Topic: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback  (Read 23130 times)

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Offline Bonk

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Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« on: July 27, 2006, 01:26:43 pm »
The Online Campaign Interface (OCI) is now up and replaces the old webmap.  :)

(I'll fill in some details here later...)
« Last Edit: August 02, 2006, 11:10:56 am by Bonk »

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2006, 02:09:21 pm »
Hey Bonk, it looks marvelous.   Absolutely marvelous.   :o

Nice job.   :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2006, 02:23:51 pm »
WOW! NEW TOYS!!!!!!!! OMG! Ok okok... I'm looking and cant stop grinning from ear to ear! I'll edit this post in a min with feedback.

Ok here's the update, just a visual view of some things you can do. Course some are available only to admins or RM's like map editing and ship assignments... Also, sory for the file size, but its worth a look. My viewscreen is 1680*1050, so it will likely look a slight bit different that yours. EDIT: course it would if the pics worked. Have to go there manually I guess.

Map editing thoughts... say you dont want to let the enemy use the planet you're about to lose to them... so you nuke it to hell and tell em, 'Here bitches! Have it now!'. Call it scorched earth and now that planet is an asteroid field.
Or say one team solves a riddle and aquires the genesis torpedo. They decide to use it on an asteroid field or neb hex and create a planet for themselves to use. Or more evil, lets say they use it on an existing enemy planet... The hex, immediately changes ownership no matter the DV...
Let's say a space monster has been attacking and now all the planets in the vicinity of xx,yy have been destroyed and more are threatened until it is killed...
What about a star that goes supernova and creates a nebula, or another that collapses in on itself and becomes a black hole... Terrain in space isnt static by any means...

Random events... The character editor allows an admin to place an account of any race wherever in any ship. Lets say a space monster is about to munch a planet. The empire is notified that immediately they must draft this monster on hex xx,yy and destroy it before it reduces their planet to rubble.
An alien force has abducted your ship and crew and flung them to the nether region of the universe. You must now fight your way back home or die trying.
Gonna think up more...
« Last Edit: July 27, 2006, 08:39:06 pm by dizzy »


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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2006, 03:05:01 pm »
Very slick Bonk!  :thumbsup:

RE: the Recent Battles page, is it possible to filter it so it only shows friendlies?

Offline Bonk

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2006, 03:54:04 pm »
RE: the Recent Battles page, is it possible to filter it so it only shows friendlies?

Not a bad idea... I'll add that to my list. The Destroyed ships page need more work first though as it is loading the whole 3 month battle log and takes way too long with too much server load. I might just disable it altogether if I cant optimise it. I like the idea of filtering the recent battles though.

Offline Bonk

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2006, 04:12:17 pm »
The current checklist/wishlist from the development thread:

Rough outline of goals for the next few days:

- Shipyard  -DONE
- Transfers options  (allies only,all) -DONE
- PP Transfers -DONE
- Location options ("wormholes", "stargates") -DONE
- Kills Page (new fields, reported-by) -DONE

- ship assignment -DONE (assign ships)

- Map editor -DONE
- Character editor -DONE
- ship assignment -DONE

Optional for SG6 (if I get to it in time and if my head has not exploded...)
- Configurable minimum, maximum PP transfer, tax and surcharge.  -DONE
- loginban interface
- OCI Config - params in db instead of file thus configurable in the script
- Politics editor (for future)
- Supply docks
- Race specific chat
- OP orders PM system (Crim's suggestion)
- Bulk map edits
- starbase purchasing (will require research and observation of the shipcachevector of native base purchases in action)
- Admin account creation (perhaps an account creation page for players as well)
- help page or in-context help tooltips
- fullscreen map solution (javascript? the horror!)
- filter recent battles by friendlies... (762's suggestion - delay below used instead)
- Add configurable delay to recent battle reports .  -DONE
- implement OoB features based on OP+4 shiplist data

Should be able to get this stuff done if I stick to it for the next few days.  (hopefully to start setting up the SG6 test server / installer by tuesday)
« Last Edit: July 30, 2006, 11:03:01 pm by Bonk »


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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2006, 04:33:33 pm »
By filter I actually meant a mandatory filter that would prevent you from seeing where the enemy is attacking, and who is winging together. As is it shows a little too much info IMHO.

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #7 on: July 27, 2006, 04:44:11 pm »
I agree with tool. I dont want info available to one side that will show where your enemy is.

However, on the Players Online tab, I do want to know if a player is in mission or not, but where they are should only be shown if that player is allied.

Also, Bonk, Transferring pp to players, should only be allowed at a transfer cost equal to a characters starting prestige to avoid misuse. As a suggestion, a players starting pp I figure would default at 1-2k according to most past servers ship costs for CL's... Thats about where u want to put them.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2006, 04:54:20 pm by dizzy »


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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #8 on: July 27, 2006, 04:46:36 pm »
P.S. That to-do list looks awesome, if this stuff truly works I'm going to enjoy this campaign.  :)

Offline Lepton

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #9 on: July 27, 2006, 05:53:32 pm »
Not sure what the future plans are for the kills page, but my suggestion would be merely a set of PvP battles to chose from to implement reporting who won, lost, was destroyed, etc.  That would make reporting easier.  Further, why is it not possible if this information is being reported to the battles page in one form or another, to merely have this information saved, reported, and tallied on the fly?

BTW, it looks awesome.  Great work.

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #10 on: July 27, 2006, 06:24:15 pm »
Awesome is the word of the day....

Now all we need is the ability to launch from the map and track and load previous damage... ;D

Offline Bonk

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #11 on: July 27, 2006, 06:28:34 pm »
By filter I actually meant a mandatory filter that would prevent you from seeing where the enemy is attacking, and who is winging together. As is it shows a little too much info IMHO.

I understood what you meant. I'll look at moving it to the Player controls and filtering by allies. If its too much of a hassle we can just disable it altogehter.

I agree with tool. I dont want info available to one side that will show where your enemy is.

Everybody always forgets the news, its all visible there to everyone on the server.

However, on the Players Online tab, I do want to know if a player is in mission or notif that player is allied.

No problem, already the case if the player locations display setting is disabled.

but where they are should only be shown if that player is allied.

That would require moving it to the player controls and I'd rather leave it where it is for easy acccess.

Also, Bonk, Transferring pp to players, should only be allowed at a transfer cost equal to a characters starting prestige to avoid misuse. As a suggestion, a players starting pp I figure would default at 1-2k according to most past servers ship costs for CL's... Thats about where u want to put them.

I can set a configurable maximum on player PP transfers, but I don't understand how it could be exploited as it currently is.
Are you suggesting that people would create multiple forums accounts and game server accounts and then transfer their starting PP from these accounts to their main account?  I could get PP faster by just running missions... Setting a maximum would not solve that anyway. Am I misunderstanding your concern here?

Here is the OCI config file for The Forge, it will explain much. Of course the configureation for SG6 will not be the same. (Base, Planet and Player location displays will be disabled, locaions will be set to Stargates mode...):

Code: [Select]

= array();
$serveradmins[0] = "XXXXXX";
$serveradmins[1] = "XXXXXX";

$serverRMs = array();
$serverRMs[0] = "";

$campbaseyear "2263";

$showplanets 1 // set to zero to disable planet display
$showbases 1; // set to zero to disable base display
$showplayerloc 1; // set to zero to disable player location displays on the battles and whos online pages.

