I'd rather have a flat rate.

Picky, picky, picky...   :P I'll look at it. Shouldn't be hard to do.

I like the hour old idea Bonk. Keeps it useful as a PvP archive without giving out current info.

Maybe 3 hours old would be even better.

I think I will do that, and make the age configurable, its a simpler solution.

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #42 on: July 30, 2006, 04:16:20 am »
How about an option for a percentage and a flat rate bonk?
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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #43 on: July 30, 2006, 07:59:18 am »
How about an option for a percentage and a flat rate bonk?

Lol, I knew that was coming... that might be too much of a bother. Oh wait, I see what you mean, I could just add a configurable flat surcharge to the service charge so one could set the tax to 0% + 500 PP surcharge, or 10% + 0 PP or whatever... sounds good.

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #44 on: July 30, 2006, 09:44:33 am »
PP transfers and recent battle reports modified as suggested:

Code: [Select]
0; // Delay in minutes before battles appear on the recent battles page
$BattleRepNum 200; // Number of Recent battles to report - keep low to minimise server load

$usePPtransfers 1; // Allow character to character prestige transfers, set to zero to disable
if ($usePPtransfers == 1) {
$PPtransfersMin 6000; // Minimum transfer
$PPtransfersMax 1000000; // Maximum transfer
$PPtransfersTax 10; // Transfer service charge in percent, charged to donor
$PPtransfersSur 500; // Transfer surcharge, charged to donor

Recent battle reports are not delayed in The Forge OCI config file, but we can set it to whatever is desired for SG6, (762 suggests 180 minutes). Eventually I'll need to move all these configuration parameters to a database table and make them editable in the OCI Admin Controls, but not until I stop adding features (or at least slow down) to avoid duplicating effort.

They whole Destroyed ships function needs reworking, the report delay is not applied there yet, but it is not so critical as ships are destroyed less frequently than battles occur. And people usually crow about it on TS anyway so everyone knows it has happened and when.

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #45 on: July 30, 2006, 09:15:55 pm »
don't know if it's been mentioned yet,but the kill section of the interface needs to have an "escape" option added for 2v2's and 3v3's.....other wise it looks like 2 or 3 peeps  gangged up on 1 player instead of looking like one or two escaped

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #46 on: July 30, 2006, 09:22:11 pm »
u missunderstand the purpose of the kill report page. Its for VC purposes. If u want details on who was involved go look at the battle report. You can always post your kill in the RP thread.

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #47 on: July 30, 2006, 10:43:15 pm »
How about an option for a percentage and a flat rate bonk?

Lol, I knew that was coming... that might be too much of a bother. Oh wait, I see what you mean, I could just add a configurable flat surcharge to the service charge so one could set the tax to 0% + 500 PP surcharge, or 10% + 0 PP or whatever... sounds good.


if $flatratesetting = 1

then there won't be a percentage taxt, but if $flatratesetting = 0 then it defaults to $PPtransfersTax  = ? where ? is a number pecentage, in this case, 10.


Yours is simpler and does more.


Ignore this post, thanks bonk.
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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #48 on: July 31, 2006, 07:45:11 am »
How about an option for a percentage and a flat rate bonk?

Lol, I knew that was coming... that might be too much of a bother. Oh wait, I see what you mean, I could just add a configurable flat surcharge to the service charge so one could set the tax to 0% + 500 PP surcharge, or 10% + 0 PP or whatever... sounds good.

can i claim any dependants?
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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #49 on: July 31, 2006, 08:19:29 am »
How about an option for a percentage and a flat rate bonk?

Lol, I knew that was coming... that might be too much of a bother. Oh wait, I see what you mean, I could just add a configurable flat surcharge to the service charge so one could set the tax to 0% + 500 PP surcharge, or 10% + 0 PP or whatever... sounds good.

can i claim any dependants?

Only if you're winging with Maverick.  ;D


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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #50 on: July 31, 2006, 10:01:19 am »
Then he'll be claiming life insurance.

Offline Bonk

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #51 on: July 31, 2006, 08:29:27 pm »
-RM ship assignment modified to allow for assignment of ships from any race to allied players - is configurable, may still be restricted to allied ships to allied players only.
-Admin ship assignment modified to ignore YFA/YLAs.
-Admin player ban feature added.

Checklist/Wishlist current status:

- Shipyard  -DONE
- Transfers options -DONE
- PP Transfers -DONE
- Location options ("wormholes", "stargates") -DONE
- Kills Page  -DONE

- ship assignment -DONE

- Map editor -DONE
- Character editor -DONE
- ship assignment -DONE

- Configurable minimum, maximum PP transfer, tax and surcharge.  -DONE
- loginban interface -DONE
- Add configurable delay to recent battle reports.  -DONE
- Supply docks - NEXT?

- OCI Config - params in db instead of file thus configurable in the script
- Politics editor
- Race specific chat
- OP orders PM system (Crim's suggestion)
- Bulk map edits
- starbase purchasing (will require research and observation of the shipcachevector of native base purchases in action)
- Admin account creation (perhaps an account creation page for players as well)
- help page or in-context help tooltips
- fullscreen map solution (javascript? the horror!)
- implement OoB features based on OP+4 shiplist data
- gf editor, reboot, restart facilities.
- database backup and download.
- strip SMF integration for distributable version
« Last Edit: August 01, 2006, 11:50:54 am by Bonk »

Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #52 on: August 01, 2006, 01:31:59 pm »
-RM ship assignment modified to allow for assignment of ships from any race to allied players - is configurable, may still be restricted to allied ships to allied players only.
-Admin ship assignment modified to ignore YFA/YLAs.
-Admin player ban feature added.

