Was thinking that whole area would be a VC free zone. So yeah, you guys can go rip it up care free.
Dave, yeah, here's what I need:
Black hole type 3 player slot per side, 1 allied AI vs 2 AI mission with AI stripping. Med-large map that has some scattered rocks and will spawn and collapse multiple random black holes all over at random intervals. Have it trigger on 'shipping lane' and 'listening post' map terrain. In fact, all your missions have AI stripping do they not?
Aside from that, I need a list of your latest missions that include the following:
Player slots per side, is it a friendly space, neutral or enemy hex mission, the AI draw and how many and difficulty, map size, that kinda stuff. Bonk says other than your usual readme, there is no specific mission details. I probably wont need any special missions, but I would like to know what and where your missions show up... Bonk and I experimented with mission cloning, where the mission is duplicated and the name and internal name of the mission is changed so as to get that missions chances of showing up more often to be greater. So it'd be good to have mission descriptions to know what the better missions are and to know what Im doing.
Send me a PM and we can get down to it. And how's the little monster?