Topic: Seeking Player  (Read 1223 times)

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Offline Skaren

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    • SFC Campaign System
Seeking Player
« on: July 13, 2006, 10:03:12 am »
A regular dropped, and we need a replacement.

Quick review

- SFC OP, modified RDSL shiplist (Babylon 5 units, plus added ships to round out races)
- IP hosted games with damage tracking.
- Fog of War, ref run game
- Turns every two weeks ( nutters would freak, need not apply 
- Need a player to run Narn (economics, politics, etc)  5-6 ships
- 20 year history of running these types of campaigns, tried format, (some players been in that long!).

For further info email interest at

StarFleet Command: Orion Pirates Campaign System