Checklist/Wishlist current status:

- Shipyard  -DONE
- Transfers options -DONE
- PP Transfers -DONE
- Location options ("wormholes", "stargates") -DONE
- Kills Page  -DONE

- ship assignment -DONE

- Map editor -DONE
- Character editor -DONE
- ship assignment -DONE

- Configurable minimum, maximum PP transfer, tax and surcharge.  -DONE
- loginban interface -DONE
- Add configurable delay to recent battle reports.  -DONE
- Supply docks - NEXT?

- OCI Config - params in db instead of file thus configurable in the script
- Politics editor
- Race specific chat
- OP orders PM system (Crim's suggestion)
- Bulk map edits
- starbase purchasing (will require research and observation of the shipcachevector of native base purchases in action)
- Admin account creation (perhaps an account creation page for players as well)
- help page or in-context help tooltips
- fullscreen map solution (javascript? the horror!)
- implement OoB features based on OP+4 shiplist data
- gf editor, reboot, restart facilities.
- database backup and download.
- strip SMF integration for distributable version

I do hope if we have an "incident" like on SGO5 and a player gets banned, the SCCs will be notified at least.
Perhaps even a chance to get the players straightened out ( a day or 2 in the agony booth does wonders for "Conduct Rehabilitation")  ;)
Last time, I only learned of it after a week had passed.  :-\
Lord Krueg
We are the Dead

Offline Bonk

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #53 on: August 01, 2006, 02:31:12 pm »
Admin ship assignment modified to allow assigning ships from non-playable races.

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #54 on: August 01, 2006, 02:39:41 pm »

I do hope if we have an "incident" like on SGO5 and a player gets banned, the SCCs will be notified at least.
Perhaps even a chance to get the players straightened out ( a day or 2 in the agony booth does wonders for "Conduct Rehabilitation")  ;)
Last time, I only learned of it after a week had passed.  :-\

I wasnt even notified and it was my server. Sometimes things happen and we deal with it as best can be which is what happened. In the future all I can say is we will do the best we can, thanks for the input, Krueg, you should have been notified.


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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #55 on: August 02, 2006, 10:48:20 am »
One thing that would be extremely nice Bonk is if I could load the webmap, look at stuff, do other things on the OCI, and go back to the webmap without having to reload it. Is there a way it could be cached locally so I can just click on something to bring up the previously loaded map, then manually reload it when I want an update?

Also, is it possible to have the little map drop-downs default to whatever I used last?

Offline Bonk

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #56 on: August 02, 2006, 11:07:53 am »
One thing that would be extremely nice Bonk is if I could load the webmap, look at stuff, do other things on the OCI, and go back to the webmap without having to reload it. Is there a way it could be cached locally so I can just click on something to bring up the previously loaded map, then manually reload it when I want an update?

Also, is it possible to have the little map drop-downs default to whatever I used last?

Good suggestions...

It should already remember what view you used last unless you go to another area of the OCI in the same browser window and then return to the map.... I could set the last view used in a session or cookie,  so that it will persist across the various pages... I'll add that to the wishlist.

Though you can resolve both issues for now by using tabbed browsing in Firefox or IE7 (or new windows in IE6) - just right click a link and open in new tab or window thus your map view will remain as is in the other tab or window and you can refresh it only when desired.

I'd add tabs to the OCI itself but I pretty much refuse to use javascript; which is somewhat limiting but guarantees consistent function regardless of the users browser security settings. AJAX would be very well suited to the OCI, but I hate buzzwords and fads and I despise javascript even more. ;)

I'll stew on a solution to this. For now, multiple browser tabs or windows ought to do the trick.


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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #57 on: August 02, 2006, 11:18:52 am »
Didn't think of that...duh  :P

Offline Bonk

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #58 on: August 02, 2006, 11:44:01 am »
Yup, easy solution, but it would be nice if it worked as you suggest.

Updated checklist/wishlist:

- Shipyard  -DONE
- Transfers options -DONE
- PP Transfers -DONE
- Location options ("wormholes", "stargates") -DONE
- Kills Page  -DONE

- ship assignment -DONE

- Map editor -DONE
- Character editor -DONE
- ship assignment -DONE

General stuff:
- Configurable minimum, maximum PP transfer, tax and surcharge.  -DONE
- loginban interface -DONE
- Add configurable delay to recent battle reports.  -DONE
- Configurable ship detail on roster -DONE
- starbase purchasing/assignment -DONE
- Wormholes/stargates limited by allied race locations only, configurable - DONE
- shipyards/transfers available only in friendly planets and bases - configurable  - DONE

- Forced new ship tradein/purchase on race transfer - PRIORITY - but a lot of work so its getting put off...
- Map view persistence
- Supply docks
- ship naming
- OCI Config - params in db instead of file thus configurable in the script
- Politics editor
- Race specific chat
- OP orders PM system (Crim's suggestion)
- Bulk map edits
- Admin account creation (perhaps an account creation page for players as well)
- help page or in-context help tooltips
- fullscreen map solution (javascript? the horror!)
- implement OoB features based on OP+4 shiplist data
- gf editor, reboot, restart facilities.
- database backup and download.
- Set OCI Admin and RM hooks for SMF membergroups instead of in the config file/db.
- strip SMF integration for distributable version
« Last Edit: August 04, 2006, 04:32:24 pm by Bonk »

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #59 on: August 02, 2006, 06:36:30 pm »
Roster modified to be configurable for level of detail on ships shown. Can be set to "class" or "ship". It is set to "class" for SGO6.