$D2dbhostname      "XXXXXX"; // The D2 MySQL db servers hostname OR IP address
$D2dbport "XXXXXX"; // The D2 MySQL db server port number
$D2db "XXXXXX"; // The name of the MySQL D2 database
$D2dbuser      "XXXXXX"; // The MySQL user to connect as
$D2dbpass  "XXXXXX"; // The password for that user
$D2campname "The Forge"; // The D2 campaign name (just for titles)

$cssloc "/oci/oci.css"; // path to css on webserver

$ociroot "/oci";  // root webmap folder
$forumsroot "/forum"// SMF forum root
$useforumslink 1// show a link to the SMF forum

$usekills 1;

$usetransfers 1; // Set to zero to disable player race transfers
if ($usetransfers == 1) {
$transfermode "any"; // Set to "allied" to limit transfers to allied races only, or "any" for any race

$usePPtransfers 1; // Set to zero to disable player PP transfers to allied players

$uselocations 1; // Set to zero to disable Wormholes/Stargates
if ($uselocations == 1) {
$locationsmode "Wormholes"; // locations mode "Wormholes" (black holes) or "Stargates" (homeworlds, starbases)
$locationsally "any"; // Set to "allied" to limit locations to allied hexes only, or "any" for any race hexes
$locationsprice 100; // Price in PP per hex moved
$locationsfail 0; // Probability of wormhole/stargate collapse (0-100) - not fully implemented yet - leave at zero.

$usejavairc 1;
if (
$usejavairc == 1) {
$d2IRCserver "XXXXXX"; // IRC server in use by D2 server
$d2IRCserverport XXXXXX;
$d2IRCGenChan "#General@TheForge";

$usets 1; // Use TS webpost page
if ($usets == 1) {
$TSlink       ""; // TS webpost page address

$useOoBadmin 0;

$useshipassign 1;
$useshipyard 1; // Use shipyard pages (fill out forums and D2 server info above)
if ($useshipyard == or $useshipassign == 1) {
$MinimumBidFactor  6; // The multiplier for the minimum bid for a ship (in
$TradeinFactor 6; // Trade-in multiplier (converse of MinimumBid Factor)
$Cost_Difficulty 1.1; // The cost multiplier for the current difficulty setting (in
$MaximumOwnedShips 3; // Max ships owned as set in
$classcostmod  = array(); // This is a modifier per <eClassType> for the price of a ship (don't change this line - it just declares the array - edit the lines below according to
$classcostmod[0 1.0; // Shuttle class cost modifier
$classcostmod[1 1.0; // PF class cost modifier
$classcostmod[2 1.0; // Freighter class cost modifier
$classcostmod[3 0.9; // Frigate class cost modifier
$classcostmod[4 1.0; // Destroyer class cost modifier
$classcostmod[5 2.0; // War Destroyer class cost modifier
$classcostmod[6 1.5; // Light Cruiser class cost modifier
$classcostmod[7 2.0; // Heavy Cruiser class cost modifier
$classcostmod[8 2.25; // New Heavy Cruiser class cost modifier
$classcostmod[9 3.0; // Heavy Battlecruiser class cost modifier
$classcostmod[10 4.0; // Carrier class cost modifier
$classcostmod[11 5.0; // Dreadnaught class cost modifier
$classcostmod[12 8.0; // Battleship class cost modifier
$classcostmod[13 1.0; // Listening Post class cost modifier
$classcostmod[14 2.0; // Base Station class cost modifier
$classcostmod[15 3.5; // Battle Station class cost modifier
$classcostmod[16 5.0; // Starbase class cost modifier
$classcostmod[17 1.0; // Monster class cost modifier
$classcostmod[18 1.0; // Planet class cost modifier
$classcostmod[19 1.0; // Special class cost modifier

// Limited availability ship classes:
$limavail  = array();
$limavail['SHUTTLE' "limited"; // Shuttle
$limavail['PF' "limited"; // PF
$limavail['FREIGHTER' "avail"; // Freighter
$limavail['FRIGATE' "avail"; // Frigate
$limavail['DESTROYER' "avail"; // Destroyer
$limavail['WAR_DESTROYER' "avail"; // War Destroyer
$limavail['LIGHT_CRUISER' "avail"; // Light Cruiser
$limavail['HEAVY_CRUISER' "avail"; // Heavy Cruiser
$limavail['NEW_HEAVY_CRUISER' "avail"; // New Heavy Cruiser
$limavail['HEAVY_BATTLECRUISER' "avail"; // Heavy Battlecruiser
$limavail['CARRIER' "avail"; // Carrier
$limavail['DREADNOUGHT' "avail"; // Dreadnaught
$limavail['BATTLESHIP' "avail"; // Battleship
$limavail['LISTENING_POST' "limited"; // Listening Post
$limavail['BASE_STATION' "limited"; // Base Station
$limavail['BATTLE_STATION' "limited"; // Battle Station
$limavail['STARBASE' "limited"; // Starbase
$limavail['MONSTER' "limited"; // Monster
$limavail['PLANET' "limited"; // Planet
$limavail['SPECIAL' "limited"; // Special
// To limit individual ships for this interface add " lim" to the end of the SFB Year Last Available field in the copy of the shiplist placed in this folder for use by the webmap
// "limited"
// Empire/Cartel Names
$empstring = array();
$empstring[0] = "United Federation of Planets";
$empstring[1] = "Klingon Empire";
$empstring[2] = "Romulan Star Empire";
$empstring[3] = "Lyran Star Empire";
$empstring[4] = "Hydran Kingdom";
$empstring[5] = "Gorn Confederation";
$empstring[6] = "Interstellar Concordium";
$empstring[7] = "Kzinti Hegemony";
$empstring[8] = "Orion Cartel";
$empstring[9] = "Korgath Cartel";
$empstring[10] = "Prime Cartel";
$empstring[11] = "TigerHeart Cartel";
$empstring[12] = "BeastRaiders Cartel";
$empstring[13] = "Syndicate Cartel";
$empstring[14] = "WyldeFire Cartel";
$empstring[15] = "Camboro Cartel";
$empstring[16] = "Rogue Pirates";
$empstring[17] = "Monsters";
$empstring[18] = "Tholian Holdfast";
$empstring[19] = "Lyran Democratic League";
$empstring[20] = "WYN Star Cluster";
$empstring[21] = "Jindarian";
$empstring[22] = "Andromedans";
$empstring[23] = "Neutral";
$empstring[24] = "Mirror";
$empstring[25] = "All Races";

// Short Empire/Cartel Names
$empstringshort = array();
$empstringshort[0] = "Fed";
$empstringshort[1] = "Kli";
$empstringshort[2] = "Rom";
$empstringshort[3] = "Lyr";
$empstringshort[4] = "Hyd";
$empstringshort[5] = "Gor";
$empstringshort[6] = "ISC";
$empstringshort[7] = "Kzi";
$empstringshort[8] = "Ori";
$empstringshort[9] = "Kor";
$empstringshort[10] = "Pri";
$empstringshort[11] = "Tig";
$empstringshort[12] = "Bea";
$empstringshort[13] = "Syn";
$empstringshort[14] = "Wyl";
$empstringshort[15] = "Cam";
$empstringshort[16] = "Rog";
$empstringshort[17] = "Mon";
$empstringshort[18] = "Tho";
$empstringshort[19] = "LDR";
$empstringshort[20] = "WYN";
$empstringshort[21] = "Jin";
$empstringshort[22] = "And";
$empstringshort[23] = "Neu";
$empstringshort[24] = "Mir";
$empstringshort[25] = "All";

$serverteams = array();
$serverteams[0] = "Alliance";
$serverteams[1] = "Coalition";

$empcolor = array();
$empcolor[0] = "#0000FF";  //Federation
$empcolor[1] = "#FF0000";  //Klingon
$empcolor[2] = "#00FF00";  //Romulan
$empcolor[3] = "#FFCC33";  //Lyran
$empcolor[4] = "#660099";  //Hydran
$empcolor[5] = "#996600";  //Gorn
$empcolor[6] = "#FF66CC";  //ISC
$empcolor[7] = "#00FFFF";  //Mirak
$empcolor[8] = "#0000FF";  //Orion
$empcolor[9] = "#FF0000";  //Orion
$empcolor[10] = "#00FF00";  //Orion
$empcolor[11] = "#FFCC33";  //Orion
$empcolor[12] = "#660099";  //Orion
$empcolor[13] = "#996600";  //Orion
$empcolor[14] = "#FF66CC";  //Orion
$empcolor[15] = "#00FFFF";  //Orion
$empcolor[16] = "#CCCCCC";  //NeutralRace
$empcolor[17] = "#CCCCCC";  //NeutralRace
$empcolor[18] = "#CCCCCC";  //NeutralRace
$empcolor[19] = "#CCCCCC";  //NeutralRace
$empcolor[20] = "#CCCCCC";  //NeutralRace
$empcolor[21] = "#CCCCCC";  //NeutralRace
$empcolor[22] = "#CCCCCC";  //NeutralRace
$empcolor[23] = "#CCCCCC";  //NeutralRace
$empcolor[24] = "#CCCCCC";  //NeutralRace
$empcolor[25] = "#CCCCCC";  //NeutralRace

