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Here's my Akyazi model so far, some of you might already know about it...time to show her here too
Adonis, will you be making the Akula varient as well? This looks great.
Quote from: Chrystoff on July 23, 2006, 12:14:02 pmAdonis, will you be making the Akula varient as well? This looks great.Yep, I will.
I want an Arbiter varient please
Quote from: ModelsPlease on July 23, 2006, 03:47:22 pmI want an Arbiter varient please Gonna Do that on too. I found two more that are interesting BTW
is there a tos version of the akyazi class?
Sweet work Adonis
Ain't done yet, I still have 4 varaints to do befor I release the pack.
I like it and also happy more ppl are making the white Federation ships and not the gray ones. The darker ones have their place but should not be as many of them
what variant will you be doing?, beside the Akula?, btw the akula and the Akyazi look a like but i notice the the Akula have 2 torpedo tube on the back and the Akiyazi only have 1, so is it like that on the official drawing of the ships?
is it a sensor betwen the saucer and impulse engine?aslo where is the deflector on the ship?, it need one you know
a "protective Envelope genarator" is a force field like a shield right?
Quote from: DonKarnage on August 25, 2006, 07:08:14 pma "protective Envelope genarator" is a force field like a shield right?Dunno if it was ever expanded on the tech itself, gonna need to do some digging lol.And KF dude, these will be released as a pack
Really really good looking model! How many polies is it (Akyazi) and do you "dirty up" your textures, or keep your models clean? Usually I like my models with a bit of dirt thrown on them, but this one looks so sweet I almost hate to see it weathered.
Well, if there's someone who would be able to hint me on SFC3 scalling in 3DSMax, I could port'em like in 20mins...
I have them will be ready in a day or so-MP