I was, like, you know,
reading about this uh, Slave Girls six...
yeah, anyway, yeah, seeing how I'm on vacation, I thought it would be, you know, kinda fun.
Is this thing working?
OK, so, ummm... right, since it's been almost a year since I, you know, logged onto a D2 server, I figured, well, maybe it would be a good time to, you know, do that again.
So, yeah, that's what I'm gonna do.
There, I said it.
Oh, that's right... alright, if you must know, I'll be flying UFP.
Maybe Gorn on the side.
Then again, it may turn out the other way around, who knows?
So, that's that, and...
what now?
oh yeah, the time thingy, ok ok...
Let's see...
Well, I guess I could put a few hours in here n there, same as used to be.
Alright, so ah, if that's it, well, see everyone there