Topic: Unofficial SGO 6 RP Thread - Please Hijack.  (Read 927 times)

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Offline Farfarer

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Unofficial SGO 6 RP Thread - Please Hijack.
« on: July 18, 2006, 06:24:34 pm »
<Somewhere in the Dorado Expanse...>

Fish Speaker 5th Grade Farfrogger experienced Conscienceness Transfer Activaiton (CTA)  at Stardate 2272.03.01 and was truly appalled. 

Rapidly pushing the host species' limited sense of awareness ( safe for certain unpleasant gsatro-intestinal controls) into neural stasis, the acutely distorted visual inputs soon resovled into one undeniable fact: 

"I'm a damn Beta fish !"

 Normally a puniishment fate for Speakers-become-Kzin-Sushi prior to mission achievement, this 5th Grade Speaker was at a loss to explian his diminutive, snout-bashing, convex Bubbles' Eye ( now where in his database download did that reference come from?) view of a Captain's Cabin.

<Secondary Programs Activate>

"Aaaah, this is the cabin of a Federation PF - no wonder I don't have the glorious Tank I was expecting..."

Far quickly began blowing a persistant piezo-electric bubble cloud to detect any conversations, knowiing the Federation Captian would misinterpret this as his 'being lonely'.
His efforts were quickly rewarded when the door slid open, admitting grotesguely fat humans - oh wait, that's the distortion.

"The 'Section' was right, this area is a Booby Trapped Eden.  Miinerals, Agri-Worlds, Worm Holes, the lot.  But anything bigger than a pipsqueak warp field catastophically collapses.  Apparently even Romulan Forced Quantum Singularities of any size won't work.  At least that is a relief.  It is Starfeet's nightmare - we'll need full Capital ships to get here and back, but once here only the small boys can survive.  Do we even have cargo haulers that can work effectively here?"

The Science Officer ( based on his Insignia which appeared the size of a Billboard), came back:

"We are no worse off than any other Empire, in fact better off, as when word gets out of the drive requirements, Federaion Industry will provide, as always."

"Drive Requirements?"

"You mentioned Cargo ship size, well, it is actually Warp drive size that matters, so we are talking Old School Cargo ships here - huge, but slow. "

"Well what if we need to fight in here ?  Are we back to the days of Monitors - almost no warp, but two decks of Fusion Reactors? "

"Well, perhaps to defend a mining colony or base, but otherwise no, they would be ripped apart, by for example, your Squadron captain."


Far registered a Mission Complete via Fish Speaker sub space channels , and soon felt his 'self' trasnferring away to CTA in Concordia.

"Hey Captain."

"Yes Engines?"

"You know when Beta Fish blow all those bubbles it means they are really horny..."

Offline SkyFlyer

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Re: Unofficial SGO 6 RP Thread - Please Hijack.
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2006, 10:56:32 pm »
* SkyFlyer hates horny fish.

* SkyFlyer kills FarFarer.

« Last Edit: July 18, 2006, 11:07:06 pm by SkyFlyer »
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Offline Farfarer

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Re: Unofficial SGO 6 RP Thread - Please Hijack.
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2006, 09:18:23 am »

Offline Dizzy

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Re: Unofficial SGO 6 RP Thread - Please Hijack.
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2006, 10:56:57 am »
At a logistics and support detachment of the Alpha Fleet at the Federation border near the neutral zone 'Ring' expanse, a new message from starfleet command blinked on the screen.

*** Logistics and Support Alpha Fleet ***

- Notice for immediate transfer of materials, ships and personel.

  1.) All PF flotilla resources and mobile facilities throughout the Federation able to immediately redeploy will relocate to 'The Ring' expanse asap.
  2.) All sQuadron ships will begin immediate patrols into the expanse and protect shipping routes and survey missions.
  3.) All Light Cruiser assets in the area will provide scout ship escorts deep into the expanse to search for more recoverable resources.
  4.) All Heavy Cruiser and larger ships and assets will be transfered elsewhere.
  5.) See full transfer details attachemnt 6A.

*** End Transmission ***

(nice RP Far.)