Topic: SG6 Rules Discussion Thread  (Read 27615 times)

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What's easiest is putting a little v in front of the ship name so peeps dont get confused. At least do the ones that don't already have a big V in the name, so you don't get two SUB's winging together. PPL aren't gonna read your list Diz, so make it easy.

Send me the damn shiplist and I will do it myself.

Offline Dizzy

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No, because then films wont work between campaigns.

Look, if your wingman doesnt know he's got a ship with 8 ftrs then he needs to return the game to the store. He needs to probably return his computer as well and ask the school district for MY taxpayer dollars back for all the math classes he's taken.

Offline FPF-DieHard

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What's easiest is putting a little v in front of the ship name so peeps dont get confused. At least do the ones that don't already have a big V in the name, so you don't get two SUB's winging together. PPL aren't gonna read your list Diz, so make it easy.

Send me the damn shiplist and I will do it myself.

THis is reatarted.   The ship class shows as CARRIER, you don't need to do anything more.   If your too stupid to figure this out you shouldn't be allowed to use a PC
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Offline Hexx

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I can do a list of the CJ ships, (even though it looks like you bastards are pushing the start date back
with every new innovation..grr make it have all this cool stuff and I won't be able to play)
But what do you want, there;s a couple of different things..

Conjectural- the ships that never existed, but circumstances being different may have been built
                (ie Lyran & Gorn CVA/BCV's,battleships,Gorn DNE)
Very Conjectural- things that never ever would have been built (Fed PF's)
Unique- ships that one were built (ie Fed CS)
Unbuilt Variants -ships that had been designed, but for whatver reason weren't actually made
                      (ie Lyran CVD, Hydram LGE+)
Taldren- Ships that Taldren built. (D7T,BCE,NCM,DNHE etc)

I'd humbly suggest if any restrictions be in that they only be on Unique & CJ units, but let me know what you want
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Offline Bonk

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According to OP+4 "ProductionAvailability" the following ships are "UNIQUE":


Offline Dizzy

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TY Bonk + karma for that list. Now Hexx, can u find the rare conjectural designs? I know the KCR is on that list.

Once I get a better picture of what they are we can begin looking at a way to devise controlling them. If we cant, I dont see much hope for OoB in the future, but at the same time, if it's too complicated or difficult to police, I'll abandon the idea.

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A fully automated OoB is entirely feasible with the OCI and an OP+4 based shiplist, but it will be a pile of work and will not be ready for SG6 by any stretch (see the OCI wishlist - nothing infeasible is there).

Offline FPF-DieHard

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A fully automated OoB is entirely feasible with the OCI and an OP+4 based shiplist, but it will be a pile of work and will not be ready for SG6 by any stretch (see the OCI wishlist - nothing infeasible is there).

Keep in mind, SGO is NOT OP+.   Lots of crap has been removed or added/changed. 

But . . . .

This can be cool as hell for SGO7   8)
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline Hexx

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Yeah Cj ships aren't an issue (there's not really that many of them)
although I don't have a few moodules, I've got most of the big stuff.
Really the Fed PF and Gorn and Lyran fleet carrier programs form the biggest block.
And of course the fiddly number of KR ship conversions.

FS has KHK as unique? Strange, for some reason I thought they'd made 2.

Are you including CVD's/CVP's btw?
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Offline Bonk

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A fully automated OoB is entirely feasible with the OCI and an OP+4 based shiplist, but it will be a pile of work and will not be ready for SG6 by any stretch (see the OCI wishlist - nothing infeasible is there).

Keep in mind, SGO is NOT OP+.   Lots of crap has been removed or added/changed. 

That is why I specified OP+4 compatible, any shiplist could used with my planned OoB features as long as it is OP+4 compatible. (i.e. uses the extra four columns added in OP+4 - mainly the ProductionAvailablity column.)

Offline KBFLordKrueg

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A fully automated OoB is entirely feasible with the OCI and an OP+4 based shiplist, but it will be a pile of work and will not be ready for SG6 by any stretch (see the OCI wishlist - nothing infeasible is there).

Keep in mind, SGO is NOT OP+.   Lots of crap has been removed or added/changed. 

That is why I specified OP+4 compatible, any shiplist could used with my planned OoB features as long as it is OP+4 compatible. (i.e. uses the extra four columns added in OP+4 - mainly the ProductionAvailablity column.)

Does this mean that before installing the shpilist for SGO6 we should run the uninstaller for OP+4.0?