$rankstring = array();
$rankstring[0] = "Ensign";
$rankstring[1] = "Lieutenant";
$rankstring[2] = "LtCommander";
$rankstring[3] = "Captain";
$rankstring[4] = "Commodore";
$rankstring[5] = "RearAdmiral";
$rankstring[6] = "Admiral";
$rankstring[7] = "FleetAdmiral";

$hexname = array();
$hexregion = array();

* Dynaverse server database connection                                        *

$D2db_link mysql_pconnect($D2dbhostname .":" .$D2dbport$D2dbuser$D2dbpass);
if (!
$D2db_link) {
'Could not connect to Dynaverse server database, please try again later.');

$query "SELECT Width,Height FROM mapdescription";
$result mysql_query($query);
$line mysql_fetch_array($resultMYSQL_ASSOC);
$mapdimx $line['Width'];
$mapdimy $line['Height'];

for (
$mdx 0$mdx <= $mapdimx-1$mdx++) {
for (
$mdy 0$mdy <= $mapdimy-1$mdy++) {
$hexname[$mdx][$mdy] = "";
$hexregion[$mdx][$mdy] = "";

// planet names

//$hexname[5][7] = "Earth";
//$hexname[19][3] = "Lyra";

// region names

//$hexregion[5][7] = "Federation Core";


Offline Bonk

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #12 on: July 27, 2006, 06:40:16 pm »
BTW, it looks awesome.  Great work.

Thanks!  :)

Not sure what the future plans are for the kills page, but my suggestion would be merely a set of PvP battles to chose from to implement reporting who won, lost, was destroyed, etc.  That would make reporting easier.  Further, why is it not possible if this information is being reported to the battles page in one form or another, to merely have this information saved, reported, and tallied on the fly?

I took this approach before, and it doesn't work out. While I have the logic to detect PvP kills, crashed/split missions will create duplicate/multiple battle log entries in the game server database, thus they cannot be automatically tallied.

I had a version of the Destroyed Ships page which used a "Confirm Kill" button to address this but as you may see, the problem is that the battle log for a 4 month server is too huge to process reasonably quickly, also the situation is complaicated by the recently added race transfers.

I appreciate the suggestions however and know that I am thinking about possible solutions for this for the future. Here is the current Destroyed Ships code to give you an idea of the complexity of the situation (note the two really long queries):

Code: [Select]
* Destroyed Ships                                                             *

function destroyed() {


$MyservcharacterID = array();
$CharacterName = array();
$CharacterRace = array();
$CharacterRank = array();
$CharacterPoliticalControl = array();

$MybattlesID  = array();
$MissionName  = array();
$EndTime  = array();
$X = array();
$Y = array();
$HostID = array();
$NumParticipants = array();
$HexBeforeDV = array();
$HexBeforeRace = array();
$HexAfterDV = array();
$HexAfterRace = array();
$HexCarBeforeDV = array();
$HexCarBeforeRace = array();
$HexCarAfterDV = array();
$HexCarAfterRace = array();

$MybattleparticipantID  = array();
$BattleID  = array();
$CharacterID  = array();
$MissionSlot  = array();
$VictoryLevel  = array();
$RegularPrestige  = array();
$BonusPrestige  = array();
$Medal  = array();
$CampaignEvent  = array();
$IsAI  = array();

$VictLevText = array();
$VictLevText[0] = "Astounding Victory";
$VictLevText[1] = "Victory";
$VictLevText[2] = "Draw";
$VictLevText[3] = "Defeat";
$VictLevText[4] = "Devastating Defeat";
$VictLevText[-1] = "Devastating Defeat";
$query "SELECT BattleID, charactername, characterrace, Destroyed, battleparticipant.ID, Shipclassname, BPV, DamagePercentAtEnd FROM battleparticipantships, battleparticipant, servcharacter WHERE isai = 0 and Destroyed = 1 and battleparticipantid = and CharacterID = ORDER BY BattleID DESC";
$result mysql_query($query);
while (
$line mysql_fetch_array($resultMYSQL_ASSOC)) {
$mqBattleID[$d] = $line['BattleID'];
$mqcharactername[$d] = $line['charactername'];
$mqcharacterrace[$d] = $line['characterrace'];
$mqDestroyed[$d] = $line['Destroyed'];
$mqShipclassname[$d] = $line['Shipclassname'];
$mqBPV[$d] = $line['BPV'];
$mqDamagePercentAtEnd[$d] = $line['DamagePercentAtEnd'];

$query "SELECT BattleID, charactername, characterrace, Destroyed, battleparticipant.ID, Shipclassname, BPV, DamagePercentAtEnd FROM battleparticipantships, battleparticipant, servcharacter WHERE isai = 0 and Destroyed = 0 and battleparticipantid = and CharacterID = ORDER BY BattleID DESC";
$result mysql_query($query);
while (
$line mysql_fetch_array($resultMYSQL_ASSOC)) {
$mqsBattleID[$e] = $line['BattleID'];
$mqscharactername[$e] = $line['charactername'];
$mqscharacterrace[$e] = $line['characterrace'];
$mqsDestroyed[$e] = $line['Destroyed'];
$mqsShipclassname[$e] = $line['Shipclassname'];
$mqsBPV[$e] = $line['BPV'];
$mqsDamagePercentAtEnd[$e] = $line['DamagePercentAtEnd'];

$idstosel "ID =";
for (
$i 0$i <= $d-1$i++) {
$idstosel .= "$mqBattleID[$i] OR ID=";
$idstosel substr("$idstosel"0,  strlen($idstosel)-7);

$query "SELECT ID,EndTime,X,Y,HostID,NumParticipants,HexBeforeEmpireDV,HexBeforeEmpireRace,HexAfterEmpireDV,HexAfterEmpireRace,HexBeforeCartelDV, HexBeforeCartelRace, HexAfterCartelDV, HexAfterCartelRace FROM battles WHERE $idstosel ORDER BY ID DESC";
$result mysql_query($query);
while (
$line mysql_fetch_array($resultMYSQL_ASSOC)) {
$MybattlesID[$a] = $line['ID'];
$EndTime[$a] = $line['EndTime'];
$X[$a] = $line['X'];
$Y[$a] = $line['Y'];
$HostID[$a] = $line['HostID'];
$NumParticipants[$a] = $line['NumParticipants'];
$HexBeforeDV[$a] = $line['HexBeforeEmpireDV'];
$HexBeforeRace[$a] = $line['HexBeforeEmpireRace'];
$HexAfterDV[$a] = $line['HexAfterEmpireDV'];
$HexAfterRace[$a] = $line['HexAfterEmpireRace'];
$HexCarBeforeDV[$a] = $line['HexBeforeCartelDV'];
$HexCarBeforeRace[$a] = $line['HexBeforeCartelRace'];
$HexCarAfterDV[$a] = $line['HexAfterCartelDV'];
$HexCarAfterRace[$a] = $line['HexAfterCartelRace'];

$query "SELECT ID,CharacterName,CharacterPoliticalControl FROM servcharacter ORDER BY ID";
$result mysql_query($query);
while (
$line mysql_fetch_array($resultMYSQL_ASSOC)) {
$MyservcharacterID[$b] = $line['ID'];
$CharacterName[$b] = $line['CharacterName'];
$CharacterPoliticalControl[$b] = $line['CharacterPoliticalControl'];

