here is the story of one fans obsession with all things trek. while mazes are fairly common these days, especially corn mazes here in the midwest, this one is unique in it's theme. you have to see the pictures of this star trek inspired maze to believe it...
here's the link to the original article:
LONDON (Reuters) - A British fan of the cult TV show "Star Trek" has boldly gone where no man has gone before and created a giant maize maze dedicated to the program.
Trekkie Tom Pearcy used satellite technology to help him cut the maze in the corn field at his farm near York, northern England, to celebrate 40 years since the show's first episode.
The maze, whose design includes images of character Mr Spock and the USS Enterprise spaceship, used 1.5 million maize plants and claims to be the biggest of its kind in the world.

"An undated handout image released July 14, 2006, shows a 32-acre maze dedicated to cult TV show "Star Trek" on a English farm near York in northern England. Tom Pearcy used satellite technology to help him design the huge maze at his farm to celebrate 40 years since the airing of the first episode of the show, which starred William Shatner as Captain James Kirk. REUTERS/Kippa Matthews/Hando"