Topic: Here's a new one Bonk.  (Read 961 times)

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Offline Capt Jeff

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Here's a new one Bonk.
« on: July 24, 2006, 09:23:47 am »

I'm taking a asteroid base assault mission in 33,13 (Klingon).

After beating up the asteroid base a bit, I decide to let my fighters out.  I'm in a LBX, so I have only one group of 3.
I bring up my fighter panel, and it shows one set in, and another set out.   I click on the one that says that they are out, and order them to return.  Right as I click the button, my ship disapeers and it says "all ships have been destroyed" and the mission closes, and it takes my ship !

I'm not worried about points or lost ships, I just thought you should know about one of the strangest bugs I've had.... ;)
Capt Jeff

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Offline Bonk

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Re: Here's a new one Bonk.
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2006, 12:11:48 pm »
That is a weird one.  :o  If you see it again we can pull the mission... its a stock one, I suspect it might be a one time bug/quirk...