Need the Alliance and Coalition Leaders and all the RM's.
Alliance Leader: 762GDA-AgaveMirak RM :
ShadowlordHydran RM :
Coalition Leader: Lord KruegKruegLyran RM :
DflyRomulan RM :
SothI.S.C. RM :
You guys all get special privileges on your Dynaverse Online Campaign Account. It's where you login to change your account's race, ship, location on the map, all that. You can also assign ships, lol, punish/banish players to the far corners, haha, and adjust prestige. Here you will have access to the webmap, kills page, PF/Ftr/ship charts all that stuff. The leader is free to fill all the RM spots him/herself, but if your side ends up rudderless dont blame me.
I'd like to get the ball rolling... test server is going up in a cpl weeks.