Topic: SG6 Rules Discussion Thread  (Read 27621 times)

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Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Well, let's try it. Personally I think if we exclude open space people will end up spending 80% of their time in flippers.

Anyway boards are up, Alliance and Coalition. RM's are set for access; I need a signup list before adding anyone else.

Are you the only one who can grant access?
Or can RM and/or SCCs do it also?

And TY, sir.

As far as the other, I don't mind trying anything once...
IMO, I just felt it wouldn't be too popular with the general population.
Lord Krueg
We are the Dead


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I made you the Coalition forum moderator. Unfortunately the way these forums work, only admins can grant access.

If you start a signup thread, I promise I'll stay on top of it and make sure the peeps in the thread get access.

Offline Hexx

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Is there a list of the CJ designs being used and their availability?
IE Lyran CVA/BCV // Fed CS // KCR // CVP's //CVD's
Courageously Protesting "Lyran Pelt Day"

Offline Dizzy

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Is there a list of the CJ designs being used and their availability?
IE Lyran CVA/BCV // Fed CS // KCR // CVP's //CVD's

I'd love there to be. I think Bonk can setup a special shipyard only for admins with one of a kind ships that only they can assign to players. If the player sells it in shipdock it goes back into the special yards onlyu the RM';s can access. So once they are destroyed, they are gone. Be cool to have conjectural ships like these...

But yeah, the question is what ships are conjectural?

Offline KBF-Kapact

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All the rules look okay... the girls look fine  ;D and I'm back online, so I'm looking forward to it.
IKS Ab'Qaff
"Surrender or be des-"

{sound of explosion}

Klingon Black Fleet
"...laughing, undefeated..."

Offline KBFLordKrueg

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I made you the Coalition forum moderator. Unfortunately the way these forums work, only admins can grant access.

If you start a signup thread, I promise I'll stay on top of it and make sure the peeps in the thread get access.

Ty, sir. I shall do so.

Still not real happy with the 7-hex disengagement thing however...
How about we hear from more of the general population on it?
So far T00l and I are the only ones who've posted about it.
RMs we may be...but, with unhappy players we'll be nothing.
Perhaps a Poll?
Fair enough...?

I still would be OK with it regarding planets and possibly bases.
But, I think it's a bit much for ALL hexes.

The maps not THAT big... ;)
Lord Krueg
We are the Dead

Offline Dfly

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I am for the 7 hex rule, provided it is for planets and bases only.  as per any other hex it should be that hex only.  MPO

Offline FPF-Tobin Dax

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planets and bases only....
Suspected leader of Prime Industries, #1 Pirate Cartel

Offline Dizzy

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This thread is more of an in development rules and feedback thread touching off on everything. Not all of the players bother reading it as its geared more toward the RM's. I'd be surprised if many more offer feedback. So you two figure out what that rule is gonna say, its one that wont be good to change after the server starts so we need to get it right. Public awarness and feedback is now on ya'lls shoulders.


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None of us has seen the actual MAP yet, or played on the test server.

I would prefer to shelve this discussion at least until then.

Offline Dizzy

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Is there a list of the CJ designs being used and their availability?
IE Lyran CVA/BCV // Fed CS // KCR // CVP's //CVD's

I'd hate to see 3x CS+'s in a mission together since historically only ONE was made. I'd like a list of conjectural ships, if someone can come up with one. I can then look at if we can have a simple cnc rule like one conjectural design per fleet or something...

Offline Dizzy

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U read the carrier rule wrong.

Here is MY rule: - Only one full or casual carrier is allowed with a wing, but with 2 wingmates, a full or casual carrier may be escorted by a casual carrier. A full carrier has 16+ ftrs and a casual has 8-15. A ship with 7 ftrs or less is treated as a regular line ship.

Here is DH's rule: - Use the ship class of CARRIER to designate a "carrier."  One BCH, DN, CVA, BB (if BBs are in) or CARRIER per fleet.

I havent decided which to use.

Afa all of the ftrs being plasma... well that means you have 1 or 2 shots and you're done. Those ftrs have nothing that can hit far away... and their defensive phaser suck pretty bad and they are SLOW. If you ever get hit by plasma ftrs its cuz ur too slow. I dont think they need a CnC cuz both sides have access to them and they arnt uber.

Ok, here is the carrier rule: One CARRIER per fleet with no more than 32 total fighters per fleet. View the shiplist 'Class Type' column to see what is and is not a carrier.

