Topic: Joys of working third shift  (Read 1239 times)

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Offline Khalee1

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Joys of working third shift
« on: July 23, 2006, 02:55:29 am »
Siting in my car on break, people walk up to the door thats closed, HM it wont open maybe if I jump up and down. Nope still didn't open, maybe if I wave my arms, naw that didn't work either.

Oh what's this that I did not see at first a big freaking sign that says please use other door.

Makes me wonder how some people get by day to day, and or get a drivers license if they cant see that big fing sign.

And a couple of them Even got back in there cars and drove off.

But I got to get back to work and finish up the store, it's nice that I live close enough to get home for lunch once in a while, which is what Im doing now.