Topic: directplay8 problems with my ip  (Read 2979 times)

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Offline kingygy

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directplay8 problems with my ip
« on: August 27, 2006, 11:30:06 am »
ok i have the patch and folowed the instructions by unistalling it deleting the folder and so on. but when i try to connect to dynaverse3 it just says
still attempting to connect 90 seconds
still attempting to conect 60 seconds and so on.
then it says fail to get ip or something like that asks me to insert my ip if i do this its just starts doing that connecting thing agian.i have also port forwarded(i think).
my router is a bt voyager 2091.
i have 2 computers on this router.
can any1 tell me what im doing wrong so i can connect.

Offline S31-Chuck

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Re: directplay8 problems with my ip
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2006, 01:17:07 pm »
Need to do 1 of 2 things:

Put your (make sure it is your internal ip) PC into the DMZ.


Forward the following ports:
6073~6073 UDP
2302~2303 TCP

You also need to make sure that all firewall programs (including built in protections on your router) are turned off...
You may notice (on some routers), that there are tick boxes for "Allow WAN Ping Requests", they must be enabled. There are also "Allow anonymous Ping Requests" (or something to that effect) there as well.... All Ping requests must be allowed.

The first time you run SFC3 after disabling all this stuff, it will still count down, as it it trying your internal ip first (192.168.0.xx)
After the 1st 90 secs, it tries your EXTERNAL ip, This should allow you to connect. If it STILL doesnt connect, you have a setting on your router the still needs disabled.

PLEASE NOTE: You CANNOT be in the DMZ and Forward Ports at the same time.... It confuses 99% of the routers out there.

If you want to play this on GameSpy Arcade you will also need to open the following ports:

If you are behind a firewall/proxy and are able to change its settings, Arcade needs the following TCP ports open in order to function:

    * 6667 (IRC)
    * 3783 (Voice Chat Port)
    * 27900 (Master Server UDP Heartbeat)
    * 28900 (Master Server List Request)
    * 29900 (GP Connection Manager)
    * 29901 (GP Search Manager)
    * 13139 (Custom UDP Pings)
    * 6515 (Dplay UDP)
    * 6500 (Query Port)

It says to open only the TCP ports, but I suggest that you open BOTH protocols (TCP, UDP)

<S>, hope it helps