Yeah I have to say that the wormhole as it stands on the forge, would be unacceptable in a campaign as Chuut notes, you could get yourself out of hot water too easily deepstriking, or on the other side find the deepstriker on the webmap, buy your DN and go jump over to where he is for whatever PP cost.
After discussing it, Bonk and I see no point in charging pp for relocation via webmap. And as Bonk said, I stated elsewhere that you will find you will only be able to change locations via webmap from allied planet to allied planet.
What is it taking away???
Ok here is one area:
you now get to change your race, your ship and your location on the map. All without having to login to the server.
So a player is deepstriking low on supplies the enemy knows he is there so he goes to the webmap and putshimself in a DN before he is caught, or simply teleports himself to a sfer location.
See above.
Or suppose a side cuts off an entire section of enemy space. The defending side just all go to the webmap and reassign themselves to the cutoff area in whatever ship they want and resist making much of that cutoff effort for nothing.
They already do this with using multiple accounts, Chuut.
Or suppose a player is hunting ships moving between fronts hoping to ambush and surprise a few. He sits on the most direct route between two key points waiting to catch enemy units as they streak to respond to what his teammates are doing. He hopes to kill them but at worse he knows he will be keeping them away from the crucial area. But his foes just simply go to the webmap and reappear on the other side of the map and he is left sitting there waiting for the foe that never came.
Cutting off empires or parts of them is a strategic option left for A/RM's to choose based off of map VC conditions. You don't do it so you can
wait to hunt ships moving between fronts hoping to ambush and surprise a few. Instead, you wait and catch the news and see what hex they hit then respond.
I think I've shot down all your concerns except one. Let's say you cut off an enemy section of the map, a small one, where there lies an enemy planet and now you have a buffer of 5-6 friendly hexes between it and enemy space. That buffer will give you some time to capture the planet or else catch them moving across the bridge to get to their planet trying to save it. However, with the new webmap relocator, the enemy will simply relocate to the planet skipping thru having to fight their way thru that area you cut off.
I dont like that. I discussed talking to Bonk that if individual planets have no LoS to another friendly planet, then web map reloaction to that planet is disabled thus avoiding the above situation where they enemy just magically pops up there skipping thru the buffer zone you created.
Some caveats about how it's still the same as the old way: Some players SD near that planet and will respawn there skipping thru the buffer zone anyway. Players may have multiple accounts and have logged off there in one. You may not be online when they decide to cut thru the buffer zone. And even if you are, you may be outnumbered, out classed, out PvP'd. Few situations actually turn it into an advantage in cutting off a small area, but I have taken notice of this and have discussed it with Bonk already.
Whether it can be addressed as I discussed we will see...
Can you think of anything else besides what we talked about here? I think this new feature has just that one flaw.