$mybattidstosel str_replace("ID""BattleID"$idstosel);
$query "SELECT ID,BattleID,CharacterID,MissionSlot,VictoryLevel,RegularPrestige,BonusPrestige,Medal,CampaignEvent,IsAI FROM battleparticipant WHERE $mybattidstosel ORDER BY IsAI";
$result mysql_query($query);
while (
$line mysql_fetch_array($resultMYSQL_ASSOC)) {
$MybattleparticipantID[$c] = $line['ID'];
$BattleID[$c] = $line['BattleID'];
$CharacterID[$c] = $line['CharacterID'];
$MissionSlot[$c] = $line['MissionSlot'];
$VictoryLevel[$c] = $line['VictoryLevel'];
$RegularPrestige[$c] = $line['RegularPrestige'];
$BonusPrestige[$c] = $line['BonusPrestige'];
$Medal[$c] = $line['Medal'];
$CampaignEvent[$c] = $line['CampaignEvent'];
$IsAI[$c] = $line['IsAI'];

$destroyed_html '
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" align="center" class="tborder">
<tr class="windowbg2">
<td valign="middle" align="center">
<div style="height: 480px; width: 100%; overflow: auto;">
<hr width=75% align=center>
for ($i 0$i <= $a-1$i++) {
$destroyed_html .= '<b>Destroyed:</b><br>
for ($n 0$n <= $d-1$n++) {
if($MybattlesID[$i] == $mqBattleID[$n]) {
$destroyed_html .= '<font color="';
$destroyed_html .= $empcolor[$mqcharacterrace[$n]];
$destroyed_html .= '"><b>';
$destroyed_html .= $mqcharactername[$n];
$destroyed_html .= '&#39;s</font> ';
$destroyed_html .= $mqShipclassname[$n];
$destroyed_html .= '</b>  BPV:';
$destroyed_html .= $mqBPV[$n];
$destroyed_html .= ' Dmg:';
$destroyed_html .= $mqDamagePercentAtEnd[$n];
$destroyed_html .= '%<br>
$destroyed_html .= '<br>

$destroyed_html .= '<b>Survived:</b><br>
for ($o 0$o <= $e-1$o++) {
if($MybattlesID[$i] == $mqsBattleID[$o]) {
$destroyed_html .= '<font color="';
$destroyed_html .= $empcolor[$mqscharacterrace[$o]];
$destroyed_html .= '"><b>';
$destroyed_html .= $mqscharactername[$o];
$destroyed_html .= '&#39;s</font> ';
$destroyed_html .= $mqsShipclassname[$o];
$destroyed_html .= '</b>  BPV:';
$destroyed_html .= $mqsBPV[$o];
$destroyed_html .= ' Dmg:';
$destroyed_html .= $mqsDamagePercentAtEnd[$o];
$destroyed_html .= '<br>
$destroyed_html .= '<br>

$destroyed_html .= 'Battle location: <b>'$X[$i]. ','$Y[$i]. '</b><br>

$destroyed_html .= 'Battle Participants:<br>
for ($k 0$k <= $c-1$k++) {
if($BattleID[$k] == $MybattlesID[$i]) {
for ($l=$b;$l--;) {
if($MyservcharacterID[$l] == $CharacterID[$k]) {
$destroyed_html .= '<b>';
if($MyservcharacterID[$l] == $HostID[$i]) {
$destroyed_html .= 'Host: ';
$destroyed_html .= '<font color="';
$destroyed_html .= $empcolor[$CharacterPoliticalControl[$l]];
$destroyed_html .= '">';
$destroyed_html .= $CharacterName[$l];
$destroyed_html .= '</font></b>  ';

if($hu != 1) {
$destroyed_html .= 'AI<br>
} else {
$destroyed_html .= 'Victory level: ';
$DummyVictVar $VictoryLevel[$k];
$destroyed_html .= $VictLevText[$VictoryLevel[$k]];
$destroyed_html .= '<br>
$destroyed_html .= 'Regular prestige: ';
$destroyed_html .= $RegularPrestige[$k];
$destroyed_html .= ' Bonus prestige: ';
$destroyed_html .= $BonusPrestige[$k];
$destroyed_html .= '<br>
$destroyed_html .= 'Empire Defence value shift: <b>';
$destroyed_html .= '<font color="';
$destroyed_html .= $empcolor[$HexBeforeRace[$i]];
$destroyed_html .= '">';
$destroyed_html .= $HexBeforeDV[$i];
$destroyed_html .= '</font></b>--><b>';
$destroyed_html .= '<font color="';
$destroyed_html .= $empcolor[$HexAfterRace[$i]];
$destroyed_html .= '">';
$destroyed_html .= $HexAfterDV[$i];
$destroyed_html .= '</font></b><br>

$destroyed_html .= 'Cartel Defence value shift: <b>';
$destroyed_html .= '<font color="';
$destroyed_html .= $empcolor[$HexCarBeforeRace[$i]];
$destroyed_html .= '">';
$destroyed_html .= $HexCarBeforeDV[$i];
$destroyed_html .= '</font></b>--><b>';
$destroyed_html .= '<font color="';
$destroyed_html .= $empcolor[$HexCarAfterRace[$i]];
$destroyed_html .= '">';
$destroyed_html .= $HexCarAfterDV[$i];
$destroyed_html .= '</font></b><br>
Battle finished at: '
$destroyed_html .= $EndTime[$i];
$destroyed_html .= '<br>
$destroyed_html .= '<hr width=75% align=center>
$destroyed_html .= '<br>


Offline Dizzy

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #13 on: July 27, 2006, 06:42:50 pm »
Ya, good ideas, Lepton. We are ALL about automation here, bro. Less work = more fun. But we have been all over this issue like flies on sh*t. But check out the kills page and tell us how the format looks. We just threw up a concept job to do what we need it to do. Suggestions on that?

Offline Bonk

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #14 on: July 27, 2006, 06:49:32 pm »
Awesome is the word of the day....

Overall, I'm pretty pleased with it too, though it still has a few rough spots.

Biggest improvement is the shipyards, I no longer submit the purchases as bids but edit the players shipcachevector directly and create the ship as before.

Now all we need is the ability to launch from the map and track and load previous damage... ;D

Unfortunately that will never be possible without the client source. (Launching OP to connect directly to a Dynaverse server)

SFCDirect is as close as we're going to get. But is has considerable potential, if used with a map and multiplayer scripts that report results back to a central database.  ;) Which would acheive what you are describing, I believe.

Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #15 on: July 27, 2006, 07:39:05 pm »
I do like all the options and the layout.
I see what you mean about the destroyed ships thing, tho.
And WTF is with those kill reports...? :P
Where's that "no way!" option on the confirm section...?  :P

And I especially like some of the new features...
total hexes held, total missions, etc. Very nice!

A bit concerned about the PP tarnsfer thing. A bit to open to abuse.
Perhaps a claus in the rules regarding such...
Lord Krueg
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Offline Skaren

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #16 on: July 27, 2006, 07:40:30 pm »
Man,..   I have watched the campaigns that we run, evolve over the years,..

I haven't been around Dyna that long, but I already see it changing,.. for the better.

I wonder where it will be years from now ?  Nice work,.. and neat code  :)

All Hail the Bonk !


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Offline Dizzy

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #17 on: July 27, 2006, 07:45:14 pm »
And I especially like some of the new features...
total hexes held, total missions, etc. Very nice!

Yeah, it keeps track of how many shipping lane hexes you have... That could be interesting for map makers wanting to seed the map with VC's.

A bit concerned about the PP tarnsfer thing. A bit to open to abuse.
Perhaps a claus in the rules regarding such...

How so? I suggested to bonk the pp transfer cost be equal to that of a new players starting pp. So if a new players starting pp was set to 2k and you had 50k u were transfering to another player, he'd only get 48k. That'd prevent players from creating new accounts and transferring their pp to their main account.

Offline Bonk

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #18 on: July 27, 2006, 08:07:46 pm »
I still don't get how the PP transfers could be abused. Perhaps I am just too spaced out from the late nights all week I spent coding this. Can someone spell it out for me?

Offline Lepton

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #19 on: July 27, 2006, 08:23:48 pm »

I am curious if you can create temporary tables within the MySQL DB that supports the dyna in which events might be logged such as PvP battles. As the battles are logged in this table, they can be confiirmed at the players leisure without having to hit a number of tables with a complex query.  PvP battles once reported could potentially be deleted from the table if the tally were only important detail which might be held in a separate table or even in some global variable.