Just want to know in case I need to pass that along to my Warriors... ;)
Lord Krueg
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Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Oh...and BTW, since I've looked all over and can't seem to find it...

Do we have a map preview yet?
Or do we just wait for the test server?
Lord Krueg
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Offline Dizzy

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You install over opplus 4.0. SG6 has an uninstaller that puts back everything as b4.

Offline Bonk

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Do we have a map preview yet?,163368352.msg1122724444.html#msg1122724444

And yes the installer wil require that OP+4 is already installed and will install over it, backing up your current files for restoration on uninstall.

If you run multiple OP installs, then please, for the love of god, do it this way:,

Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Do we have a map preview yet?,163368352.msg1122724444.html#msg1122724444

And yes the installer wil require that OP+4 is already installed and will install over it, backing up your current files for restoration on uninstall.

If you run multiple OP installs, then please, for the love of god, do it this way:,

TY, Bonk.
Don't know how I missed that before... :smackhead:
Maybe it was that slow load with all those huge graphics...
And I'm on DSL...I can imagine those poor souls on slower connections have to wait forever to see them.
Lord Krueg
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Offline Brezgonne

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Yeah Cj ships aren't an issue (there's not really that many of them)
although I don't have a few moodules, I've got most of the big stuff.
Really the Fed PF and Gorn and Lyran fleet carrier programs form the biggest block.
And of course the fiddly number of KR ship conversions.

FS has KHK as unique? Strange, for some reason I thought they'd made 2.

Are you including CVD's/CVP's btw?

Yes for both. KH-Ks spcificly replaced DESTROYED DNs and only destroyed DNs. They are semi-unique. Basicly you can build one instead of a DN or to replace a DN but can't build the KH *AND* a DN.

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Right, DH... that and CVA's. Tool's got a point here. Why not say anything with 8+ftrs is a carrier cept those two hydran cruisers? Some HDWV's would get left out tho... Kinda conflicted on what's easiest.

Hydran hybrid ships are normally exempt from any sort of carrier or fighter limit. Dunno what you silly people will have them do but thats what they normally are.

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Re: SG6 Rules Discussion Thread
« Reply #117 on: August 03, 2006, 05:38:15 am »
the fleeting rules have all kinds of silly oddness to me. I haven't played SFC in ages and I'm looking at the rules and you look unusual to say the least.

The no capital ships rule looks to broad. Normal restriction is 1 SC2 unit (DN) and 1 BCH in a fleet. CX can be used for either. So.... why does one person have to quit just because one of the other people on his side has a BC or DN if he has a BC?

X-ships: X-ships operated either in 2-3 ship groups with the main fleet or seperate in their own fleets composed entierly of X-Ships. Why is there a restriction on them doing so here? Seems very silly to me.

You put a limit on the number of fighters in a fleet? With Hydrans in the game? Silly!

FF squadrens reguarly operated together. Why can't they here?

 ::) carriers are missing their balancing escort ships. Normally escorts only appear in two ways. When escorting a carrier and when escorting a convoy. Conversely the carriers cannot be used without their escort ships. This is part of the balncing factors for the defense weapons and the fighters these ships carry. So why not just do the same thing?

Players cannot take a carrier escort ship of any type unless they are directly escorting a valid unit (true carrier or convoy). Fleeting together is under the same retrictinos and if your happy carrier person logs off, you have to dump the escort and get a normal ship. The carrier player cannot have a combat ship in their remaining fleet slots and must fill them out with the requried escorts for the carrier.

You CANNOT pick a escort ship larger than your carrier. Normally only the fleet and heavy carriers (CA sized and larger) have any sort of cruiser escort and since I saw the fleet limit for the other ship is .5 move cost, this mostly would apply to tinky frigate carriers having like a DE for a escort.

The very few and very specific (and usually very small) escort carriers are a exception to this. They normally have no escort at all. The largest CVE is the Kzinti's one based on a CL. The rest are mostly one FF hulls. These do NOT qualify as carrier escorts. They are mostly intended to protect convoys and the like.

Weeeeeeeeeeeeee! Well thats all I have to drop on Dizzy's foot for now, so I'll see what he does.

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Re: SG6 Rules Discussion Thread
« Reply #118 on: August 03, 2006, 09:16:05 am »
Actually, a lot of those rules come from the modified 3 ship fleet PBR rules that were played with fleet deployments.

You can find them in this thread:,163348697.0.html
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Offline Brezgonne

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Re: SG6 Rules Discussion Thread
« Reply #119 on: August 03, 2006, 09:57:11 am »
Don't care where they are from. It's still my view of them  ;D