And on that note
I will step up to lead Kizinti -- Must say I was looking forward to Chutt leading the Kats and I was just going to be his pawn..
Don't worry Ducky, I will still be available as your advisor even if I'm flying Gorn.
Who knows I might put in some Kzin flying time too if we are allowed to fly multiple races.
I wont have terribly much time either however, real life is a bit busy and I've not really been in too much of a gaming mood for the last month or so. But I will find time to fly with you and teach you the joy of the deepstrike. and other Kzin fun.
BTW: As a Kzin your primary t-bomb target is the Gorn RM, it has always been a tradition and I expect you to honor it.

After this one I think I'll be flying the next with the klingons so you can return the favor

Kreug even said i could