This decision was not reached easily but appears to present the most balanced solution possible. DH and I tested many variables and that's what we came up with. Hope it suits your fancy.


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View the shiplist 'Class Type' column to see what is and is not a carrier.

Don't you dare do this to the RM's. If you're going to have this rule, put a little v in front of the damn ship name so we can avoid problems please.

Offline Bonk

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I'd like a list of conjectural ships, if someone can come up with one. I can then look at if we can have a simple cnc rule like one conjectural design per fleet or something...

From the F&E rules:

Lyran CVA
Lyran BCV
Gorn CVA
Gorn CVS
Gorn BCV
Fed PFs

Though I know there are a bunch more from the SFB Modules... But I don't have that data anymore.

Offline Bonk

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Ty, sir. I shall do so.

Still not real happy with the 7-hex disengagement thing however...
How about we hear from more of the general population on it?
So far T00l and I are the only ones who've posted about it.
RMs we may be...but, with unhappy players we'll be nothing.
Perhaps a Poll?
Fair enough...?

I still would be OK with it regarding planets and possibly bases.
But, I think it's a bit much for ALL hexes.

The maps not THAT big... ;)

I have spoken on this issue. A 7 hex disengagement rule is insane. A one hex disengagement rule is barely tolerable and only if there  is a disengagement rule free zone somewhere on the map where all players can get to to have some fun battles whenever they like.

Offline Dizzy

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View the shiplist 'Class Type' column to see what is and is not a carrier.

Don't you dare do this to the RM's. If you're going to have this rule, put a little v in front of the damn ship name so we can avoid problems please.

Federation   CL   F-NVL
Federation   CL   F-NVL+
Federation   CL   F-NVS
Federation   CL   F-HDWV
Federation   CA   F-CVF
Federation   CA   F-NCV
Federation   CA   F-CVS
Federation   CA   F-CVS+
Federation   CA   F-CVSR
Federation   CA   F-CVL
Federation   CA   F-CVL+
Federation   CA   F-CVLR
Federation   CL   F-NPF
Federation   CL   F-NHP
Federation   CA   F-CAP
Gorn   FF   G-PFT
Gorn   FF   G-BDP
Gorn   CL   G-HDP
Gorn   CL   G-HBDP
Gorn   CA   G-CMP
Gorn   CA   G-CVT
Gorn   CA   G-CV
Gorn   CA   G-CVS
Gorn   CL   G-CVP
Hydran   FF   H-UH
Hydran   FF   H-UH+
Hydran   CL   H-LNHV1
Hydran   CL   H-LNHV2
Hydran   CL   H-NVL
Hydran   CL   H-NVL+
Hydran   CL   H-COS
Hydran   CL   H-HDWV1
Hydran   CL   H-HDWV2
Hydran   CA   H-MKV
Hydran   CA   H-CAV
Hydran   CA   H-CAV+
ISC   CA   I-BCS (Also a BC)
Klingon   CL   K-D5V
Klingon   CL   K-D5VK
Klingon   CA   K-D6V
Klingon   CA   K-D6VK
Klingon   CA   K-D6VR
Klingon   CA   K-D7V
Klingon   CA   K-D7VK
Klingon   CA   K-DWV
Klingon   CA   K-C7S (Also a BC)
Lyran   FF   L-PFT
Lyran   CL   L-PFW
Lyran   CL   L-PFWP
Lyran   CL   L-JGPP
Lyran   CL   L-HDWP
Lyran   CA   L-NPF
Lyran   CA   L-CV
Lyran   CA   L-CV+p
Lyran   CL   L-CVL
Lyran   CL   L-CVLp
Mirak   CL   Z-MCV
Mirak   CL   Z-MCV+
Mirak   CL   Z-HDWV
Mirak   CL   Z-HDWVm
Mirak   CA   Z-NCV
Mirak   CA   Z-CVL
Mirak   CA   Z-CVL+
Mirak   CA   Z-CVLR
Mirak   CA   Z-CV
Mirak   CA   Z-CVS
Mirak   CA   Z-CVSR
Romulan   FF   R-SKC
Romulan   CL   R-SPE
Romulan   CL   R-SBHP
Romulan   CL   R-KDP
Romulan   CA   R-KRP
Romulan   CA   R-FH-E
Romulan   CA   R-RG-E
Romulan   CL   R-KDV
Romulan   CA   R-K7VR
Romulan   CA   R-KRV
Romulan   CA   R-KRVB
Romulan   CA   R-FH-B
Romulan   CA   R-SUA
Romulan   CA   R-SUK
Romulan   CA   R-RG-B
Romulan   CA   R-RG-E
Romulan   CA   R-KWV

Problem solved

Offline Dizzy

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I have spoken on this issue. A 7 hex disengagement rule is insane. A one hex disengagement rule is barely tolerable and only if there  is a disengagement rule free zone somewhere on the map where all players can get to to have some fun battles whenever they like.

