Chuut, the ONLY reason there would be a cutoff in the 1st place is if it were tied to a VC. Not since the early brezgonne wars of old have I seen a RM scheme up a plan to cut off a race just to screw them. That sort of thing is old news and I wouldnt allow it on any of my servers. Cutting off a race sucks for that race and they quit playing. If you have to do that to win then u suck too and Im sure u agree with me.
It happens all the time to one degree or another, it is just rare that a race gets totally cut off like it did in the last Slave Girls. If you have players able to play in multiple accounts they have the option of switching to a different race and might continue, then again some never stop even if cutoff (kudos to those ISC pilots who stuck it out in the last slave girls). Hydran pilots start off cutoff on the standard map anyhow and to break out they have to cut someone else off, yet they still play. Almost every standard server has a tactic of cutting off allies, and maintaining your own connections, that is strategy. It might suck for your side at times but given a server with even numbers on both sides, if you get cutoff its likely because you deserved it. Lopsided servers are another matter but if your on the outnumbered side your likely screwed anyhow and I agree in those cases it does suck to cut off such a force denying them at least the joy of PvP.
Cutoff aren't always complete cutoffs anyhow, making the enemy travel a longer route often pays dividends.
You should think outside the box on this one

No offense Diz, you know I love ya bro but I think i've been punching holes in your box this whole time.
You keep saying that there is no worry with teleporting because it takes as much time as moving so where is the innovation here? Just a nice shiny toy that does the same thing as the old one according to that train of thought.
Now I'm all ears to hear of what benefit this teleportation system will bring so far I've seen nothing, I'm sure you have a reason for wanting it so lets hear it. When you let us know what the benefit is rather than telling us how it is the same as the old way we can start considering it and thinking outside this box you mention.
1st of all, no where in the game would you be able to cut off starships from defending an area of space unless you also destroyed their shipyards and resupply points.
This is represented in the game by controlling hexes. if you want true free flow movement you simply disable mandatory missions in all space.
If you want to eliminate someone, do it by accomplishing VC's which may ask you to draw a line across the map, just dont confuse it with thinking it also prevents players from responding.
If you want to eliminate an enemy there are several ways to do so, chosing the best and being able to respond to the enemy's own choices is the definition of strategy. The VCs are the ultimate goal but a headlong drive at them is rarely sucessful without numbers, you can trench warfare all you want and likely be happy doing so, but there are often other cards to play from your hand.