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Offline Hexx

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #20 on: July 27, 2006, 08:40:01 pm »
Not that I'd ever think about abusing the system(and keeping in mind I really haven't looked at the details).. but

say some pilot without honour or a soul even (call him Dfly) decides that he needs to have more PP than anyone.

Create account (Dfly)
Creat a 2nd account (Dfly1)
Log in (Dfly1)
Has 2K prestige to start
uses webyard to buy smallest ship possible (@400 pts)
sell current ship (for 2K+/-)
Now has an account with @3600 prestige.
Transfer pp
Create account (Dfly2)

OR abuse version 2.0

Remember one race always seems toi have a starting ship worth several k more pp on trade in than anyone else.
With the ability to flip accounts around it wouldn't be hard for the alliance to notice that say (for example) the Gorn starting ship
was worth 2k more than anyone elses. So everyone starts off in a Gorn ship, sells it right away and banks 2K prestige faster than even one of those DF's can bang out a mission .

Really it seems like a very cool setup . Just throw a rule in that bans players who create more than one account.

« Last Edit: July 27, 2006, 08:51:52 pm by Hexx »
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Offline Lepton

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #21 on: July 27, 2006, 09:02:41 pm »
Ya, good ideas, Lepton. We are ALL about automation here, bro. Less work = more fun. But we have been all over this issue like flies on sh*t. But check out the kills page and tell us how the format looks. We just threw up a concept job to do what we need it to do. Suggestions on that?

Well, I think the obvious complication is that PvP whores like yourself won't remember when and where and how many PvP battles you have been in that may or may not be worth VCs.  Are you going to want to stop after every VC-worthy PvP battle to do some data entry on the site?  What if disengagements were worth VCs??  The problem grows exponentially at that point.  Further, I think players are not going to remember their ship names if this indeed is required information to make the battle report.

I don't know the capabilities of the application, but I would think that merely pulling up the kills pages should bring up any unconfirmed PvP battles based on your dynaverse forums id which is hopefully tied in some manner to the dynaverse server id for your character. Select the PvP battle you wish to confirm from a select list.  Info is automatically populated via DB qurey. Check facts.  Hit confirm.  You're done.  Other side is required to confirm the battle as well.  VCs are recorded and tallied.

That's still quite a bit of clicking to do and typing to do, but it would seem that if the information for PvP battles can be reliably queried from the DB then it may not be necessary to report the VC battles as soon as they are concluded.  That seems to be the real problem as drops and bugged missions are also potentially queried out.  If I knew the structure of the tables and the manner if which the server kits logs such analomous battles, I might be able to make a suggestion but as I do not, I can only say that it would seem to bn a vast improvement over manual entries on the forums that need to be tallied manually.

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Offline Hexx

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #22 on: July 27, 2006, 09:05:20 pm »
Oh man I just looked at it- Bonk you are a firckin genius!!!! (can I say firckin?)

No more having to count up stupid hexes as an admin! Just call black holes worth X vp, asteroids Y vp each and do the math.

It's brilliant!
Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"

Offline Bonk

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #23 on: July 27, 2006, 09:16:53 pm »

I am curious if you can create temporary tables within the MySQL DB that supports the dyna in which events might be logged such as PvP battles. As the battles are logged in this table, they can be confiirmed at the players leisure without having to hit a number of tables with a complex query.  PvP battles once reported could potentially be deleted from the table if the tally were only important detail which might be held in a separate table or even in some global variable.

Yes that could be done, but would have to be done from within the mission script. Like the way DarkElf's Economic missions altered the economy of a hex, such an SQL enabled mission could just as easily report PvP info to another table, but spilt missions may or may not still be a problem... (nah one could account for that in such a script). Since MySQL 5 now has triggers and stored procedures, one could also use those facilities to detect PvP missions but they would be subject to the split mission issue.

But you have given me the idea ot run a scheduled script to analyse the battle logs and then summarise it in a nice small table to display on a webpage from a scripting language.  Good thoughts... no way I'll get that done for SG6 but I'm definitely filing all these ideas for future reference.  :)

Offline Bonk

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #24 on: July 27, 2006, 09:21:04 pm »
Not that I'd ever think about abusing the system(and keeping in mind I really haven't looked at the details).. but

say some pilot without honour or a soul even (call him Dfly) decides that he needs to have more PP than anyone.

Create account (Dfly)
Creat a 2nd account (Dfly1)
Log in (Dfly1)
Has 2K prestige to start
uses webyard to buy smallest ship possible (@400 pts)
sell current ship (for 2K+/-)
Now has an account with @3600 prestige.
Transfer pp
Create account (Dfly2)

OR abuse version 2.0

Remember one race always seems toi have a starting ship worth several k more pp on trade in than anyone else.
With the ability to flip accounts around it wouldn't be hard for the alliance to notice that say (for example) the Gorn starting ship
was worth 2k more than anyone elses. So everyone starts off in a Gorn ship, sells it right away and banks 2K prestige faster than even one of those DF's can bang out a mission .

Really it seems like a very cool setup . Just throw a rule in that bans players who create more than one account.

Ah I gotcha, thanks for the detailed explanation.

I'm definitely going to add a configurable "Tax" and limit on PP transfers so that tranfers can be taxed and limited to a maximum value that the admin chooses. That should cover it.

Also, it would not be too hard to spot excessive abuse of it and simply ban the player by IP address if it came right down to it. I'm sure most here are quite honourable and wouldn't cheat like that. Where's the fun in that?

Offline Bonk

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #25 on: July 27, 2006, 09:23:50 pm »
Oh man I just looked at it- Bonk you are a firckin genius!!!! (can I say firckin?)

No more having to count up stupid hexes as an admin! Just call black holes worth X vp, asteroids Y vp each and do the math.

It's brilliant!

Yes you may...  :) Though it is probably not true...

The latest flatfile webmap also has the map summary page so that feature is available for plain old flatfile servers too. ;)

Offline Lepton

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #26 on: July 27, 2006, 09:29:29 pm »
Not sure why you would need a special mission to generate the PvP entry into a PvP battle table.  It seems as if you are able to query out those instances now from the DB in the manner you utilize in the destroyed ships procedure.  Yes, I would use a stored procedure or other scripting method to trigger a query of the DB for recent PvP battles, add those to the PvP battle table and you are set.  The query could be run periodically, every half hour or so.  The data need not be on demand if the information can be queried accurately, then the player woulkd merely need to confirm what the database has already assessed to be true. 

I have never done anything with SQL or PHP like that.  My experience is limited to simple mysql queries to generate dynamic content via php, but I am sure you are capable of executing what I am sure you are already thinking of.  Good luck.

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Offline Bonk

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #27 on: July 27, 2006, 09:49:05 pm »
Yes, I understand what you are saying, I did start on that once (SG5), but got bogged down and took the lazy way out this time. ;) I would like to get it automated at some point.  Though it would be nice to get some SQL enabled missions going at some point - lots of potential there, and I could pass the buck on some stuff.  :)

RE: PP transfer abuse: I just thought of a solution to the proposed abuses - rather than just a tax and maximum transfer - add a configurable MINIMUM PP transfer so that it can be set to a value greater than the sum of the starting PP and ship - problem solved!  ;D

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #28 on: July 27, 2006, 10:04:37 pm »
One word: WOW! Bonk, you have outdone yourself with this....congrats on the hard work!
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Offline Hexx

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #29 on: July 27, 2006, 11:04:21 pm »

RE: PP transfer abuse: I just thought of a solution to the proposed abuses - rather than just a tax and maximum transfer - add a configurable MINIMUM PP transfer so that it can be set to a value greater than the sum of the starting PP and ship - problem solved!  ;D

Yeaahh.. not sure if this works for me..

Those Fed CVA's are usually kinda pricey you know?
Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #30 on: July 27, 2006, 11:49:17 pm »
Bonk that wont work either. All the main account has to do is transfer a few bucks to the second account and bring it up to the required transfer level and they pocket their 2nd ship pp and the starting pp.