To make sure everyone understands... the hex you either are drafted in or take the mission in and all the adjacent hexes to this are the ones we are discussing. Its either thse 7 total hexes or just one hex. Not 7 hex radius or 7 wide or anything like that. 1 hex plus those adjacent for a total of 7. Chuut misunderstood this. Figured I'd clear it.

Offline FPF-DieHard

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View the shiplist 'Class Type' column to see what is and is not a carrier.

Don't you dare do this to the RM's. If you're going to have this rule, put a little v in front of the damn ship name so we can avoid problems please.

Federation   CL   F-NVL
Federation   CL   F-NVL+
Federation   CL   F-NVS
Federation   CL   F-HDWV
Federation   CA   F-CVF
Federation   CA   F-NCV
Federation   CA   F-CVS
Federation   CA   F-CVS+
Federation   CA   F-CVSR
Federation   CA   F-CVL
Federation   CA   F-CVL+
Federation   CA   F-CVLR
Federation   CL   F-NPF
Federation   CL   F-NHP
Federation   CA   F-CAP
Gorn   FF   G-PFT
Gorn   FF   G-BDP
Gorn   CL   G-HDP
Gorn   CL   G-HBDP
Gorn   CA   G-CMP
Gorn   CA   G-CVT
Gorn   CA   G-CV
Gorn   CA   G-CVS
Gorn   CL   G-CVP
Hydran   FF   H-UH
Hydran   FF   H-UH+
Hydran   CL   H-LNHV1
Hydran   CL   H-LNHV2
Hydran   CL   H-NVL
Hydran   CL   H-NVL+
Hydran   CL   H-COS
Hydran   CL   H-HDWV1
Hydran   CL   H-HDWV2
Hydran   CA   H-MKV
Hydran   CA   H-CAV
Hydran   CA   H-CAV+
ISC   CA   I-BCS (Also a BC)
Klingon   CL   K-D5V
Klingon   CL   K-D5VK
Klingon   CA   K-D6V
Klingon   CA   K-D6VK
Klingon   CA   K-D6VR
Klingon   CA   K-D7V
Klingon   CA   K-D7VK
Klingon   CA   K-DWV
Klingon   CA   K-C7S (Also a BC)
Lyran   FF   L-PFT
Lyran   CL   L-PFW
Lyran   CL   L-PFWP
Lyran   CL   L-JGPP
Lyran   CL   L-HDWP
Lyran   CA   L-NPF
Lyran   CA   L-CV
Lyran   CA   L-CV+p
Lyran   CL   L-CVL
Lyran   CL   L-CVLp
Mirak   CL   Z-MCV
Mirak   CL   Z-MCV+
Mirak   CL   Z-HDWV
Mirak   CL   Z-HDWVm
Mirak   CA   Z-NCV
Mirak   CA   Z-CVL
Mirak   CA   Z-CVL+
Mirak   CA   Z-CVLR
Mirak   CA   Z-CV
Mirak   CA   Z-CVS
Mirak   CA   Z-CVSR
Romulan   FF   R-SKC
Romulan   CL   R-SPE
Romulan   CL   R-SBHP
Romulan   CL   R-KDP
Romulan   CA   R-KRP
Romulan   CA   R-FH-E
Romulan   CA   R-RG-E
Romulan   CL   R-KDV
Romulan   CA   R-K7VR
Romulan   CA   R-KRV
Romulan   CA   R-KRVB
Romulan   CA   R-FH-B
Romulan   CA   R-SUA
Romulan   CA   R-SUK
Romulan   CA   R-RG-B
Romulan   CA   R-RG-E
Romulan   CA   R-KWV

Problem solved

Um, the CVAs count to, right?   I think this is what we came up with when crunching thr numbers but this should be made official
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .


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OK Diz, I'll tell all my players to log out of D2 and check your list before fleeting with anybody.

Offline Dizzy

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Right, DH... that and CVA's. Tool's got a point here. Why not say anything with 8+ftrs is a carrier cept those two hydran cruisers? Some HDWV's would get left out tho... Kinda conflicted on what's easiest.