
Topic: Snake robot fire hose  (Read 1648 times)

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Snake robot fire hose
« on: July 22, 2006, 07:02:36 pm »
Link to full article

It is intelligent and moves with the aid of hydraulic pressure and co-ordinated joint movements. A snake robot can perform life-saving operations during a fire, an explosion and in other hostile environments.

Try to picture a snake-like robot that can move into places that are too dangerous for humans to enter. The snake can climb up stairs, force past beams and twist itself round corners. Imagine that it has a built-in advanced water tap that not only can be turned on and off, but can allow the direction of the water flow to be altered.
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Re: Snake robot fire hose
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2006, 07:42:19 am »
That sounds pretty darn cool, creative idea.  8)

Offline Nemesis

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Re: Snake robot fire hose
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2006, 06:44:27 pm »
A different type of snake article.

An evolutionary arms race between early snakes and mammals triggered the development of improved vision and large brains in primates, a radical new theory suggests.
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Re: Snake robot fire hose
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2006, 09:55:46 pm »
Saw that one. It seems there is a grain of truth in most biblical mythology... the serpent and the tree of knowledge, pain of child birth and all that. ;) (Though one could see it just as validly from a creationist standpoint in that evolutionary theories paralleling religious mythology is no accident.)

My favorite thought in that vein is best expressed by Ernst Haeckel's Biogenetic Law: Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylogeny. While not perfectly valid the idea has some merit and leads one to the more valid concept of Neoteny.

Desmond Morris's dated but influential text The Naked Ape, Carl Sagan's Pulitzer winning The Dragons of Eden and Barrow & Tipler's Anthropic Cosmological Principle are all texts that have infuenced my thinking in this regard.

Offline Nemesis

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Re: Snake robot fire hose
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2025, 01:25:55 pm »
That sounds pretty darn cool, creative idea.  8)

I was looking for a different post about robots and stumbled on this one which I had forgotten.

I have to say that the idea wasn't as original as they may thinks as in the Andre Norton novel Galactic Derelict (1959 part of her Time Traders series) the ship i question travels automatically to a ancient refueling base and a snake robot hose auto attaches to refuel the ship.  So the idea has been out there for decades before being created in real life.
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Seti Team    Free Software
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