You have to have a pp transfer charge. It has to equal the starting cash and ship trade in.

Offline Bonk

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #31 on: July 28, 2006, 10:45:20 am »
I will put in configurable minimum, maximum and taxes on the PP transfers, between these we should be able block it for the most part. And like I said, if we suspect it is happening, I can just search the character table by IP address and if I see indications of the exploit, ban the player by IP address (and e-mail if necessary). I don't think its that big an issue, as it can be easily detected and stopped if it happens.

Offline Riskyllama

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #32 on: July 28, 2006, 11:00:43 am »
A nitpick of mine from the original that i never voiced was the defense layer, it seems to rate each hex's defense value on the server's maximum. Then again this might be how you intened it to act. If all hexes had a uniform max this would be ok(in my mind), but on the forge, with some hexes topping out at 10 and some at 100, it gets hard to tell by the webmap if a hex is at maxDV or not, since maxed hexes with a 10 maxDV show the same color as a hex at 10dv out of 100max. 

On a slightly related side note, I hope the preceding run on sentence made some sense...

Also is it possible to have colors instead of shades of grey? The middle two grey look kinda close to me sometimes.
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Offline Bonk

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #33 on: July 28, 2006, 11:26:26 am »
A nitpick of mine from the original that i never voiced was the defense layer, it seems to rate each hex's defense value on the server's maximum. Then again this might be how you intened it to act. If all hexes had a uniform max this would be ok(in my mind), but on the forge, with some hexes topping out at 10 and some at 100, it gets hard to tell by the webmap if a hex is at maxDV or not, since maxed hexes with a 10 maxDV show the same color as a hex at 10dv out of 100max. 

On a slightly related side note, I hope the preceding run on sentence made some sense...

Also is it possible to have colors instead of shades of grey? The middle two grey look kinda close to me sometimes.

I think I understand what you are saying.

I used a cold to warm color scale in the past and Dizzy and I decided it was too busy looking and went with a greyscale instead. I think I'll keep it that way. (Using colors for the filter made it too hard to see the hex borders that indicate hex ownership.)

The greyscale is five shades:

Check out my monitor calibration poll if they look too similar. ;) Though I could try adjusting the scale, or I could put a small number on the grayscale images...

Hexes are then rated as a percentage of the highest current DV hex on the map and assigned an image. The Defence filter is based on Current DV and not Maximum DVs. 

I added the Maximum DV to the tooltip popup text on the Admin map editor version, I suppose I could do the same for the main map, that way you could just hover the mouse over a hex to see its max DV... Alternatively I could add a filter for Maximum Defence in addition to Current Defence... which do you think would be better?
« Last Edit: July 28, 2006, 11:42:05 am by Bonk »

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #34 on: July 28, 2006, 11:37:59 am »
5 are fine and the colors are good. About the maximum regular DV you'll see on SG6 is 15. Most start at 10. Some are as low as 3. So if your shading followed in 3's... we'd have 0-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-15 to top it off.

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #35 on: July 28, 2006, 11:49:04 am »
5 are fine and the colors are good. About the maximum regular DV you'll see on SG6 is 15. Most start at 10. Some are as low as 3. So if your shading followed in 3's... we'd have 0-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-15 to top it off.

The code excerpt concerned:
Code: [Select]

if($FNmtype == "Defence"){
$hexhtml .= "<img border=0 src=$ociroot/images/hexUL";
$hexhtml .= round(($FNdv/$FNmaxdv)*5);
$hexhtml .= ".gif width=$FNimgwidth height=$FNimgheight ";
$hexhtml .= "style=\"position: absolute; left:";
$hexhtml .= $FNtx;
$hexhtml .= "; top:";
$hexhtml .= $FNty;
$hexhtml .= "; z-index: 1\">";


Hardcoding to DV ranges instead of percentages in 20% increments as above would require editing the map code for every server or a considerably more complicated approach and another set of OCI configuration parameters. It is going to remain as an incremented relative scale.

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #36 on: July 29, 2006, 05:54:46 pm »
Configurable PP transfer limits applied:

Code: [Select]
1; // Allow character to character prestige transfers, set to zero to disable
if ($usePPtransfers == 1) {
$PPtransfersMin 6000; // Minimum transfer
$PPtransfersMax 1000000; // Maximum transfer
$PPtransfersTax 10; // Transfer service charge in percent, charged to donor

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #37 on: July 29, 2006, 07:50:29 pm »
At Dizzy's request (:whip: ;)), I have modified the ship assignments code such that the assignee is debited the value of the assigned ship (and thus must have sufficient PP for the assigned ship) and RMs may assign a ship from any allied playable race to any allied player (admins may assign a ship from any playable race to any player - though I could open that up to non-playable races as well I think...).

« Last Edit: July 29, 2006, 08:18:25 pm by Bonk »

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #38 on: July 29, 2006, 08:08:42 pm »
By filter I actually meant a mandatory filter that would prevent you from seeing where the enemy is attacking, and who is winging together. As is it shows a little too much info IMHO.

I agree with tool. I dont want info available to one side that will show where your enemy is.

(Player location display is already disableable with one parameter for the roster and who's online pages... so that's covered)

I think it makes the most sense to make the Recent Battles and Destroyed Ships pages disableable by configuration parmeter and just disable them for SG6. You can always find out what is going on with your side by asking for the news on teamspeak. Or just take a look at the server news where its all there to see anyway. It would be a hassle to move those pages into the Player controls and filter out all battles that any enemy players have participated in...

Oh wait, I just had an idea! What If made those pages only display battles more than say an hour old... (or a configurable time interval) would that do?

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #39 on: July 29, 2006, 09:02:16 pm »

$PPtransfersTax      = 10;            // Transfer service charge in percent, charged to donor

I'd rather have a flat rate.


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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #40 on: July 29, 2006, 10:10:50 pm »
I like the hour old idea Bonk. Keeps it useful as a PvP archive without giving out current info.

Maybe 3 hours old would be even better.

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #41 on: July 29, 2006, 10:34:27 pm »

$PPtransfersTax      = 10;            // Transfer service charge in percent, charged to donor

I'd rather have a flat rate.

Picky, picky, picky...   :P I'll look at it. Shouldn't be hard to do.

I like the hour old idea Bonk. Keeps it useful as a PvP archive without giving out current info.

Maybe 3 hours old would be even better.

I think I will do that, and make the age configurable, its a simpler solution.

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #42 on: July 30, 2006, 04:16:20 am »
How about an option for a percentage and a flat rate bonk?
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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #43 on: July 30, 2006, 07:59:18 am »
How about an option for a percentage and a flat rate bonk?

Lol, I knew that was coming... that might be too much of a bother. Oh wait, I see what you mean, I could just add a configurable flat surcharge to the service charge so one could set the tax to 0% + 500 PP surcharge, or 10% + 0 PP or whatever... sounds good.

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #44 on: July 30, 2006, 09:44:33 am »
PP transfers and recent battle reports modified as suggested:

Code: [Select]
0; // Delay in minutes before battles appear on the recent battles page
$BattleRepNum 200; // Number of Recent battles to report - keep low to minimise server load

$usePPtransfers 1; // Allow character to character prestige transfers, set to zero to disable
if ($usePPtransfers == 1) {
$PPtransfersMin 6000; // Minimum transfer
$PPtransfersMax 1000000; // Maximum transfer
$PPtransfersTax 10; // Transfer service charge in percent, charged to donor
$PPtransfersSur 500; // Transfer surcharge, charged to donor

Recent battle reports are not delayed in The Forge OCI config file, but we can set it to whatever is desired for SG6, (762 suggests 180 minutes). Eventually I'll need to move all these configuration parameters to a database table and make them editable in the OCI Admin Controls, but not until I stop adding features (or at least slow down) to avoid duplicating effort.

They whole Destroyed ships function needs reworking, the report delay is not applied there yet, but it is not so critical as ships are destroyed less frequently than battles occur. And people usually crow about it on TS anyway so everyone knows it has happened and when.

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #45 on: July 30, 2006, 09:15:55 pm »
don't know if it's been mentioned yet,but the kill section of the interface needs to have an "escape" option added for 2v2's and 3v3's.....other wise it looks like 2 or 3 peeps  gangged up on 1 player instead of looking like one or two escaped

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #46 on: July 30, 2006, 09:22:11 pm »
u missunderstand the purpose of the kill report page. Its for VC purposes. If u want details on who was involved go look at the battle report. You can always post your kill in the RP thread.

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #47 on: July 30, 2006, 10:43:15 pm »
How about an option for a percentage and a flat rate bonk?

Lol, I knew that was coming... that might be too much of a bother. Oh wait, I see what you mean, I could just add a configurable flat surcharge to the service charge so one could set the tax to 0% + 500 PP surcharge, or 10% + 0 PP or whatever... sounds good.


if $flatratesetting = 1

then there won't be a percentage taxt, but if $flatratesetting = 0 then it defaults to $PPtransfersTax  = ? where ? is a number pecentage, in this case, 10.


Yours is simpler and does more.


Ignore this post, thanks bonk.
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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #48 on: July 31, 2006, 07:45:11 am »
How about an option for a percentage and a flat rate bonk?

Lol, I knew that was coming... that might be too much of a bother. Oh wait, I see what you mean, I could just add a configurable flat surcharge to the service charge so one could set the tax to 0% + 500 PP surcharge, or 10% + 0 PP or whatever... sounds good.

can i claim any dependants?
Everything is sweetened by risk. ~Alexander Smith

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #49 on: July 31, 2006, 08:19:29 am »
How about an option for a percentage and a flat rate bonk?

Lol, I knew that was coming... that might be too much of a bother. Oh wait, I see what you mean, I could just add a configurable flat surcharge to the service charge so one could set the tax to 0% + 500 PP surcharge, or 10% + 0 PP or whatever... sounds good.

can i claim any dependants?

Only if you're winging with Maverick.  ;D


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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #50 on: July 31, 2006, 10:01:19 am »
Then he'll be claiming life insurance.

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #51 on: July 31, 2006, 08:29:27 pm »
-RM ship assignment modified to allow for assignment of ships from any race to allied players - is configurable, may still be restricted to allied ships to allied players only.
-Admin ship assignment modified to ignore YFA/YLAs.
-Admin player ban feature added.

Checklist/Wishlist current status:

- Shipyard  -DONE
- Transfers options -DONE
- PP Transfers -DONE
- Location options ("wormholes", "stargates") -DONE
- Kills Page  -DONE

- ship assignment -DONE

- Map editor -DONE
- Character editor -DONE
- ship assignment -DONE

- Configurable minimum, maximum PP transfer, tax and surcharge.  -DONE
- loginban interface -DONE
- Add configurable delay to recent battle reports.  -DONE
- Supply docks - NEXT?

- OCI Config - params in db instead of file thus configurable in the script
- Politics editor
- Race specific chat
- OP orders PM system (Crim's suggestion)
- Bulk map edits
- starbase purchasing (will require research and observation of the shipcachevector of native base purchases in action)
- Admin account creation (perhaps an account creation page for players as well)
- help page or in-context help tooltips
- fullscreen map solution (javascript? the horror!)
- implement OoB features based on OP+4 shiplist data
- gf editor, reboot, restart facilities.
- database backup and download.
- strip SMF integration for distributable version
« Last Edit: August 01, 2006, 11:50:54 am by Bonk »

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #52 on: August 01, 2006, 01:31:59 pm »
-RM ship assignment modified to allow for assignment of ships from any race to allied players - is configurable, may still be restricted to allied ships to allied players only.
-Admin ship assignment modified to ignore YFA/YLAs.
-Admin player ban feature added.

Checklist/Wishlist current status:

- Shipyard  -DONE
- Transfers options -DONE
- PP Transfers -DONE
- Location options ("wormholes", "stargates") -DONE
- Kills Page  -DONE

- ship assignment -DONE

- Map editor -DONE
- Character editor -DONE
- ship assignment -DONE

- Configurable minimum, maximum PP transfer, tax and surcharge.  -DONE
- loginban interface -DONE
- Add configurable delay to recent battle reports.  -DONE
- Supply docks - NEXT?

- OCI Config - params in db instead of file thus configurable in the script
- Politics editor
- Race specific chat
- OP orders PM system (Crim's suggestion)
- Bulk map edits
- starbase purchasing (will require research and observation of the shipcachevector of native base purchases in action)
- Admin account creation (perhaps an account creation page for players as well)
- help page or in-context help tooltips
- fullscreen map solution (javascript? the horror!)
- implement OoB features based on OP+4 shiplist data
- gf editor, reboot, restart facilities.
- database backup and download.
- strip SMF integration for distributable version

I do hope if we have an "incident" like on SGO5 and a player gets banned, the SCCs will be notified at least.
Perhaps even a chance to get the players straightened out ( a day or 2 in the agony booth does wonders for "Conduct Rehabilitation")  ;)
Last time, I only learned of it after a week had passed.  :-\
Lord Krueg
We are the Dead

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #53 on: August 01, 2006, 02:31:12 pm »
Admin ship assignment modified to allow assigning ships from non-playable races.

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #54 on: August 01, 2006, 02:39:41 pm »

I do hope if we have an "incident" like on SGO5 and a player gets banned, the SCCs will be notified at least.
Perhaps even a chance to get the players straightened out ( a day or 2 in the agony booth does wonders for "Conduct Rehabilitation")  ;)
Last time, I only learned of it after a week had passed.  :-\

I wasnt even notified and it was my server. Sometimes things happen and we deal with it as best can be which is what happened. In the future all I can say is we will do the best we can, thanks for the input, Krueg, you should have been notified.


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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #55 on: August 02, 2006, 10:48:20 am »
One thing that would be extremely nice Bonk is if I could load the webmap, look at stuff, do other things on the OCI, and go back to the webmap without having to reload it. Is there a way it could be cached locally so I can just click on something to bring up the previously loaded map, then manually reload it when I want an update?

Also, is it possible to have the little map drop-downs default to whatever I used last?

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #56 on: August 02, 2006, 11:07:53 am »
One thing that would be extremely nice Bonk is if I could load the webmap, look at stuff, do other things on the OCI, and go back to the webmap without having to reload it. Is there a way it could be cached locally so I can just click on something to bring up the previously loaded map, then manually reload it when I want an update?

Also, is it possible to have the little map drop-downs default to whatever I used last?

Good suggestions...

It should already remember what view you used last unless you go to another area of the OCI in the same browser window and then return to the map.... I could set the last view used in a session or cookie,  so that it will persist across the various pages... I'll add that to the wishlist.

Though you can resolve both issues for now by using tabbed browsing in Firefox or IE7 (or new windows in IE6) - just right click a link and open in new tab or window thus your map view will remain as is in the other tab or window and you can refresh it only when desired.

I'd add tabs to the OCI itself but I pretty much refuse to use javascript; which is somewhat limiting but guarantees consistent function regardless of the users browser security settings. AJAX would be very well suited to the OCI, but I hate buzzwords and fads and I despise javascript even more. ;)

I'll stew on a solution to this. For now, multiple browser tabs or windows ought to do the trick.


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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #57 on: August 02, 2006, 11:18:52 am »
Didn't think of that...duh  :P

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #58 on: August 02, 2006, 11:44:01 am »
Yup, easy solution, but it would be nice if it worked as you suggest.

Updated checklist/wishlist:

- Shipyard  -DONE
- Transfers options -DONE
- PP Transfers -DONE
- Location options ("wormholes", "stargates") -DONE
- Kills Page  -DONE

- ship assignment -DONE

- Map editor -DONE
- Character editor -DONE
- ship assignment -DONE

General stuff:
- Configurable minimum, maximum PP transfer, tax and surcharge.  -DONE
- loginban interface -DONE
- Add configurable delay to recent battle reports.  -DONE
- Configurable ship detail on roster -DONE
- starbase purchasing/assignment -DONE
- Wormholes/stargates limited by allied race locations only, configurable - DONE
- shipyards/transfers available only in friendly planets and bases - configurable  - DONE

- Forced new ship tradein/purchase on race transfer - PRIORITY - but a lot of work so its getting put off...
- Map view persistence
- Supply docks
- ship naming
- OCI Config - params in db instead of file thus configurable in the script
- Politics editor
- Race specific chat
- OP orders PM system (Crim's suggestion)
- Bulk map edits
- Admin account creation (perhaps an account creation page for players as well)
- help page or in-context help tooltips
- fullscreen map solution (javascript? the horror!)
- implement OoB features based on OP+4 shiplist data
- gf editor, reboot, restart facilities.
- database backup and download.
- Set OCI Admin and RM hooks for SMF membergroups instead of in the config file/db.
- strip SMF integration for distributable version
« Last Edit: August 04, 2006, 04:32:24 pm by Bonk »

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #59 on: August 02, 2006, 06:36:30 pm »
Roster modified to be configurable for level of detail on ships shown. Can be set to "class" or "ship". It is set to "class" for SGO6.

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #60 on: August 02, 2006, 06:43:48 pm »
WOW Nice work! That will really help Bonk. Thanks. OCI is turning out to be quite a gem.


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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #61 on: August 02, 2006, 07:04:51 pm »
  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #62 on: August 02, 2006, 08:59:31 pm »
I just got base purchases/assignment working on the OCI!  Thanks DieHard, for helping collect the necessary data, thanks Dizzy for testing it, and a big hearty thanks to Evil Dave for decoding the bulk of the shipcachevector, you're the best dude! :thumbsup:

* Bonk Does happy dance...
  :rwoot: :multi: :dance: :multi: :rwoot:

I've been wanting to get that working for ages.

Base Stations will not be available for SGO6 but Battle Stations and Starbases will be available. (pricing not finalised yet)

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #63 on: August 02, 2006, 09:17:02 pm »

Way cool dude!!!!!!!!!!!!

 :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #64 on: August 02, 2006, 09:38:01 pm »

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #65 on: August 03, 2006, 01:02:34 am »
Shipyards and race transfers can now be configured to be available anywhere (as before) or only on planets and bases (as configured for SGO6 now).

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #66 on: August 03, 2006, 01:48:09 am »


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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #67 on: August 03, 2006, 03:03:49 pm »
Real men of genious....

Mr Dynaverse fixer upper guy!


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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #68 on: August 04, 2006, 02:43:04 pm »
Who's online and Roster modified to show player locations and owned ships to OCI admins.


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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #69 on: August 04, 2006, 03:05:12 pm »
Hey Bonk, I don't have any of the RM controls.

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #70 on: August 04, 2006, 04:16:39 pm »
Who's online and Roster modified to show player locations and owned ships to OCI admins.

Can we see allied player locations?
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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #71 on: August 04, 2006, 04:21:16 pm »
That would be a lot more work. Maybe at a later date. It would involve moving the roster and who's online into the player controls or creating duplicate functions, bloating the code.....  I'll just turn player locations back on for The Forge once SG6 is over. And stew on a solution for that, as it has been requested more than once.

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #72 on: August 04, 2006, 04:36:44 pm »
Hey Bonk, I don't have any of the RM controls.

Oops! I missed ya in the config file, you should be able to assign ships now. Sorry about that.  :-[


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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #73 on: August 04, 2006, 04:49:36 pm »

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #74 on: August 04, 2006, 05:56:01 pm »
the OCI is case sensitive and the forums translate every single email address into lower case letters so if you signed onto the server with any upper case letters in your email address for your GSa account it won't work.

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #75 on: August 04, 2006, 06:05:14 pm »
Odd, there are plenty of forums members with uppercase leters in their email addresses... what browser are you using?  (on a related note, changing the case of one letter of your e-mail address on D2 login to create a new account is a BUG and is not reccomended).

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #77 on: August 04, 2006, 06:23:54 pm »
I just registered on a newly created account with a hotmail e-mail. I have not activated the forums account yet and the e-mail address shows with  the same staggered case that I registerd with. However, at Hotmail, it displays the e-mail address without the case that I registered there with. So it would appear that Hotmail is dropping the case on new accounts created there. I will see what happens when I activate the forums account here.

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #78 on: August 04, 2006, 06:28:32 pm »
I have not received the activation e-mail yet. I suspect our mail server is on the fritz again. But so far, this is definitely looking like a Hotmail issue and not a issue.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2006, 06:50:36 pm by Bonk »

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #79 on: August 04, 2006, 06:44:13 pm »
Still no activation e-mail dammit. I'm pretty sure you can blame hotmail for your case issues, from what I see, but I have bigger problems now. It appears our mail server may be down. I'll send a test message to my main account.

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #80 on: August 04, 2006, 06:48:55 pm »
Nope, I received a test message to my main account at lycos almost immediately. It seems hotmail may be blocking our mail now.  >:(

Brez, if you want to use an uppercase GSA e-mail then I reccomend you do not use hotmail as it is clearly removing the case from all email registrations there. (as well as delaying or blocking our mailserver)

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #81 on: August 04, 2006, 06:53:11 pm »
Yup, it appears hotmail is the server that is changing the case on email addresses and is also blocking our mailserver. I can do nothing about either.

I can reccomend Lycos: (used with Firefox and flashblock extension)

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #82 on: August 04, 2006, 06:56:41 pm »
Use yahoo!

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #83 on: August 04, 2006, 06:57:35 pm »
the forums translate every single email address into lower case letters

Let me re-emphasise that this is NOT the case. (pun intended  ;D)

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #84 on: August 04, 2006, 06:59:47 pm »
Finally tech stuff I know!!!

(take deep breath, use a calm yet dignified voice)

Yes, hotmail does not recognize the difference between upper and lower case letter.
They assume everything is in lower case.
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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #85 on: August 04, 2006, 07:12:16 pm »
Thanks for confirming that Hexx.

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #86 on: August 04, 2006, 07:43:21 pm »
Thanks for confirming that Hexx.

NP, I know you like to handle most of the tech stuff yourself, but I feel if I can help with the difficult stuff
I might as well pitch in.
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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #87 on: August 04, 2006, 08:24:37 pm »
Nope, I received a test message to my main account at lycos almost immediately. It seems hotmail may be blocking our mail now.  >:(

Brez, if you want to use an uppercase GSA e-mail then I reccomend you do not use hotmail as it is clearly removing the case from all email registrations there. (as well as delaying or blocking our mailserver)

<edited by bonk to reduce spam to Brez>

would be nice if you could just delete that login completely from the game server at will.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2006, 08:56:27 pm by Bonk »

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #88 on: August 04, 2006, 08:57:51 pm »
No need really, we will be resetting to launch in the morning.

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #89 on: August 04, 2006, 08:59:07 pm »
I have not received the activation e-mail yet. I suspect our mail server is on the fritz again. But so far, this is definitely looking like a Hotmail issue and not a issue.

I have banned hotmail accounts on my SMF forums since they do not receive the activation emails.

Its not just, it also has happened on both of my forums.
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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #90 on: August 04, 2006, 09:24:14 pm »
Well Fruck hotmail then. They pissed me off good when they stopped allowing attachments. That's when I moved to lycos.

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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #91 on: August 05, 2006, 12:41:36 am »
Well Fruck hotmail then. They pissed me off good when they stopped allowing attachments. That's when I moved to lycos.


I stopped using hotmail a long time ago. I use g-mail and my own personal domain email.


Like I said, I actually banned * as an email address since people didn't get activation emails or announcements.
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Re: Online Campaign Interface (OCI) Feedback
« Reply #92 on: August 05, 2006, 07:32:14 am »
gmail gives me the creeps. Two year long beta invitations only system? Yeaaahhhh riggghhhht...  :skeptic:  I don't trust that one bit, not one bit. Definitley underhanded social datamining. I wont even consider gmail until they give up on that creepy habit. Lycos allows open free registrations, they have no problem with it, there is no reason that google cannot do the same.